Slobodan Milošević (1941–2006), the former president of Serbia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
The album was intended to be released for the 10th anniversary of the Radio B92, however, before the album release, the station was taken over by the current regime of Slobodan Milošević.
The Kosovo War, which Prime Minister Tony Blair had advocated on moral grounds, was initially a failure when it relied soly on air strikes; he believed that the threat of a ground offensive, which Bill Clinton had initially ruled out, was necessary to convince Serbia's Slobodan Milošević to withdraw.
In December 1996, XS4ALL put the Belgrade radio station B92 online using streaming audio technology in response to the jamming of its broadcasts by the regime of Slobodan Milošević.
Slobodan Milošević | Slobodan Milosevic | Slobodan Šijan | Slobodan Pajic | Slobodan Peladić | Slobodan Medojević | Trial of Slobodan Milošević | trial of Slobodan Milošević | Slobodan Soro | Slobodan Samardžić | Slobodan Praljak | Slobodan Pejić | Slobodan "Loka" Nešović | Slobodan Kačar | Slobodan Janković (footballer born 1986) | Slobodan Janjić |
According to Marko Attila Hoare, a former employee at the ICTY, an investigative team worked on indictments of persons whom they labelled a ‘joint criminal enterprise’, including Slobodan Milošević, Veljko Kadijević, Blagoje Adžić, Borisav Jović, Branko Kostić, Momir Bulatović and others.
Its founding members, Slobodan Đinović and Srđa Popović, were leaders of the Serbian youth resistance movement Otpor! (Serbian for Resistance!), which played an instrumental role in deposing Slobodan Milošević in 2000.
Dragisa Pavlovic ( 5 October 1943 - Belgrade, 9 September 1996 ) was a Serbian and Yugoslav communist politician, known primarily as one of the top figures who publicly opposed Slobodan Milosevic and tried to prevent his rise to power.
From 1989 to 1991 he was director of Radio Television Belgrade (RTB, later renamed Radio Television of Serbia in 1992), Serbia's public broadcaster, during the breakup of Yugoslavia and the ascent to power of Slobodan Milošević.
In addition, unlike the other successor states of the former Yugoslavia, Slovenia did not normalize relations with the "Federal Republic of Yugoslavia" (Serbia and Montenegro) until after the passing from power of Slobodan Milošević; although the Slovenes did open a representative office in Podgorica to work with Montenegrin President Milo Đukanović's government.
He was listed sixth, between Slobodan Milosevic and Alberto Fujimori, and was said to have amassed between $300 million to $800 million.
In September 1997 in the final phase of the rule of Yugoslav president Slobodan Milošević Hoppe has been OSCE-election observer during the parliamentary elections in Serbia.
On 3 April 1990 he and a number of other ethnic Albanian members of the Provincial Executive Council, including one of the two vice-premiers, offered their resignations, in protest at Slobodan Milošević’s measures in the region, and the handling of the separatist unrest by the local Communist Party of Kosovo.
In April 1987 it became the scene of a famous incident when Slobodan Milošević–at the time chairman of the League of Communists of Serbia–was sent to Kosovo Polje's Hall of Culture (town hall) to calm a crowd of angry Serbs protesting at what they saw as anti-Serb discrimination by the Albanian-dominated Kosovo administration.
The memo was denounced by the League of Communists of Yugoslavia, including future president of Serbia, Slobodan Milošević, who publicly called the memo "nothing else but the darkest nationalism", and future president of the Republika Srpska entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Radovan Karadžić, who stated "Bolshevism is bad, but nationalism is even worse".
Following the orders of Slobodan Milošević in 1996, the police stormed the Studio B, dismissed the entire news staff, fired the management and turned the then private firm NTV Studio B into a government firm, which Studio B remains even today (the district court still handles the process of returning the company to its prior owners).
Although the album was recorded by the members of Đorđević's band Riblja Čorba, Đorđević decided to release the album in his own name, as the album criticizes the regime of the former president of FR Yugoslavia Slobodan Milošević and his wife Mirjana Marković.
Although most postal regulations permit the exclusion of "objectionable" pictures on the stamps, in 2004 The Smoking Gun managed to create personalised stamps featuring the Rosenbergs, Jimmy Hoffa, Ted Kaczynski, Monica Lewinsky's dress, Slobodan Milošević and Nicolae Ceauşescu using the service offered by
When NATO initiated Operation NOBLE ANVIL air operations directed at Serbian targets to prevent genocide against Kosovo Moslems, it became immediately apparent that the coalition's message was not reaching audiences in the region that were being bombarded by Slobodan Milosevic's information ministry's propaganda.
In 1988, Morina was installed as leader of the Kosovan wing of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia, due to the "anti-bureaucratic revolution", Milošević-orchestrated removal of Azem Vllasi and Kaqusha Jashari from the Kosovan party leadership, as he was one of very few non-Slavic opponents of tendencies of Kosovan separatism.
In more recent years the Workers World Party has been controversial for its support of many things that other communist parties of similar political roots very strongly oppose: These include the regimes of Slobodan Milosevic, Saddam Hussein, and Kim Jong-il; also, the WWP supported the Chinese crackdown on the “counter-revolutionary rebellion” in Tiananmen Square.
“This daily supported Đukanović’s government war with Slobodan Milošević, but after the Belgrade Agreement was signed in March 2002, started to be more critical towards the government in Podgorica, since the Agreement postponed the referendum on Montenegrin independence.