
unusual facts about Siege of Veracruz

Lewisberry, Pennsylvania

Over the course of the war, the town became known for producing guns, and the Committee of Safety for York County contracted with area gunsmiths to supply the Continental Army; guns made in Lewisberry were in use by the US Army as late as the Siege of Veracruz during the Mexican–American War of 1846.

John McLeod Murphy

He served during the War with Mexico at Vera Cruz and Tabasco on board the USS Stromboli He resigned as a passed midshipman 10 May 1852 after his last mission as an assistant on John G. Barnard's survey of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.

Newman S. Clarke

He commanded a brigade of regulars in General William J. Worth's division during the siege of Veracruz, being one of the first brigades to wade ashore.

see also