
3 unusual facts about Spirit guide

Spirit animal

Spirit guide, a spiritualist entity that remains a spirit to act as a guide or protector to a living incarnated human being

Spirit guide

Theresa Caputo, The Long Island Medium, simply calls her guide "Spirit" and has described it as a "high level spirit" who has never incarnated.

Alice Bailey also described having contact with a spirit teacher whom she called "The Tibetan".

see also

Bartonville Agreement

In his opening comments the host, Abbot Alberto Morales, encouraged those present "to let the Holy Spirit guide us and show us the way that we should go...that as we face the new millennium we may present to the world a portion of the Anglican Communion reconciled and united, which in turn, may be an example to imitate for all good and faithful Anglicans and for the Church in general." The result of the meeting was the signing of a "Call to prayer" for unity and a determination to meet again.