
4 unusual facts about Sergius IV of Naples


Under Pandulf IV, the principality brought in the aid of the Normans and, for a while had the loyalty of Rainulf Drengot, until the latter abandoned him to aid the deposed Sergius IV of Naples take back his city, annexed by Pandulf in 1027.

Emilia of Gaeta

In 1027, when Duke Sergius IV was forced to flee Naples, Emilia gave him refuge, for John V was his nephew.

In 1014, at the Castro Argento, also on Gaetan soil, Emilia and the Bishop Bernard, her brother-in-law, hosted several local leaders: Daufer of Traetto, Pandulf II of Capua, Sergius IV of Naples, Atenulf of Montecassino, and the archbishop of Capua.

Sergius IV of Naples

By this he acquired a reputation for weakness in the eyes of Prince Pandulf IV of Capua, the Wolf of the Abruzzi, who had been defeated by Pilgrim.

see also