Sir Hedworth Meux, formerly The Hon Hedworth Lambton, had been involved in the siege of Ladysmith and inherited The Cedars from Valerie, Lady Meux on condition that he change his surname to Meux.
Macdonald was first Australian war correspondent at the South African War; during the war he was besieged at Ladysmith.
Towards the end of the siege, the garrison and townsfolk were living largely on their remaining draught oxen and horses (mainly in the form of "chevril", a meat paste named after the commercial beef extract "Bovril").
While Buller made repeated attempts to fight his way across the Tugela, the defenders of Ladysmith suffered increasingly from shortage of food and other supplies, and from disease, mainly enteric fever or typhoid, which claimed among many others, the life of noted war correspondent G.W. Steevens.
George Warrington Steevens, British author and war correspondent, of enteric fever.
Ladysmith Black Mambazo | Siege of Sarajevo | Siege of Yorktown | Siege of Vienna | Siege of Vicksburg | Siege of Sevastopol (1854–1855) | Siege of Petersburg | Siege of Leningrad | Siege of Kut | Siege of San Sebastian | Siege of Corinth | Ladysmith | Siege of Sziget | Actes et documents du Saint Siège relatifs à la Seconde Guerre Mondiale | Siege of Sevastopol | Siege of Lucknow | Siege of Louisbourg (1758) | Siege of La Rochelle | Siege of Fort Erie | Siege of Charleston | Siege of Candia | Ladysmith, KwaZulu-Natal | Great Siege of Gibraltar | Siege Perilous | siege of Sarajevo | Siege of Plevna | Siege of Cuddalore | Palace of Justice siege | Onimusha 3: Demon Siege | Waco Siege |
He was in the Siege of Ladysmith, and afterwards served as a staff officer in the operations in Northern Natal (including the action at Laing's Nek) and in Eastern Transvaal (including the actions at Belfast and Lydenburg).