
3 unusual facts about Solidarity

All That I Love

All That I Love is a film about a young musician, Janek, in a coastal city of Poland during the early period of the Solidarity strikes, martial law in Poland, manifestations, and general political turmoil.

His love interest, Basia, is the daughter of an active Solidarity member, who initially forbids Basia from seeing Janek due to his governmental connections.

Przemysław Gintrowski

The title song of the programme, “Mury”, based on the song written by Catalan bard Lluis Llach L'Estaca - has become an informal anthem of "Solidarity" and the symbol of the fight against the regime.

15th World Festival of Youth and Students

A large delegation of over 400 people came with the Polisario Front from Western Sahara who raised the issue of their ongoing conflict with Morocco, organizing solidarity tents, dinners, rallies, workshops, and cultural activities about the issue which created thousands of refugees in that country.

1911 in Scotland

March–April - Eleven thousand workers at the Singer Manufacturing Co. sewing machine factory on Clydebank go on strike in solidarity with twelve female colleagues protesting against work process reorganisation.

2007 in Mexico

January 11 – The government of the state of Coahuila approves a Civil Solidarity Pact ("Pacto Civil de Solidaridad") that permits same sex civil unions statewide.

Action for World Solidarity

The Action for World Solidarity (AWS) has its roots in the 1957 Aufruf für die Hungernden ("Appeal for the Hungry"), initiated by Lothar Kreyssig and signed by important public figures in Germany, such as Heinrich Albertz, Willy Brandt, Heinz Galinski, Kurt Scharf and Otto Suhr.

Ahmed Orabi

A suburb of New Orleans, Louisiana was named Arabi, a corruption of "Orabi" in solidarity with his revolt against the British occupation.


Minister for National Education and Religious Affairs, Marietta Giannakou, ordered the ministry to investigate whether the decision by the school's teachers' council was legal, and the girl and her mother were received by Archbishop Christodoulos of Athens, with the latter citing the Church's solidarity towards the family.

American Center for International Labor Solidarity

When textile manufacturer Grupo M, the Dominican Republic’s largest employer, applied to the International Finance Corporation (the World Bank’s private sector lending arm) for a $20 million loan to open a factory on the Haiti-Dominican border, the Solidarity Center, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) and the Dominican Federation of Free Trade Zone Workers (FEDOTRAZONAS) worked together to condition the loan on respect for worker rights.

Catholic Relief Services

After a period of institutional reflection, CRS embraced a vision of global solidarity and incorporated a justice-centered focus into all of its programming, using Catholic social teaching as a guide.

Congolese Solidarity for Democracy

in June 2011 a fight broke out in Pweto between militants of the People's Party for Reconstruction and Democracy (PPRD) and those of Congolese Solidarity for Democracy over participation in the June 30 parade.

CUBA: Defending Socialism, Resisting Imperialism

The two film makers visited Cuba by joining a solidarity brigade organised by Rock Around the Blockade.

Demet Çetindoğan

She is currently the President of the High Advisory Board of TIKAD (Turkish Businesswomem Association), President of Executive Council of YÇD (Creative Children’s Association), Member of World Academy of Art and Science, Founding member of Social Aid and Solidarity Foundation, Member of Chaine des Rotisseurs Association Mondiale de la Gastronomie, Honorary Chairperson of Swiss Red Cross Ball 2013, and a member of Venetian Heritage Foundation.

Digital solidarity fund

The Digital solidarity fund (DSF) was established following talks which took place during the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis in 2005.

Eric Gairy

One such solidarity movement existed in San Antonio, Texas and was headed by African-American activist Mario Marcel Salas, who was active in his overthrow on a number of levels.

Esplanade of the European Parliament

Among the artists performing on the stage erected on the Agora of Solidarity for the event were Brian Molko, Stromae, Sandra Kim.

Feroze Mithiborwala

On Jerusalem Day in Mumbai in 2010 he said that Indians needed to increase their solidarity with the Palestinians.

Gdańsk Shipyard

In 2005, French electronic music composer Jean Michel Jarre performed a multimedia concert at the shipyard to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Solidarity movement.

Guantanamo Bay detainee uniforms

In May 2006, a Turkish judge barred Loai al-Saqa, a suspected terrorist, from being brought into his own trial, because he chose to wear an orange jumpsuit for the hearing, demonstrative of his solidarity with those in Guantanamo, and his intentions to protest or resist legal authority.

Hamdi Lembarki

A Spanish solidarity association with the Sahrawi people from Palafrugell, Gerona, had named itself Lembarki in his memory.

Hector Lombana

Famous examples include 'El Cangrejo' (The Crab), 'Los Zapatos Viejos' (Old Shoes), 'India Catalina', el 'Sendero Yuma' (Path of the Yuma), 'Monumento a la Solidaridad' (Monument to Solidarity), among others.

Hugh Lanning

Lanning has played a major role in persuading trade unions in Britain to declare solidarity with the Palestinians and to support the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) movement.

Iran–Saudi Arabia relations

The Shah supported King Faisal's efforts regarding Islamic solidarity and actively contributed to the establishment of multinational Islamic institutions, including the Organization of the Islamic World Congress, the Muslim World League, and the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

John Patrick Kennedy

According to peace activist Maire Leadbeater, John Kennedy passed information on left-wing groups like the Philippines Solidarity Group to the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service, the country's main domestic intelligence agency.

John Rety

Initially convinced of the innocence of Stuart Christie, accused of carrying explosives to assassinate General Franco, Rety helped coordinate an international solidarity campaign, despite a personal feeling of betrayal on learning the truth.

Juan Almeida Bosque

The President of Vietnam, Nguyen Minh Triet, sent a message to Raúl Castro, in which he expressed his sadness, describing Almeida as a great friend of the Vietnamese people who contributed to the ties of solidarity between the two nations.

Jubilee USA

Jubilee USA Network, an alliance of churches, diverse faith communities, and labor, environmental, solidarity, and community organizations

Kengir uprising

In a shift that boded poorly for the Soviet regime, many of the prisoners took part knowing full well that they were doing so at the cost of their lives, and prisoners in other camps, namely in the nearby Rudnik camp, had joined with the Kengir prisoners in solidarity, launching their own short-lived strikes.


Their attempt to celebrate National Day in 1937 was a declaration of solidarity with the Youth Leadership of Congress.

Lane Kirkland

He befriended Lech Walesa as well as Marian Krzaklewski who replaced Lech Walesa at the helm of Solidarity.

Latin American and Caribbean Congress in Solidarity with Puerto Rico's Independence

Rubén Berríos, President of the Puerto Rican Independence Party (PIP), informed of a plan to create committees of solidarity with Puerto Rico throughout the dozens of countries of the region, which are spread throughout two continents (North America and South America, as well as in the Caribbean Basin region).

Lucy Parsons

While it is commonly accepted by nearly all biographical accounts (including those of the Lucy Parsons Center, the IWW, and Joe Knowles) that Parsons joined the Communist Party in 1939, there is some dispute, notably in Gale Ahrens' essay "Lucy Parsons: Mystery Revolutionist, More Dangerous Than A Thousand Rioters", which can be found in the anthology Lucy Parsons: Freedom, Equality, Solidarity.

Movement for the Labour Party

The MPL was formed in September 2012 by the merger of Socialism 2000 (leader: Cesare Salvi) and Labour–Solidarity (leader: Gian Paolo Patta), both constituent members of the Federation of the Left (FdS).

Myriam Klink

In the aftermath of the Alexa winter storm of December 2013, Myriam announced that she will pose for a nude photoshoot in the snow as a statement of solidarity with the refugees of the Syrian conflict living in makeshift camps in Lebanon.

Nicholas Blincoe

He is also a co-editor of a book on the International Solidarity Movement Peace Under Fire: Israel/Palestine and the International Solidarity Movement (2003) with Josie Sandercock, Radhika Sainath, Marissa Mcloughlin, Hussein Khalili, Huwaida Arraf and Ghassan Andoni.

North American Congress on Latin America

Rubén Zamora, a presidential candidate for the leftist Democratic Convergence in El Salvador, has said that he regards NACLA as responsible for the better part of his political formation and during the darkest part of Haiti's military rule in the early 1990s, President Jean-Bertrand Aristide's ambassador-in-exile to the United States, Jean Casimir, wrote to “express his gratitude to NACLA for its unflinching solidarity during this important period of our history.

Occupy Ottawa

It finally converged on the United States Embassy on Sussex Drive to express solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, and protest the eviction and police brutality the movement faced at the time.

Paul Goma

At the end of August 1968, Paul Goma became a member of the Romanian Communist Party, in an act of solidarity with the Romanian position during the Warsaw Pact Invasion of Czechoslovakia (Romania did not take part, indeed condemning the invasion).

Polish Round Table Agreement

Andrzej Gwiazda, who was one of the leaders of the so-called First Solidarity (August 1980 – December 1981), claims that the Round Table Agreement and the negotiations that took place before it at a Communist government's Ministry of the Interior and Administration (Poland) conference center (late 1988 and early 1989) in the village of Magdalenka had been arranged by Moscow.

Rohingya conflict in Western Burma

On 7 November 2012, one soldier from the Burmese Army was reportedly beheaded and three others were captured by the Muslim rebels, by an armed group of the Rohingya Solidarity Organization (RSO), in their guerrilla offensive against the Burmese army in northern Maungdaw township on the Burma-Bangladesh border.

Sid Chow Tan

When the Nigerian government, with what activists alleged to be the complicity of Shell Oil, hanged writer Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight other Ogoni activists in 1995, Tan and other activists organised the Ogoni Solidarity Network.

Silvia Baraldini

Notable from this respect is the famous Italian singer Francesco Guccini's song "Canzone per Silvia", expressing solidarity with the prisoner in view of freedom of thought and general condemnation of the prison system, addressed to the United States as a nation.

Staughton Lynd

With Daniel Gross, Labor Law for the Rank & Filer: Building Solidarity While Staying Clear of the Law (2008)

With Mike Konopacki, Solidarity Unionism: Rebuilding the Labor Movement from Below (1992)

Student Christian Movement of Canada

Since its founding, SCM Canada has taken stands on pressing social issues of its time, including support for the ordination of women, opposing internment of Japanese-Canadians during World War II; anti-war activities since the 1960s; and facing controversy for its solidarity with lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-identified Christians.

Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution

Mousavi, a successful artist and architect, had been the head of the academy since it was founded in 1998 and even designed the building that houses it.Mousavi's removal from his post at the academy has provoked outrage from his colleagues, with 27 of 30 faculty members threatening to resign in solidarity, the faculty members who have sided with Mousavi include his wife, Zahra Rahnavard, celebrated miniaturist Mahmoud Farshchian and renowned film directors Majid Majidi and Dariush Mehrjui.

Swiss Party of Labour

Holding two seats in the Swiss National Council (lower or first chamber of the Swiss parliament), going into the 2007 elections, the party stood candidates in the cantons of Zürich, Vaud, Geneva and the Ticino on their own, and in Neuchâtel the candidate was on a joint list with Solidarity.


On May 21, 2005, and during the celebrations of the 32nd anniversary of the creation of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz (President of the SADR) put the first brick of the building that will host the Sahrawi Parliament, the Sahrawi National Council, and also the first brick of the "Solidarity neighbourhood" new district.

Use of social media in the Wisconsin protests

The group called "Wisconsin Students for Solidarity" organized a national student walkout via a Facebook page to take place on March 11.

Valle de Chalco

Formerly part of the municipality of Chalco, it was split off as a separate entity in 1994, during the presidency of Salinas de Gortari, under his Programa Nacional de Solidaridad (National Solidarity Program).

Vietnam Solidarity Campaign

The Vietnam Solidarity Campaign consistently badgered Harold Wilson and his government over Vietnam.

see also