
unusual facts about Soviet occupation of Estonia

Vladimir-Georg Karassev-Orgussaar

His trilogy on Soviet history consists of films "Precursor" (Estonian: "Eelkäija", 1967) on Viktor Kingissepp, "Solstice" ("Pööripäev", 1968) on June 1940 'revolution' in Estonia, a central myth of Soviet mythology in Estonia, and "Commander" ("Väejuht", 1968) on August Kork, an Estonian Bolshevik military leader and victim of 1937 Stalinist purges.

see also

Eduard Ole

As a consequence to the German occupation of Estonia during World War II (1941–1944) and fleeing the Soviet occupation of Estonia (1944), Ole left as a refugee to Finland in 1943, where he continued to paint portraits of personalities of Finnish cultural life, such as the ones of the linguist Lauri Kettunen and of Viljo Tarkiainen, biographer of Aleksis Kivi, and landscapes.