
unusual facts about Siegfried's Dale Farm

Siegfried's Dale Farm

The property remained in the Siegfried family until shortly before it was acquired in 1971 by The Rodale Institute.


It is also revealed during the course of the episode that Tomonari took the name Sieg as a contraction of Siegfried, from the German operatic cycle Der Ring Des Nibelungen, which was written by Wagner.

Bernie Kopell

Kopell made memorable recurring appearances as KAOS agent Siegfried in Get Smart, Alan-a-Dale in When Things Were Rotten, Jerry Bauman in That Girl and Louie Pallucci in The Doris Day Show.

Clifford Truesdell

"Non-linear Field Theories of Mechanics", with Walter Noll, volume III/3 of Handbuch der Physik edited by Siegfried Flügge.

Convoy ON 207

BdU(Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote, Commander of the Submarines) re-organized the boats then in the North Atlantic into patrol line Siegfried to continue the offensive.

Dennis Silk

These formed the basis of a BBC Radio 4 programme on the subject: Siegfried Sassoon: a Friend.

Diethard Hellmann

He collaborated with singers such as Peter Schreier, Aldo Baldin, Ria Bollen, Ursula Buckel, Eva Csapó, Agnes Giebel, Julia Hamari, Ernst Haefliger, Philippe Huttenlocher, Georg Jelden, Helena Jungwirth, Siegfried Lorenz, Adalbert Kraus, Horst Laubenthal, Karl Markus, Barbara Martig-Tüller, Friedreich Melzer, Klaus Mertens, Siegmund Nimsgern, Ernst-Gerold Schramm, Verena Schweizer, Jakob Stämpfli, Ortrun Wenkel, Kurt Widmer and Edith Wiens.

Erhard Weller

Weller was born in Zwickau, Germany in 1926 as Paul Siegfried Erhard Weller and died in Erlangen, Germany.


The organ of the Frauenfriedenskirche was built by the company Siegfried Sauer in Höxter in 1996.

Gröningen Priory

The monastery was founded in 936 from Corvey Abbey, of which it was a priory, on initiative of Saxon Count Siegfried of Merseburg and his second wife Guthia (Jutta) upon the death of King Henry I.

Hans Hotter

In Die Walküre and Siegfried he was recorded in Decca's famous Ring Cycle in the early 1960s, conducted by Georg Solti and produced by John Culshaw.

Heinz Gappmayr

mit Siegfried S. Schmidt, Franzobel: Josef Linschinger. Zyklen / Cycles. Kunstuniversität Linz, Ritter Verlag, Klagenfurt 2003, ISBN 3-85415-247-7.

Henry I, Count of Anhalt

Before his death, Henry divided Anhalt between his sons: Henry inherited Aschersleben, Bernhard received Bernburg, and Siegfried took Zerbst.

Jess Thomas

His recordings include Die Meistersinger (with Claire Watson, 1963), Die Frau ohne Schatten (1963), Siegfried (conducted by Herbert von Karajan, 1968–69), Ariadne auf Naxos (conducted by Karl Böhm, 1969) and, from Bayreuth, Parsifal (with Irene Dalis as Kundry, led by Hans Knappertsbusch, 1962) and Lohengrin (with Anja Silja and Astrid Varnay, 1962).

Larry Siegfried

Boston announcer Johnny Most often noted his tenacious defense, calling 'Ziggy's in his shirt tonight' to describe Siegfried on many nights.

Max Alvary

On November 9, 1887, Alvary appeared as the title character in the United States premiere of Wagner's Siegfried at the Metropolitan Opera in New York.

Mime Glacier

In Der Ring des Nibelungen, Mime is the smith who aids Siegfried to win the ring and is slain by the hero for his treachery.

Opel GT

In the 2008 movie adaptation Get Smart, Bernie Kopell (who played Siegfried in the original Get Smart series) makes a cameo appearance in which he drives a GT.

Set Svanholm

His first Wagnerian tenor roles (Lohengrin and Siegfried) followed in 1937, along with Lemminkäinen in the premiere of Lars-Erik Larsson's The Princess of Cyprus the same year.


Siegfried Wagner (1869-1930), German composer, conductor, and opera director, the son of Richard Wagner

Sigfrid of Sweden (died 1045), English missionary to Sweden and patron saint of Växjö

Siegfried Deutschmann

Siegfried Deutschmann (28 December 1912 – 15 September 1986) was a highly decorated Fahnenjunker-Oberfeldwebel in the Wehrmacht during World War II.

Siegfried Gottwald

Siegfried Johannes Gottwald (born 30 March 1943 in Limbach, Saxony) is a German mathematician, logician and historian of science.

Siegfried I, Count of Sponheim

In 1048 he documents as Gaugraf in the Pustertal and Count in the Lavanttal, Siegfried must therefore have already succeeded to his father-in-law Engelbert IV as heir to this territory by then.

Siegfried Jost Casper

Siegfried Jost Casper (born 1929) is a German biologist whose primary research is in limnology and the plant genus Pinguicula (the butterworts).

Siegfried Karfunkelstein

Siegfried Karfunkelstein was a German soldier; born at Beuthen, Silesia, 21 February 1848; died on the field of battle at Le Bourget 30 October, 1870.

Siegfried Lipiner

Siegfried Salomo Lipiner (24 October 1856 – 30 December 1911) was an Austrian writer and poet whose works made an impression on Richard Wagner and Friedrich Nietzsche, but who published nothing after 1880 and lived out his life as Librarian of Parliament in Vienna.

Siegfried of Isenburg-Kempenich

Siegfried of Isenburg-Kempenich was the Lord of Isenburg-Kempenich from 1142 until circa 1153.

Siegfried Rauch

Siegfried Rauch, also known as “Sigi“, currently lives near Weilheim in the Bavarian Alps.

Siegfried Reiprich

Hildigund Neubert: Siegfried Reiprich, in: Veen, Hans-Joachim/Knabe, Hubertus/Neubert, Ehrhart/Wilke, Manfred u.a. (Hrsg.): Lexikon Opposition und Widerstand in der SED-Diktatur, Propyläen Verlag, Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-549-07125-6, S. 296.

Siegfried Schenke

Siegfried Schenke (born 6 May 1943 in Sitzendorf) is a former sprinter who specialized in the 200 metres event.

Siegfried Scherer

Siegfried Scherer (7 April 1955, Oberndorf am Neckar) is a German biologist, since 1991 Professor for Microbiology at the Technical University of Munich, Weihenstephan, where he is Managing Director of the Nutrition and Food Research Center ZIEL.

Siegfried Schnabl

Siegfried Schnabl (born 27 February 1927 in Limbach, Sachsen) is a German sexologist and psychotherapist who contributed to the work of sex education in East Germany and other nations.

Siegfried, Prince-Archbishop of Bremen

In his new position of Duke of Saxony he held the Land of Hadeln around Otterndorf, south of the river Elbe right opposite of Ditmarsh on the north bank.

Siegfried continued and promoted the interior colonisation by settling wasteland and draining and diking marshes, as in Oberneuland (1181; a part of today's Bremen), Stuhr (1183), Osten and the marshes along the river Oste.

He participated in the foundations of the monastery in Osterholz (1182) and Heiligenrode (1180/1183; a part of today's Stuhr).

Sigfrid of Sweden

Saint Sigfrid (Sigfried, Siegfrid, Siegfried, Sigfridus, Sigurd) (Glastonbury, England,  – Växjö, 1045) was a Benedictine monk and bishop in Sweden; he converted king Olof Skötkonung in 1008.

Sigi Schwab

Sig(g)i Schwab, real name Siegfried,(* August 5. 1940 ) in Ludwigshafen is an outstanding German guitar player and teacher, having performed on more than 15000 recordings for film, television, and as an accompanist to various artists.


The illustrator Arthur Rackham drew 70 vibrant renderings of the story for the book Siegfried & The Twilight of the Gods, translated by Margaret Armour (1910).

Fritz Lang and his then-wife Thea von Harbou adapted the story of Sigurd (called Siegfried) for the first part of their 1924 pair of silent films Die Nibelungen.

Simon Ball

His repertoire includes Prince in The Sleeping Beauty, the slave in Le Corsaire, Oberon in A Midsummer Night's Dream, the prince in Cinderella, Albrecht in Giselle, Romeo in Romeo and Juliet, Basilio in Don Quixote, Siegfried in Swan Lake, Colas in La Fille mal gardée, Vershinin in Winter Dreams, and Ivan in The Firebird.

Soulcalibur Legends

Later, Siegfried is tasked by the Masked Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire to find the remaining pieces of Soul Edge in order to use it to win the war against Barbaros of the Ottoman Empire.

Stephan I, Count of Sponheim

Donald C. Jackman considers Stephan I a son of Siegfried I. Both Jackman and Josef Heinzelmann consider Stephan as being identical to Stephan, Vogt of Worms documented with his brother Markward in 1068.

Suzanne Adams

Her roles at the Met included Juliette, Marguerite, Marguerite de Valois from Les Huguenots, Micaela from Carmen, Cherubino from Le nozze di Figaro, Donna Elvira from Don Giovanni, Philine from Mignon, Berthe from Le prophète, the Forest Bird from Siegfried, Nedda from Pagliacci, Gilda from Rigoletto, Infanta from Le Cid, Inès from L'Africaine, and Mimì from La bohème among others.

The Siegfried Group

The Siegfried Group’s business model evolved when in 1995 it assisted DuPont in staffing the financial carve-out of a textile and fibers business entity that the chemical company had sold.

Thietmar of Merseburg

Thietmar was a son of Siegfried the Elder, count of Walbeck (d. 15 March 991), and was related to the family of the emperor Otto the Great, and Kunigunde (ca. 956–13 July 997), daughter Henry I the Bald, Count of Stade (House of Udonids).


In the document containing the first documentary mention, Justina, the knight Siegfried’s noble wife, bequeathed three estates at Uersfeld, Wollmerath and Princka, which she had inherited from her rich father Alberto, to Springiersbach Abbey, receiving in consideration thereof eight Fuder of wine each year (a Fuder was somewhere between 800 and 1 000 L).

see also