
5 unusual facts about Social Security number


Check digits and parity bits are special cases of checksums, appropriate for small blocks of data (such as Social Security numbers, bank account numbers, computer words, single bytes, etc.

Electronic Benefit Transfer

Many states stagger the issuing of benefits to EBT SNAP accounts, with the particular day of the month determined for each recipient based on the case number, Social Security number, or date of birth.

En Iniya Iyanthira

People are identified only with their social security numbers and all the details are fed and controlled by Master Computer at Capital City.

Social Security number

More recently, Todd Davis distributed his SSN in advertisements for his company's LifeLock identity theft protection service.

Steen Fenrich

The remains were identified as those of Steen Fenrich by his Social Security number, which had been written on the skull, along with racial and homophobic slurs.


LifeLock's CEO Todd Davis publicly posted his Social Security number on billboards and in TV commercials as part of a campaign to promote the company's identity theft protection services.

see also

Kim Larsen

The same opposition is also shown by the album 231045-0637 - the title is Kim Larsens social security number which is strictly personal.

William J. McCorkle

William and Chantal McCorkle were charged in a multi-count indictment with conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud, laundering money, using fraudulently obtained credit cards, and using a false Social Security number.