#He should know Pirkei Avos with the commentary of Rabbeinu Yonah (a cousin of Nachmanides) as a basic primer in acceptable character traits (midos).
In his important work on education Zeriah u'Binyan beChinnuch ("Planting and Building in Education") he presents an adaptation and paraphrase of John Dewey’s Democracy and Education(1916), in which Dewey presented the tension of rote learning and a democratic individualism.
Shlomo Yosef Zevin | Shlomo Riskin | Shlomo Pines | Shlomo Lahat | Shlomo Hillel | Shlomo Goren | Shlomo Ben-Ami | Shlomo Avineri | Shlomo Aronson | Shlomo | Shlomo-Yisrael Ben-Meir | Shlomo Moussaieff | Shlomo Mintz | Shlomo Miller | Shlomo Kluger | Shlomo Gronich | Shlomo Gazit | Shlomo Ganzfried | Shlomo Dovrat | Shlomo "Chich" Lahat | Shlomo Artzi | Rabbi Porush' grandson, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach |