
unusual facts about St. Lawrence, Newfoundland and Labrador

A. W. Lawrence

In 1951 he resigned his post at Cambridge to become the Professor of Archaeology at the University College of the Gold Coast where he established the National Museum and was the Secretary and Conservator of the Monuments and Relics Committee.

He resigned these posts in 1957 after Ghana became independent and soon after settled at Pateley Bridge in Yorkshire, later moving to Bouthwaite.

He was Laurence Professor of Classical Archaeology at Cambridge University in the 1940s, and in the early 1950s in Accra he founded what later became the Ghana Museums and Monuments Board as well as the National Museum of Ghana.

Aksel Sandemose

Apart from his writing, in his early years he worked as a teacher, journalist, sailor and lumberjack in Newfoundland.

Art Finley

He enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II, and in the Korean War, he was recalled to active duty as a reserve officer in the U.S. Air Force, where he helped establish radio stations in Newfoundland and Greenland for the Strategic Air Command.


In 1872, Elkanah Billings described Aspidella terranovica fossils from Duckworth Street, St. John's, Newfoundland.

Azraq, Jordan

During the Arab Revolt in the early 20th century, Qasr Azraq was an important headquarters for T. E. Lawrence.

Battle of the St. Lawrence

U-43’s failed attack on SQ-43 off Gaspé resulted in “one of the most effective counterattacks during the St. Lawrence battle. It was stated that” Six depth charges from the Bangor-class minesweeper Gananoque knocked out it's lights, blew the battery circuit breaker and activated a torpedo in one of the sub’s stern tubes.


The bergall, alxo known as the cunner, conner or chogset, Tautogolabrus adspersus, is a species of wrasse native to the western Atlantic, where it is found from the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Newfoundland to the Chesapeake Bay.

Black Boneens

The term Boneen is Newfoundland Gaelic dialect for a young pig (derived from Dineen > Erse Gaelic).

Brice Goldsborough

Washington Post; December 26, 1927; New York, December 25, 1927 (Associated Press) Mrs. Frances Wilson Grayson, who has been missing since she took off Friday with three companions for Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, was preparing to undertake her fourth attempt within three months to fly the Atlantic in her Sikorsky amphibian plane, the Dawn.


T. E. Lawrence, who would later be known as Lawrence of Arabia, celebrated his 20th birthday at the former Grand Hôtel du Midi, Place de la Fountain, on August 16, 1908, whilst tracing the route of Richard I of England, on a cycling tour of France in preparation for his thesis: The Influence of the crusades on the European military architecture at the end of the XIIth century.

Charles S. Lawrence

He took over the secretary's role from Carl R. Fellers, head of the food technology department at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and moved the national offices to its present location in Chicago.

Coral Magazine

Published bimonthly by Reef to Rainforest Media LLC in Charlotte, Vermont, Coral is edited by James M. Lawrence, with a board of advisors composed of prominent aquarium authors and marine scientists, including Dr. Andrew Bruckner of NOAA, Dr. Gerald R. Allen of Conservation International, Julian Sprung, and Dr. Sylvia Earle, oceanographer.

Cuper's Cove

Given the failure of Walter Raleigh to establish a colony at Roanoke Island in 1584 and the successful settlement at Jamestown in 1607 and on learning that Samuel de Champlain had sailed into the St. Lawrence to initiate the settlement of New France, pressure was mounting to lay claim to the resource rich New World.

Edward Mayhew

Becoming affiliated with the Spanish congregation in 1612, it was given an equal share in St. Lawrence's monastery at Dieulwart, Lorraine, henceforth the centre of the English congregation.

F. R. Leavis

Frank Raymond Leavis was born in Cambridge, in 1895, about a decade after T. S. Eliot, James Joyce, D. H. Lawrence and Ezra Pound, literary figures whose reputations he would later contribute to enhancing.

Finnegan Foundation

Founders of the foundation included: Pittsburgh Mayor Joe Barr, Commonwealth Judge Genevieve Blatt, Democratic National Committeewoman Louise M. John, Pennsylvania Gov. David Lawrence, U.S. Ambassador Matthew H. McCloskey II, U.S. Ambassador John Rice, and Pennsylvania State Treasurer Grace M. Sloan.

Florence of Arabia

The title of the novel is a play on "Lawrence of Arabia", a popular name for the British Army officer T. E. Lawrence, who became famous for his exploits in the Middle East, particularly as a liaison during the Arab Revolt of 1916-1918.

Frederic C. Lawrence

He was later appointed rector of St. Paul's Church in nearby Brookline.

Garry Shead

During the late 1980s his style (figurative, allegoric, lyric, moody) crystallized with the Bundeena paintings, the Queen series and the D. H. Lawrence series.

Great Recycling and Northern Development Canal

The Great Recycling and Northern Development (GRAND) Canal of North America or GCNA is a water management proposal designed by Newfoundland engineer Thomas Kierans to alleviate North American freshwater shortage problems.

Helen Corke

As a schoolteacher in Croydon, she became acquainted with D. H. Lawrence, and her diary served as the inspiration for Lawrence's second novel The Trespasser.

International Karate

Forbidden Colours, the main theme from the movie Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence, which partly inspired the game's soundtrack by Rob Hubbard

James Oppenheim

Notable writers who contributed to the magazine under his guidance included Sherwood Anderson, Van Wyck Brooks, Max Eastman, Robert Frost, D.H. Lawrence, Vachel Lindsay and Amy Lowell.

Jan Juta

Jan C. Juta (September 1, 1895-December 4, 1990) was a painter and muralist closely associated with the writer D. H. Lawrence.

John Bale

He also quarreled bitterly with the aged and respected judge Thomas St. Lawrence, who travelled to Kilkenny to urge the people to reject his innovations.

Ki Adams

Mr. Adams is Music Director at St. Thomas' Anglican Church in St. John's, Newfoundland and has recently retired after 14 years as Associate Conductor and Accompanist of Shallaway (formerly the Newfoundland Symphony Youth Choir).

L. Brooks Leavitt

Among the manuscripts owned and collected by Leavitt, who turned to book collecting after the Wall Street Crash of 1929, was an original Shakespeare First Folio, as well as the original manuscript of D. H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers, written in Lawrence's own hand.

Mary Beth Harshbarger

Mary Beth Harshbarger (born February 19, 1965) is an American woman who rose to media attention when she shot her husband, Mark Harshbarger, during a hunting trip in Newfoundland, Canada.

Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence

In 1996, Francesco Marino Mannoia, an informant and former member of the Sicilian Mafia, claimed he had stolen the painting as a young man on the orders of a high-ranking mobster, but other sources say it was stolen by amateurs and then sold on to various Mafiosi; at one point it is said to have ended up in the hands of Rosario Riccobono, who was killed in 1982, after which it passed on to Gerlando Alberti.

Peter B. Lawrence

He has appeared on Blue Peter and his skills and advice are much sought after in the field of solar and planetary imaging.

Peter B. Lawrence is a British amateur astronomer best known for his popularization of astronomy on the BBC's The Sky at Night with Sir Patrick Moore, Paul Abel and Dr. Chris Lintott.

Robert Traill Spence Lowell

He was invited by Bishop Spencer, of Newfoundland, to go to Bermuda, where he was made deacon in December 1842, and priest in March 1843, and was also appointed domestic chaplain to the bishop and inspector of schools in the colony.

Royal Literary Fund

The Royal Literary Fund has given assistance to many distinguished writers over its history, including Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Samuel Rousseau, François-René de Chateaubriand, Thomas Love Peacock, James Hogg, Leigh Hunt, Thomas Hood, Richard Jefferies, Joseph Conrad, D. H. Lawrence, James Joyce, Ivy Compton-Burnett, Richard Ryan (biographer), Regina Maria Roche and Mervyn Peake.

Saadat Hasan Manto

Saadat Hasan Manto is often compared with D. H. Lawrence, and like Lawrence he also wrote about the topics considered social taboos in Indo-Pakistani Society.

Sandy Arbuthnot

Colonel Sir Aubrey Herbert (1880–1923; twice offered the throne of Albania, 2nd son of 4th Earl of Carnarvon), but later also reflected T.E. Lawrence.

Scottish Renaissance

Where these earlier movements had been steeped in a sentimental and nostalgic Celticism, however, the modernist-influenced Renaissance would seek a rebirth of Scottish national culture that would both look back to the medieval "makar" poets William Dunbar and Robert Henrysoun as well as look towards such contemporary influences as T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, and D. H. Lawrence.

Seducing Doctor Lewis

Producer Roger Frappier wanted to film Seducing Doctor Lewis in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada but the film was eventually shot on an island with a population of about 300, Harrington Harbour, Quebec, Canada.

St. Lawrence's Church, Söderköping

During its history, it has been reconstructed, renovated (not least as a consequence of damage from recurrent floodings caused by the nearby Söderköpingsån) and altered on several occasions, but retains much of its medieval form and look.

The Cambridge Edition of the Letters and Works of D. H. Lawrence

The First Women in Love (1916–17) edited by John Worthen and Lindeth Vasey,Cambridge University Press, 1998, ISBN 0-521-37326-3

The Isles of Notre Dame

The District of The Isles of Notre Dame shall consist of and include all that part of the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador to include the islands of Twillingate, New World Island, Change Islands, Fogo Island and the following adjacent islands: Black Island, Western Indian Island, Eastern Indian Island and Bacalhao Island.

The Oxford English Centre

Among those who have lived and worked in the local area are the author of Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien, also Iris Murdoch, T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia), Philip Pullman, Crime writers PD James and Colin Dexter (author of the Inspector Morse series), the poet Philip Larkin, and more recently novelist and screenwriter Ian McEwan (Atonement).

Thomas Francis Brennan

Two years later, on February 1, 1893, he was transferred to the titular see of Utilla, and was made Auxiliary to Bishop Thomas James Power of St. John's, Newfoundland.

Transatlantic crossing

Transatlantic radio communication was first accomplished on December 12, 1901 by Guglielmo Marconi who, using a temporary receiving station at Signal Hill, Newfoundland, received a Morse code signal representing the letter "S" sent from Poldhu, in Cornwall, United Kingdom.

W. H. C. Lawrence

Eighty-five years later, in 1974, another Canadian author, Richard Rohmer revisited the theme in his novel, Ultimatum.

Wendy B. Lawrence

Highlights included the exchange of U.S. crew members Mike Foale and David Wolf, a spacewalk by Scott Parazynski and Vladimir Titov to retrieve four experiments first deployed on Mir during the STS-76 docking mission, the transfer to Mir of 10,400 pounds of science and logistics, and the return of experiment hardware and results to Earth.

Whales Alive

Winter and Halley also collaborate with Leonard Nimoy, who reads poems and prose from various writers, including D.H. Lawrence and Roger Payne.

see also