Julian Rathbone describes the brutality of both British and Indian forces during the siege of Cawnpore in his novel The Mutiny.
Edward Vibart (1807 - 1857), British Soldier, murdered by Sepoys at Siege of Cawnpore
Siege of Sarajevo | Siege of Yorktown | Siege of Vienna | Siege of Vicksburg | Siege of Sevastopol (1854–1855) | Siege of Petersburg | Siege of Leningrad | Siege of Kut | Siege of San Sebastian | Siege of Corinth | Siege of Sziget | Actes et documents du Saint Siège relatifs à la Seconde Guerre Mondiale | Siege of Sevastopol | Siege of Lucknow | Siege of Louisbourg (1758) | Siege of La Rochelle | Siege of Fort Erie | Siege of Charleston | Siege of Candia | Great Siege of Gibraltar | Siege Perilous | siege of Sarajevo | Siege of Plevna | Siege of Cuddalore | Palace of Justice siege | Onimusha 3: Demon Siege | Waco Siege | Waco siege | Under Siege 2: Dark Territory | The Siege of Rhodes |
The Madras Army participated in the relief of Cawnpore in which Lieutenant-Colonel James George Smith Neill of the Madras Fusiliers indulged in indiscriminate massacre of Indians and was eventually killed.