Rykoff-Sexton Inc. was now operating a national foodservice distribution division (d.b.a. "US Foodservice" with the businesses and assets of Sexton Foods, S.E. Rykoff & Co. and US Foodservice), a private label manufacturing division (Sexton Foods ), a foodservice contract and design division (Finegolds), and a foodservice equipment and supply division (S.E. Rykoff & Co.).
Using the IBM System/360 mainframe, Sexton designed a software system to automate inventory records, customer billing and accounts receivable.
Kraft Foods | Whole Foods Market | General Foods | Smithfield Foods | Post Foods | Del Monte Foods | Charlie Sexton | Sexton Blake | Premier Foods | Kosher foods | Mike Sexton | Tyson Foods | Super 1 Foods | Pinnacle Foods | McCain Foods | John Sexton | Eric Sexton | ConAgra Foods | Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern | Beatrice Foods | Associated British Foods | Anne Sexton | Sexton Ming | Sexton Foods | National Foods | Menu Foods | Dietary Foods Ltd | Dean Foods | Brendan Sexton III | West Liberty Foods |