
unusual facts about Sermon

Leopold Zunz

This was Zunz's Gottesdienstliche Vorträge der Juden, i.e. a history of the Sermon.

498 Spanish Martyrs

Cardinal José Saraiva Martins who gave the sermon during the beatification ceremonies, stated that these Martyrs all loved Christ and the Church more than their own life.

Accepted Frewen

In Madrid he preached a sermon that pleased Prince Charles, afterwards Charles I, who, on his accession, appointed him one of his chaplains.

Albert S. Nicholson

This new church building was first occupied for services in March 1873, with Reverend John D. McCarty returning from retirement back East to provide the first sermon in the church.

Andreas Karlstadt

In the Netherlands this is called the "Beeldenstorm" and began with the destruction of the all the images of the Monastery of Saint Lawrence in Steenvoorde after a "Hagenpreek" (field sermon) by Sebastiaan Matte, and the sacking of the Monastery of Saint Anthony after a sermon by Jacob de Buysere.

Baptista Mantuanus

Besides his sermon preached before Innocent VIII, Mantuan’s most notable works in prose include De patientia, a rambling discourse on physical and spiritual illness that includes an early allusion to Columbus’ discovery of America, and De vita beata, a dialogue on the religious life that he wrote soon after entering the Carmelite order.

Benjamin Woodbridge

In 1652 he attempted to refute two ministers of Salisbury, Thomas Warren and William Eyre, in a sermon on Justification by Faith, which was published and commended by Richard Baxter.

Charles Lampkin

The centerpiece of the Charles Lampkin lecture platform was the Black American classic (whose status he helped secure) The Creation from the imaginative sermon series of James Weldon Johnson's God's Trombones.

Christ on the Mount of Olives

Sermon on the Mount, a sermon given by Jesus Christ while on the Mount of Olives

Covenant First Presbyterian Church

Dr Henry van Dyke preached the sermon for the dedication of the sanctuary on April 11, 1875.

David Say

Say's funeral service was celebrated in the nave of Canterbury Cathedral on 27 September 2006 and a public memorial service was held on 2 February 2007 in Rochester Cathedral (with a sermon by the then Bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali).

Edward Crome

Being brought before Bishop Stephen Gardiner and others of the council he was ordered as before to preach in contradiction of what he had said at St Paul's Cross, but his sermon rather hinted that the king's recent abolition of chantries showed that he held the same opinion.

Émile Bernard

Gauguin had brought his new style from Pont-Aven exemplified in Vision of the Sermon, a powerful work of visual symbolism of which he had already sent a sketch to Van Gogh in September.

Esteban de Aguilar y Zúñiga

While very young, at twenty-two, he wrote Corona de predicadores (Crown of preachers), a San Esteban sermon which was later printed (Madrid: Maria de Quinones, 1636).

Forum Popilii

In 1073 during the episcopate of Pietro, Peter Damian went to Forlimpopoli to reform ecclesiastical disciplines, and on this occasion is thought to have delivered a sermon on St. Rufillus, which Vecchiazzani, an historian of this city, claims to have discovered at Rimini in the Library of St. Jerome.

Franz Rosenzweig

Amir, Yehoyada, "Towards mutual Listening: the Notion of Sermon in Franz Rosenzweig's Philosophy", in: Alexander Deeg, Walter Homolka & Heinz–Günter Schöttler (eds.), "Preaching in Judaism and Christianity" (Berlin, 2008), 113–130

Gilbert Austin

In 1794, Austin published A Sermon on a Future State: Combating the Opinion that "Death is Eternal Sleep." American author Edgar Allan Poe (1844) described Austin’s sermon as "nearly, if not quite the best 'Essay on a Future State' " (584).

Godfrey Faussett

In 1830 Faussett attacked Henry Hart Milman's History of the Jews (1829) in a sermon Jewish History Vindicated from the Unscriptural View of it Displayed in the History of the Jews.

Henry Finch

William Laud, in a sermon preached in July 1621, referred to the book, and it was suppressed

Jean-Pons-Guillaume Viennet

Viennet was the son of National Convention-member Jacques Joseph Viennet and nephew of the priest Louis Esprit Viennet who, aged 40, was made curate of the église Saint-Merri in Paris and who in the early phase of the French Revolution in 1790 preached a sermon on the civil constitution of the clergy.

Jehoiada Brewer

A specimen of Brewer's preaching is printed as part of the service at the ordination of Jonathan Evans at Foleshill in 1797, and Brewer's oration at the burial of Samuel Pearce at Birmingham was printed with the sermon of John Ryland on the same occasion in 1799.

John Bale

He obtained the living of Thorndon, Suffolk, but in 1534 was summoned before the Archbishop of York for a sermon against the invocation of saints preached at Doncaster, and afterwards before John Stokesley, Bishop of London, but he escaped through the powerful protection of Thomas Cromwell, whose notice he is said to have attracted by his miracle plays.

John Dunton

He had early success with Thomas Doolittle's The Lord's last-sufferings, the topical Stephen Jay's Daniel in the Den, and a sermon by John Shower.

John Willison

After the ejection of Ebenezer Erskine and his fellow-ministers for opposition to patronage, Willison attacked their exclusion in a sermon to the Synod of Angus and Mearns in 1733 (published as "The Church's Danger").

John Witherston Rickards

Bishop Robert Gray of Cape Town visited St Cyprian's Marylebone on St Cyprian's Day 1870 and it is surmised that his sermon and call for recruits to the church in South Africa had inspired Rickards.

Keeping Mum

While Walter is preparing his sermon for the conference, Grace introduces him to having a sense of humour to his religion and also teaching him that he can still love his wife as well as God by drawing his attention to the erotic references in the Song of Solomon.

Kelvin Felix

On 12 April 2006, Felix was attacked and grabbed on the neck by a man with a knife, as soon as he finished an evening sermon at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Castries.

Kyle Lake

Lake was a big fan of the movies Garden State and Phone Booth, and did an annual sermon series called "God in the Movies." He was also fond of the band Coldplay.

Matrimonial law of Singapore

Upon satisfying all conditions, the Muslim Marriage will take place which consists of the Khutbah or Sermon of Nikah, the Akad or Agreement of both Parties and the thanksgiving.

N. Samuel of Tranquebar

He preached his last sermon on 1 May 1927 in the Lutheran Adikalanathar Church, Purasawalkam, Madras on John 10:11-16.

Octagonal churches in Norway

In the Netherlands the reformed church in Willemstad, North Brabant, Koepelkerk (Domed Church) (1607), the first Protestant church building in the Netherlands, was given an octagonal shape according to Calvinism's focus on the sermon.

Orthodox Presbyterian Church

In 1922, Harry Emerson Fosdick, a prominent modernist Baptist serving as a pastor at First Presbyterian Church in New York City, delivered a sermon entitled "Shall the Fundamentalists Win"?

Philip Stanhope Dodd

The fourth of these, on The Lawfulness of Judicial Oaths and on Perjury, preached at St. Paul's Cathedral 31 May 1807, produced A Reply to so much of a sermon by Philip Dodd as relates to the scruples of the Quakers against all swearing, by Joseph Gurney Bevan.

Placidus Böcken

The sermon appeared also in print, with annotations wherein Böcken characterized as erroneous the contrary opinion of Muratori.

Popular sermon

The popular sermon (sermo modernus "modern sermon" in Latin) was a type of sermon in vernacular, the language of common people, that was commonly delivered by Catholic friars of the Franciscan and Dominican orders in the Middle Ages, on Sundays, Feast Days, and other special dates.

Robert Baillie

, a sermon in which he criticises the rise of the early Baptist churches in England such as those lead by Thomas Lambe; An Historical Vindication of the Government of the Church of Scotland; The Life of William (Laud) now Lord Archbishop of Canterbury Examined (London, 1643); A Parallel of the Liturgy with the Mass Book, the Breviary, the Ceremonial and other Romish Rituals (London, 1661).

Robert Hay Drummond

As royal chaplain he gained the confidence and esteem of George II, whom he attended during the German campaign of 1743, and on 7 July of that year preached the thanksgiving sermon for the victory of Dettingen before the king at Hanau.

Rum-running in Windsor

These figures included Billy Sunday who offered a Booze Sermon in hope of inspiring the "water wagon".

Saint David

It is a seven-movement work best known for the classical crossover series Adiemus, which intersperses movements reflecting the themes of David's last sermon with those drawing from three Psalms.

Sally Maria Diggs

) was an African-American slave girl, also known as "Pinky," whose freedom was famously bought by Henry Ward Beecher in 1860, during a sermon at Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, NY.

St Paul's Cross

The first sermon preached here after Catholic Queen Mary's accession (by Bishop Bourne) provoked a riot - a dagger was thrown at Bourne (but missed him, sticking in one of the side posts) and he had to be rushed to safety in St Paul's School.

The Yellow Wallpaper

Anglican Archbishop Peter Carnley used the story as a reference and a metaphor for the situation of women in the church in his sermon at the ordination of the first women priests in Australia on 7 March 1992 in St George's Cathedral, Perth.

Thích Ca Phật Đài

There is also a garden, with plants and flowers blooming all year round, with props and scenery to re-enact the first sermon at Deer Park in Sarnath, where the Buddha explained the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Noble Path to the first five sangha and arahants: Kaundinya, Assaji, Mahanama, Bhaddiya and Vappa.

Thomas Conecte

He travelled through Cambrai, Tournai, Arras, Flanders, and Picardy, his sermons vehemently denouncing the vices of the clergy and the extravagant dress of the women, especially their lofty head-dresses, or hennins.

Thomas Winniffe

After Prince Henry's death Winniffe became chaplain to Prince Charles, but on 7 April 1622, when the Spaniards were overrunning the Electorate of the Palatinate, he gave offence by a sermon denouncing Gondomar, and comparing Spinola with the devil.

Union Prayer Book

Associate Rabbi Judah Leon Magnes of Manhattan's Congregation Emanu-El delivered a Passover sermon in 1910 in which he advocated changes in the Reform ritual to incorporate elements of traditional Orthodox Judaism, expressing his concern that younger members of the congregation were driven to seek spirituality in other religions that cannot be obtained at Temple Emanu-El.

Vachel Lindsay

The poem was inspired by a sermon preached in October 1913 that detailed the drowning of a missionary in the Congo River; this event had drawn worldwide criticism, as had the colonial exploitation of the Congo under the government of Leopold II of Belgium.


Some of the programing came from out of market religious ministries such as international evangelist Reverend Dr. Jaerock Lee sermon series (this still airs everyday over GCN), Quick Study, Day Of Discovery, and some of the promo programing throughout most of the day for a couple of weeks.

see also