
4 unusual facts about Sigeberht the Good

Chapel of St Peter-on-the-Wall

Cedd travelled south from Lindisfarne to spread Christianity at the behest of Sigeberht the Good, then King of the East Saxons, in 653 and returned the next year having been ordained as a Bishop in order to build this Chapel and probably others too.

Sigeberht the Good

With Oswiu's expulsion, the Bernician grip on East Saxon affairs seems to have slipped away and so when Sigeberht's successor, Swithhelm, son of Seaxbald, needed a candidate to stand sponsor at his baptism, he turned to the king of the East Anglians.

In a comparative analysis of the material, Barbara Yorke suggests that Sigeberht may perhaps have been the son of Sæward and father of Sigehere.

Sigeberht the Little

After his death, he was succeeded by his relative Sigeberht the Good.

see also