
3 unusual facts about Socialist Party

Azores regional election, 1996

The winner of the election was the Socialist Party which, for the first time received a plurality of the public vote, although they obtained a comparable number of representatives in the Regional Assembly.

Benjamin Schlesinger

Benjamin Schlesinger was, at various times, a member of the Workmen's Circle, Forward Association, Socialist Labor Party and Socialist Party.

Partido Socialista

Partido Socialista is Spanish and Portuguese for "Socialist Party".

Adelino da Palma Carlos

As an independent, he chose cabinet members from widely divergent political parties and positions, including members of the then center-left Popular Democratic Party, the Socialist Party and even the Portuguese Communist Party and the Armed Forces Movement (MFA) officers.

Aníbal Pérez

In 1980, Pérez was appointed Regional Secretary of the Socialist Party in Colchagua and Cardenal Caro, an office he would hold until 1987.

Audrey Pulvar

Then until November 2012, her partner was the French politician Arnaud Montebourg, former deputy chief secretary of the French Socialist Party, and after May 2012, Minister of Industrial Renewal in the Ayrault government.

Average worker's wage

Examples of people taking only an average worker's wage are Socialist Party politician Joe Higgins, former MP Dave Nellist in the UK, John Marek, Forward Wales' Welsh Assembly member for Wrexham, and Sinn Féin politicians in Ireland.

Azem Hajdari

On September 18, 1997, Hajdari was involved in a fight with Gafur Mazreku, a Member of Parliament of the Prime Minister Fatos Nano's governing Socialist Party, in a dispute over a rise in the rate of added value tax.

Brigitte Le Brethon

She was Caen's first woman mayor and was defeated in March 2008 by Philippe Duron, a member of the Socialist Party.

British Left

Other groups include the Socialist Workers Party, Workers' Revolutionary Party, the Alliance for Workers' Liberty, Socialist Party and Socialist Appeal.

California gubernatorial election, 1934

Held in the midst of the Great Depression, the 1934 election was amongst the most controversial in the state's political history, putting conservative Republican Frank Merriam against former Socialist Party member turned Democrat Upton Sinclair, author of The Jungle.

Communist party

New names in the post-war era included 'Socialist Party', 'Socialist Unity Party', 'Popular Party', 'Workers' Party' and 'Party of Labour'.

Daniel Delaveau

In September 2007, he was designated by his party to lead the left-wing list (Socialist Party, PCF, PRG, UDB) in the March 2008 Rennes municipal election.

Democratic Alignment

It was established in order to participate in the 1950 elections and was formed by the Socialist Party led by Alexandros Svolos and the Left Liberals led by Stamatis Hatzibeis.

Donaueschingen Festival

Instead of the original chamber music series, the National-Socialist party organized its own concerts from 1933 to 1935, called 'Donaueschingen Musical Celebration' or 'Old and new chamber-music from the Swabian-Alemannic region'.


The parliamentarians chose as their best politician the Socialist Party leader Jan Marijnissen, followed by CDA leader (and Prime Minister at the time) Jan Peter Balkenende, followed by Wouter Bos (leader of the PvdA).

Epinay Congress

The Epinay Congress was the third national congress of the French Socialist Party (Parti socialiste or PS), which took place on 11, 12 and 13 June 1971, in the town of Épinay-sur-Seine, in the northern suburbs of Paris.

Fatos Lubonja

He is an outspoken critic of the Albanian socio-political factors, i.e. right-wing leader Sali Berisha, Socialist Party leader Edvin Kristaq Rama, former KLA leader Ramush Haradinaj, Red and Black Alliance, and poet and novelist Ismail Kadare.

Gironde's 8th constituency

It was initially represented in the XIIIth legislature by Marie-Hélène des Esgaulx, of the Union for a Popular Movement, but was won by François Deluga of the Socialist Party in a byelection after des Esgaulx was elected to the Senate in 2008.

Harry W. Laidler

He is best remembered as Executive Director of the League for Industrial Democracy, successor to the Intercollegiate Socialist Society, and for his close political association with perennial Socialist Party Presidential nominee Norman Thomas.

Hervé Morin

After the UDF's candidate for the 2007 presidential election, François Bayrou, didn't make it to the 2nd round, he hinted that he attempted to create an alliance with the Socialist Party and decided to found a new political party: the Democratic Movement (or MoDem).

Italian Democratic Socialists

The SDI was founded in 1998 by the merger of the Italian Socialists (Enrico Boselli, Roberto Villetti and Ottaviano Del Turco), the Italian Democratic Socialist Party (Gian Franco Schietroma and Giorgio Carta), a portion of the Labour Federation, a portion of the Socialist Party (Ugo Intini) and the Socialist League (Claudio Martelli and Bobo Craxi).

Jacques Wallage

During this time, he dissuaded the PvdA leader at that time, Wim Kok, from engaging in debates with Socialist Party leader Jan Marijnissen.

Jean Poperen

The UGCS participated in the Federation of the Democratic and Socialist Left and joined the new Socialist Party at the party's second national congress.

Jean-Paul Denanot

Jean-Paul Denanot, born 24 April 1944, is a French politician, a member of the Socialist Party.

Labor Research Association

The Labor Research Association (LRA) was established late in 1927 by International Publishers president Alexander Trachtenberg and several individuals formerly associated with the Socialist Party's Rand School of Social Science, including Scott Nearing, Solon DeLeon, and Robert W. Dunn, as well as the prominent radical intellectuals Anna Rochester and Grace Hutchins.

New Italian Socialist Party

In October, after a consensual separation between the two groups and the foundation of the Socialist Party by Boselli, De Michelis, Craxi, Turci and splinters from Democratic Left (including Gavino Angius and Valdo Spini), the group of De Michelis changed name into Socialist Party (coherently with name of the future party), while the group of Caldoro retained the party's name and decided to change the symbol.

Paddy Webb

He then played a major role in the 1913 "Unity Conference", in which the Socialist Party and the more moderate United Labour Party merged to form the Social Democratic Party.

Phyllis Jacobson

Born into a New York Jewish working-class family, she joined the Young People's Socialist League (YPSL) affiliated with the Socialist Party as a teenager in the 1930s, where she met Julius Jacobson.


According to Ozon, the genesis of the film version was, partly, that he had been approached by the producers Éric and Nicolas Altmayer and asked to make a biographical film about Nicolas Sarkozy, and, partly, his experiences from the 2007 presidential campaign, where he followed the Socialist Party's candidate Ségolène Royal.

Prime Minister of France

For example, right after the legislative election of 1986, President François Mitterrand appointed Jacques Chirac as prime minister, Chirac was a member of the RPR and a political opponent of Mitterrand's, and despite the fact the Mitterrand's own Socialist Party was still the largest party in the Assembly, the RPR had an ally in the UDF, which gave them a majority.

Qafa e Vishës bus accident

Socialist Party leader Edi Rama visited the hospital and donated blood for the injured, as well as expressing his deep regret for the lost lives and declaring that all Socialist controlled municipalities in southern Albania, Vlora, Orikum and Himarë were moving to help ease the situation.

Radical Party of the Left

At the beginning of the 1990s, under the leadership of the popular businessman Bernard Tapie, the party benefited from an ephemeral upswing in its popularity while the governing Socialist Party was in disarray.

Rexhep Meidani

After the elections, won by the left coalition and headed by the Socialist Party, on July 24, 1997, with the proposal of the SP, the Albanian Assembly elected Meidani the President of Albania.

Socialist Students

Socialist Students was established in the late 1990s by members of the Socialist Party (SP) who had built support for the Save Free Education Campaign amongst students in the battle over the introduction of fees when the Labour Party under Tony Blair was elected in 1997.

Stanford Andress

In particular, the Socialist Workers Party, Socialist Equality Party, Socialist Party, as well as the combined two competing tickets of the Prohibition Party all received a smaller number of votes.

Tajikistani presidential election, 2006

Abduhalim Ghafforov — registered as representing the Socialist Party, although this is not the original Socialist Party — that party has been denied registration.

Unidad Popular

Succeeding to the FRAP left-wing coalition, it originally comprised most of the Chilean Left: the Socialist Party, the Communist Party, the Radical Party, the Social Democratic Party (Chile), and MAPU (Movimiento de Acción Popular Unitario).

Yvan Mayeur

Yvan Mayeur (born 24 January 1960 in Etterbeek) is a Belgian politician, member of the Socialist Party and mayor of Brussels since 2013.

see also

Albert Bourderon

The conference at Zimmerwald in Switzerland was held from 5-8 September 1915, organized by the Italian socialist party, which was opposed to the war.

Alberta general election, 1913

The Socialist Party vote would collapse and lose their only seat as Charles M. O'Brien went down to defeat at the hands of a Conservative.

Andrew Biemiller

In 1944 he was elected as a Democrat (Biemiller had abandoned both the Socialist Party and the Progressives by then) to the 79th Congress from the Milwaukee-based Wisconsin's 5th congressional districtRepublican incumbent Lewis D. Thill, with 88,606 votes to Thill's 78,834, Socialist former Assemblyman Edwin Knappe's 4,758, and 2,103 for Independent Progressive Irwin Aaron.

Augustin Malroux

Louis Mexandeau, Histoire du Parti socialiste (1905-2005) (History of the Socialist Party (1905-2005)), Tallandier, 2005

Bosnia and Herzegovina general election, 2010

Our Party (NS) - Election campaign of the coalition of the Our Party nad New Socialist Party - Zdravko Kršmanović started on 3 September by laying a wreath at the memorial area of Donja Gradina, at the Jasenovac concentration camp.

Bread and Freedom Party

The Bread and Freedom Party (Eish we Horria) is a socialist party in Egypt created by former members of the Socialist Popular Alliance Party.

Bulgarian Socialist Party

The Bulgarian Socialist Party is recognised as the successor of the Bulgarian Social Democratic Workers' Party created on 2 August 1891 on Buzludzha peak by Dimitar Blagoev, designated in 1903 as the Bulgarian Social Democratic Workers' Party (Narrow Socialists) and later as the Bulgarian Communist Party.

Charter of Quaregnon

Out of several ideas Emile Vandervelde chose this proposition, which was adopted on the Easter congress of the socialist party, at Quaregnon on 25-26 March 1894, and which became known as the Charter of Quaregnon.

Chilean presidential election, 2009–2010

Alejandro Navarro (MAS): He has characterized himself as a leader in the "dissident" faction of the Socialist Party, which harshly criticizes what they call the "neoliberal" economic model and supports Hugo Chávez and Fidel Castro.

Conference for Progressive Political Action

This proposal was met by an amendment by Morris Hillquit of the Socialist Party, who called the 5 million votes cast for LaFollette an encouraging beginning and urged action for establishment of an American Labor Party on the British model—in which constituent groups retained their organizational autonomy within the larger umbrella organization.

Daughter of Earth

The novel chronicles the years of Marie Rogers’s (based on Smedley) tumultuous childhood, struggles in relationships with men (both physical and emotional), time working with the Socialist party, and involvement in the Indian independence movement.

David Lasser

Simultaneously, and in opposition to the Socialist Party, the Communist Party was organizing the unemployed through its Unemployed Councils.

Democratic Socialist Federation

Changing the name of the Socialist Party to "Social Democrats USA" was intended to be "realistic." The New York Times observed that the Socialist Party had last sponsored a candidate for President in 1956, who received only 2,121 votes, which were cast in only 6 states.

Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee

The New York Times observed that the Socialist Party had last sponsored a candidate for President in 1956, who received only 2,121 votes, which were cast in only 6 states.

Economic history of World War I

With the main working-class Socialist party reluctant to support the war effort, strikes were frequent and cooperation was minimal, especially in the Socialist strongholds of Piedmont and Lombardy.

George Kirkpatrick

George Ross Kirkpatrick (1867-1937), writer and 1916 Socialist Party Vice-Presidential candidate

Georges Frêche

The Socialist Party ran against Frêche's "independent left" list in the elections for Languedoc-Roussillon, with Frêche's successor as mayor of Montpellier, Hélène Mandroux as the head of list, but were roundly defeated, gaining only 7.74% in the first round, against Frêche's 34.28%.

Gheorghe Cristescu

After creating his own minor grouping, the Socialist Party of Workers (later known as Independent Socialist Party), in 1928, Cristescu joined the minor and Unitary Socialist Party in 1932 (a Marxist group led by Leon Ghelerter, Ștefan Voitec, and Constantin Popovici, it eventually dissolved itself under pressure from the Communist Party in 1944).

History of post-Communist Albania

In November protests begun in Tirana, led by opposition Socialist Party leader Edi Rama, against the allegedly rigged vote counting in the 2009 elections.

History of the Scottish Socialist Party

On 11 November 2004, Tommy Sheridan resigned as convener of the Scottish Socialist Party, citing personal reasons.


Albert E. Jacomb (c.1873–1946), British printer and founding member of the Socialist Party of Great Britain

Jean-Marie Bockel

On the right wing of the Socialist Party, he declared himself to be an admirer and strong supporter of the policies of Tony Blair.


The Kampfbund ("Battle-league") was a league of patriotic fighting societies and the German National Socialist party in Bavaria, Germany, in the 1920s.

Margrete Auken

Margrete Auken (born 6 January 1945) is a politician, and member of the Danish socialist party Socialistisk Folkeparti (SF), and the sister of Svend Auken.

Massacre of Cërrik

The attack was led by two Socialist Party members, the head of the Socialist Party in Cërrik, Llazar Bici, and the deputy leaders of the Socialist Party, Met Bozi.

Maximilian Cohen

Cohen was one of those members of the National Council who sought to avoid a split of the emerging Communist movement by endorsing the convention call issued by the Socialist Party of Michigan and the language federations of the Socialist Party seeking the immediate establishment of a Communist Party of America in Chicago on September 1, 1919.

On this matter he came into bitter disagreement with Reed, Gitlow, and other leading members of the Left Wing Section, who sought to fight for control of the Socialist Party at its 1919 Emergency National Convention, slated for August 30 in that same city.

Maynard C. Krueger

During the Socialist Party's faction fight of the 1930s, Krueger was an active member of the so-called "Militant" faction of young Marxists who sought to turn the SP to the left.

In 1940, Krueger was the Socialist Party's candidate for Vice President of the United States, running with Norman Thomas.

Morris Hillquit

On January 26, 1916, Hillquit was part of a three person delegation to President Wilson to advocate part of the Socialist Party's peace program, which proposed that "the President of the United States convoke a congress of neutral nations, which shall offer mediation to the belligerents and remain in permanent session until the termination of the war."

Najat Vallaud-Belkacem

She joined the Socialist Party in 2002 and joined the team of Gérard Collomb, Mayor of Lyon, in 2003 leading actions to strengthen local democracy, the fight against discrimination, promotion of citizen rights, and access to employment and housing.

In March 2008 she was elected conseillère générale of the Rhône department in the cantonal elections with 58.52% of the votes in the second round, under the banner of the Socialist Party in the canton of Lyon-XIII.

Pakistan Socialist Party

A Socialist Party convention in Ludhiana held in July 1947 decided that an autonomous party organization would be formed in Pakistan.

Péter Boross

He came to power with the death of the previous PM, József Antall, and held office until his coalition was defeated in elections and he made way for his successor, Gyula Horn of the socialist party.

Political organizations and Armed forces in Vietnam

League for the National Union of Vietnam (Hội Liên hiệp quốc dân Việt Nam/Liên Việt), 1946–51, led by Bùi Bằng Đoàn (1889–1955), Huỳnh Thúc Kháng, Tôn Đức Thắng, included: Viet Minh, Democratic Party of Vietnam, Socialist Party of Vietnam, Marxism Research Association, Vietnam Nationalist Party and Vietnam Revolutionary League (since August 1946, minor group in Vietnam Nationalist Party and Vietnam Revolutionary League)...

Portuguese presidential election, 2006

Manuel Alegre, a Socialist Party politician who ran without the official backing of his party;

Queensland Council for Civil Liberties

In 1968, one of the first moves by the Council to support freedom of speech in Queensland, was when council president Jim Kelly supported Brisbane's first Nationalist Socialist Party meeting.

Roland Silly

In the 1930s, Roland Silly was Secretary of the Federation (or section) of technicians of the CGT and member of the Socialist Party SFIO, led by Paul Faure.

Socialist Party of Chile

The Socialist Party's Secretary General, Carlos Altamirano, managed to escape from Chile, appearing in Havana on January 1, 1974, during the anniversary of the Cuban Revolution.

Socialist Party of Missouri

The papers of the Socialist Party of Missouri, including material dated from 1909 to 1964, resides at the State Historical Society of Missouri.

Sol Goldstein

In 1976, Frank Collin and his neo-Nazi National Socialist Party of America (NSPA) held anti-black demonstrations in Marquette Park, Chicago.

Spanish general election, 1931

This was the case with the Radical Socialist Party, led by Álvaro de Albornoz and Marcelino Domingo, which promulgated extremist views.

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

The Socialist Party spoke highly of the success of Die Linke in Germany, the New Anticapitalist Party in France and Coalition of the Radical Left in Greece.

Water supply and sanitation in Portugal

There was a strong continuity of sector policies, despite a change in government from the Social Democratic Party to the Socialist Party of Primer Minister António Guterres after the elections of 1995.

Willi van Ooyen

He became affiliated with the new socialist party in Germany, Die Linke, in 2007, and was nominated as their candidate for minister-president in the 2008 Hessian state election.