
unusual facts about Slaves' Graves and Ballads

New Attitude EP

It is a combination of rock songs, orchestral songs like those on Slaves' Graves and Ballads, and one live song recorded in 2006.

A21 Campaign

"Twenty Seven Million" was released on February 27 of 2012 in recognition of the estimated 27 million world-wide slaves.

Abel I. Smith Burial Ground

In 1820, Smith manumitted his slaves, but Jack refused the freedom he was offered and remained on the family estate until his death.


Soon after this the Greeks left the town under the command of the adventurer Coeratades, and Anaxibius issued a proclamation, subsequently acted on by the harmost Aristarchus, that all of Cyrus's soldiers found in Byzantium should be sold as slaves.


Columbus reached the island in 1492 (slaves imported from Africa arrived from 1503 onwards—many natives were also soon enslaved), and within a few decades the Spanish controlled most of the island.

Aretas William Young

In 1826, Young was made protector of slaves in Demerara and in 1831 was nominated to become Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island off Canada following the sudden death of Sir Murray Maxwell, who briefly held the role.

Benedict of Farfa

They ceded all their wealth to the abbey save their lands in Fermo, a few movables and their slaves.

Cambridgeshire Archives and Local Studies

records of Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire families involved in slavery and abolitionism, including lists of individual slaves and plans of a slave hospital in the West Indies dating from 1791

Colonial Venezuela

In the 18th century a second Venezuelan society formed along the coast with the establishment of cocoa plantations manned by much larger importations of African slaves.

Domestic terrorism in the United States

During reconstruction at the end of the civil war the original KKK used domestic terroristic methods against the Federal Government and freed slaves.

Douglas A. Blackmon

He revealed the stories of tens of thousands of slaves and their descendants who journeyed into freedom after the Emancipation Proclamation and then back into the shadow of involuntary servitude, which lasted into the 20th century.

Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library

and the lives of saints to the deeds of heroes, and genres as diverse as travelogues, scientific treatises, and epic and lyric poetry, this new series brings the medieval world populated by holy men and sinners, monsters and angels, kings and slaves, knights and poets, to a new generation of readers.

Forks of Cypress

Additionally, some of writer Alex Haley's ancestors were slaves on this plantation, which provides a setting for much of his book, Queen: The Story of an American Family.

Fort Magruder

Soldiers and impressed slaves constructed the line to the east of Williamsburg as recommended by Captain Alfred L. Rives, an 1848 civil engineering graduate of Virginia Military Institute (VMI) who was acting chief of the Engineer Bureau at Confederate headquarters in Richmond.

Frances Dana Barker Gage

Parris Island, South Carolina, a refuge for over 500 freed slaves.

Green Arrow: Year One

He then freed the slaves by taking down China White's organization armed only with Howard Hill's bow (which the earlier party had an auction for) and a dozen arrows.

Guido Verbeck

However, in Arkansas he was deeply moved by the lives of slaves in the southern plantations, and the teachings of H.W. Beecher, a preacher whose sister was Harriet Beecher Stowe, writer of Uncle Tom's Cabin.

History of Darfur

This area known as the Bahr el Ghazal had long been the source of the goods that Darfur would trade to Egypt and North Africa, especially slaves and ivory.

History of Kinshasa

Vegetables of the Americas were also introduced to the interior of the continent through trade; slaves (most often the losers in various conflicts) were travelling to Loango, the mouth of the river and south of the Kongo Kingdom.

History of slavery in Louisiana

At the end of the trial 23 slaves were hanged, 31 slaves received a sentence of flogging and hard labour and the three white men were deported, with two being sentenced to six years forced labour in Havana.


During this period of time, Andalusian Spaniards, African slaves and indigenous people populated the region.


In 1946, a series of mass desertions of Tuareg slaves and bonded communities began in Nioro and later in Menaka, quickly spreading along the Niger River valley.

Je chante avec toi Liberté

The melody is from "Va, pensiero" (Italian: va penˈsjɛro) also known in English as the "Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves" from the opera Nabucco (1842) by Giuseppe Verdi.

Jeremiah Thompson

Jeremiah Thompson (1784-1835) was a New York merchant, ship owner, Quaker, officer in the New York Manumission Society (dedicated to freeing slaves), and co-founder (together with five other men, four of whom were also Quakers) including Isaac Wright in 1817 of the famous Black Ball Line (trans-Atlantic packet).


On June 18, 1865, Union General Gordon Granger and 2,000 federal troops arrived on the island of Galveston, Texas, to take possession of the state and enforce the emancipation of its slaves.

Kano Emirate

Heinrich Barth, a classical scholar who spent several years in northern Nigeria in the 1850s, estimated the percentage of slaves in Kano to be at least 50%, most of whom lived in slave villages.


KIO slaves are programs that provide support for individual protocols (e.g. HTTP, FTP, SMB, SSH, FISH, SFTP, SVN, TAR).


Apicius documents it as a spicy, smoked beef or pork sausage originally from Lucania; according to Cicero and Martial, it was brought by Roman troops or slaves from Lucania.

Man in the Hills

In Jamaican history, the roots of radical protest, a national identity and the Rastafari movement, grew from communities formed by escaped slaves in the hills and (after emancipation in 1838) the so-called "Free Villages".

Manuel Saumell

A workforce of black slaves sets up the machinery of one of El Cerro's first sugar mills.

Montauk Point State Park

John Quincy Adams successfully argued that the slaves had been kidnapped and they were permitted to return to Africa.

North Bethesda, Maryland

One of the Rileys' slaves, Josiah Henson, is thought by historians to be the inspiration for Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Origin of the Serbs

Howorth, Henry Hoyle, The Spread of the Slaves, The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, vol.

Pitts' Folly

The 1860 United States Census of Perry County indicates that Phillip Henry Pitts owned 75 slaves in that year, though his children are individually listed as owning an additional 68 slaves.

Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana

Gwendolyn Midlo Hall, historian, did extensive research over years in the courthouse, discovering important documentation of the slave trade that provided new understanding of African-American history in Louisiana, including the ethnic origin of many slaves in specific African cultures

Robert Carl-Heinz Shell

He argues that Christianity's change of heart only applied to baptized slaves, and the issue of whether slaves should be baptized was very contentious as late as 1618 when it was raised at the Synod of Dort, the last meeting of Protestant theologians from Great Britain and the Continent.

Roswell King

Roswell King, Sr. had conflicts with Major Pierce Butler when he managed his island plantations in Georgia, because Butler took a more moderate approach to the treatment of slaves than King did.

Saidiya Hartman

Hartman, who centers much of her interrogation of slavery's archive on Elmina Castle, inserts her own voice as one way to counter the silences surrounding forgotten slaves.

Saving Lincoln

Creed Bratton as Senator Charles Sumner, who was vehemently against slavery and often tried to convince Lincoln to immediately free the slaves

Slavery in Niger

The government initially co-sponsored a prominent event in which Arissal Ag Amdagu, a Tuareg chief in Inates, Tillabéri Department would free 7,000 of his slaves.

Spiritual Baptist

After the end of the war, these ex-slaves were settled in Trinidad, to the east of the Mission of Savannah Grande (now known as Princes Town) in six villages, since then called The Company Villages.

St Peter Claver College

It was founded in 1976, on the traditional lands of the Ugarapul clan of the Yuggera Nation, and was named in honour of St Peter Claver, the Spanish Jesuit priest and Patron Saint of the slaves.

The Amazing Grace

The film, occasionally narrated by Joke Silva, tells the reformation story of British slave trader John Newton (Nick Moran), sailing to what is now Nigeria to buy slaves but, increasingly shocked by the brutality of slavery, later gave up the trade and became an Anglican priest.

The Kingdom of this World

Bouckman: Bouckman is of Jamaican origin and leads the secret gathering of trusted slaves, where he speaks of French requests for freedom for black slaves, but also of the resistance displayed by plantation landowners.

The Real Glory

In 1906, Alipang (Tetsu Komai) and his Muslim Moro guerrillas are terrorizing the people of the Philippine island of Mindanao, raiding villages, killing the men, and carrying off the women and children for slaves.

Toro Mata

Toro Mata is a type of Peruvian music initially developed by black slaves in Cañete and Chincha.

Treatment of slaves in the United States

Historian Charles Johnson writes that such laws were not only motivated by compassion, but also by the desire to pacify slaves and prevent future revolts.

Wade Hampton II

He had several plantations in Issaquena County, Mississippi, where he held a total of 335 slaves by 1860, as well as properties in South Carolina and his summer home in the western mountains of North Carolina.

War of the Castilian Succession

Later on, the control of commerce with the territories of Guinea and Elmina, rich in gold and slaves, grew to a dispute of even greater importance.

William S. McFeely

His dissertation, later the book Yankee Stepfather, explored the ill-fated Freedmen's Bureau which was created to help ex-slaves after the Civil War.

see also