
unusual facts about Spiral


Identification can be made by looking for one-celled conidia, hyaline round to ellipsoid which are formed at the tips of whorled branches.

1995 Zapatista Crisis

The country would be in a very dangerous spiral, which could lead to very serious situations because not only there is discomfort in Chiapas, but in many places in Mexico.

Andrés de la Concha

As at Yanhuitlan and Coixtlahuaca, the original retablo was later enlarged and reframed, at Tamazulapan in a rich baroque style replete with intricately carved spiral columns and decorative shell niches containing many new paintings and sculptures.


Turbinopsis, from the Lower Devonian of North America, was removed from the Palaeotrochidae (Palaeotrochacea); has a spiral chord not found on typical Anomphalidae and an aperture with a thicker, wider lip, also atypical.

Band-tailed Barbthroat

Like other hermits, this Barbthroat visits widely separated flowers including: Heliconia, Costus spiral gingers, and bananas, and the male is less aggressively territorial than other male hummingbirds.


A recent study of one of the satellite galaxies of the Milky Way, known as the Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy (SagDEG), suggest that SagDEG may have helped generate some the Milky Way's spiral structure when it passed repeatedly through the plane of our galaxy over the past few hundred million years.

C. hominis

Campylobacter hominis, a Gram-negative, spiral, microaerophilic bacterium species in the genus Campylobacter

Chemical Galaxy

John D. Clark was the first to present a spiral with an oval outline.

Cybernetic Serendipity

Other graphics showed a simulated Mondrian and the iconic decreasing squares spiral that appeared on the exhibition's poster and book.

Eastwood Manor

The garden contains an avenue of lime trees and other mature tress, herbaceous borders, terraces and a spiral mound.

Fraser spiral illusion

The Fraser spiral illusion is an optical illusion that was first described by the British psychologist Sir James Fraser (1863 – 1936) in 1908.

Fritz Walter Paul Friedrichs

He invented the spiral cold finger-type condenser, now most commonly known as a Friedrichs condenser, which he described in a 1912 article published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

Further Down the Spiral

The discs include remixes of "Mr. Self Destruct", "Piggy", "Hurt", "Eraser", "The Downward Spiral", "Heresy", "Reptile", and "Ruiner" as well as two original compositions by Aphex Twin.

Gravitationally aligned orbits

From observations of the motions of over 20 000 local stars (within 300 parsecs), and using numerical simulation, Charles Francis and Erik Anderson have shown that, contrary to conventional wisdom, stars tend to move along a spiral arm during the inward part of their orbits, leaving the arm shortly after pericentre crossing the other arm on the outward part of the orbit and rejoining the original arm shortly before apocentre.


In mid-2011, he announced that he would start a film production company called Spiral Dreams with his brother Jithan Ramesh in order to promote new directors like his father.

Jujol Centre – Can Negre

Inside the building, it is the spiral staircase leading up the first floor that stands out, topped with an octagonal dome, and a small Baroque-style chapel with an elliptical floor plan.

Linnean Tercentenary Medal

The front of the medal features an illustration by Linnaeus of Andromeda (mythology) next to one of the plant he named Andromeda, from his 1732 expedition to Lapland and on the back, a spiral design made from illustrations taken from Systema Naturae.


Messier 109 (M109), a spiral galaxy in the constellation Ursa Major


Messier 91, a barred spiral galaxy about 63 million light-years away in the constellation Coma Berenices


Messier 94, a spiral galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici


Messier 98, an intermediate spiral galaxy about 60 million light-years away in the constellation Coma Berenices


Messier 99, an unbarred spiral galaxy approximately 60 million light-years away in the constellation Coma Berenices

Manyc Records

Igor Hansen-Love, the bass player in Milt Opus, was an early mentor to Nikolai Fraiture, who, together with Julian Casablancas, also attended the LFNY, and formed a band called The Strokes in 1998, shortly after Milt Opus played its first gig at The Spiral, an East Houston Street music venue in New York City.

Michael Bicay

After graduating from Stanford, Bicay accepted a United States National Research Council appointment at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center where he spent three years studying infrared and radio properties within spiral galaxies.

Michael Vetter

From March to September 1970, together with nineteen other musicians, he performed works by Stockhausen (including Hymnen, Spiral, Pole, and Aus den sieben Tagen ) in the spherical auditorium of the German Pavilion at Expo '70 in Osaka, Japan. Back in Europe, he continued his association with Stockhausen, taking part in the world premieres of Sternklang (1971) and Alphabet für Liège (1972) (Stockhausen and Vetter 1996, 95 and 98).


The Andromeda Galaxy, for instance, was referred to as the Andromeda Nebula (and spiral galaxies in general as "spiral nebulae") before the true nature of galaxies was confirmed in the early 20th century by Vesto Slipher, Edwin Hubble and others.

NGC 7424

It is called a "grand design" galaxy because of its well defined spiral arms.

NGC 772

Halton Arp includes NGC 772 in his Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies as Arp 78, where it is described as a "Spiral galaxy with a small high-surface brightness companion".

Nina Antonia

She has written articles and books about Johnny Thunders, the New York Dolls and The Only Ones and has contributed to Mojo and Spiral Scratch magazines, written liner notes for The Stooges live recording Studio Sessions and Nico's Femme Fatale CD, and appeared in the documentary New York Doll.

Northrop Grumman E-10 MC2A

The capability of the MC2A was to be raised incrementally, with each phase known as a "spiral".


Principal types of binding are padding, perfect, spiral, comb, sewn, clasp, disc, and pressure, some of which can be combined.


In some gastropod groups (such as the Architectonicidae), the teleoconch whorls actually spiral in the opposite direction to the protoconch.

Rileah Vanderbilt

Between roles in the Hatchet movies, she appeared in the film Spiral, followed by a series of roles in shorts, until she booked a supporting role in the 2010 Official Sundance Film Festival selection Frozen (2010), opposite Shawn Ashmore as his love interest.

Ross Global Academy

The school was developed in collaboration with New York University's Steinhardt School and Ross School in East Hampton, which follows a spiral curriculum designed by William Thompson and Ralph Abraham.

Spiral Binding Company Inc

Today MeadWestvaco still binds their books in the same metal spiral-coil.

Spiral Binding’s customers grew, and like MeadWestvaco, many wanted to bring their binding processes in-house.

Western Pad and Tablet (now MeadWestvaco) becomes another of Spiral Binding's big clients, who hired Spiral Binding to bind their school notebooks.

Spiral fracture

Jeremy Ten, Canadian figure skater, sustained a spiral fracture of the fibula.

Ryan Bradley, American figure skater, suffered a spiral fracture in the humerus of his arm while playing dodge ball.

Tacita Dean

In 1997, Dean made an audio work based on her futile effort to find the submerged artwork Spiral Jetty by Robert Smithson in the Great Salt Lake of Utah.

The Spiral Dance

The Spiral Dance: a Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess is a best-selling book about Neopagan belief and practice written by Starhawk.

Trajan's Column

In Napoleon's time, a similar column decorated with a spiral of relief sculpture was erected in the Place Vendôme in Paris to commemorate his victory at Austerlitz.

Triple spiral

According to Uriel's Machine by Knight and Lomas (2003), the triple spiral may represent the nine-month period of human pregnancy, since the sun takes a fourth of a year to go from the celestial equator (an equinox) to extreme north or south declination (a solstice), and vice versa.

Trish Suhr

Suhr has also appeared in Sam Raimi's The Quick and the Dead and starred opposite Dane Cook in the indie hit Spiral.

U.S. Route 29 in the District of Columbia

Architect Arthur Cotton Moore has proposed replacing the off-ramp from northbound Key Bridge to eastbound Whitehurst Freeway with a spiral ramp that would loop under and descend beneath Key Bridge before connecting to eastbound K Street NW.

UGC 9618

UGC 9618, also known as VV 340 or Arp 302 consists of a pair of very gas-rich spiral galaxies in their early stages of interaction.

United States Army air defense

The Soviets initially lagged the U.S., but the introduction of the 9K114 Shturm (known in the west as the AT-6 "Spiral") missile on the Mi-24 "Hind" in the mid-1970s offered the USSR a level of parity.

Value system

Integral theorist Ken Wilber (1949-) re-introduced Spiral Dynamics concepts in his book A Theory of Everything (2000, Shambhala) where he attempts to bridge business, politics, science, spirituality and developmental theories, showing how they inter-relate through his model of manifest existence.

see also