
2 unusual facts about Social learning

Social learning

Observational learning (psychology), learning that occurs as a function of observing, retaining and replicating behavior observed in ones environment or other people.

Social learning theory (criminology), a theory of crime that asserts that humans learn deviant behavior from their peers.

Isaac Mao

He is also known for co-founding CNBlogs.org, doing research in social learning and for developing the philosophy of Sharism.

see also

Animal models of autism

In 2012, a researcher from the University of Nebraska at Kearney published a study reviewing research that had been done using the songbird as a model for autism spectrum disorders, noting that the neurobiology of vocalization is similar between humans and songbirds, and that, in both species, social learning plays a central role in the development of the ability to vocalize.

Preetha Ram

These innovations led to the Open Social Learning framework, created in collaboration with Ashwin Ram and Chris Sprague, which allows open education to be scaled to millions by enabling students to teach each other using social web technologies.

Social learning theory

Within this context, Albert Bandura studied learning processes that occurred in interpersonal contexts and were not adequately explained by theories of operant conditioning or existing models of social learning, such as the work of Julian Rotter.