
unusual facts about St. Paraskeva Church, Lviv

Agricultural Academy in Dublany

Its history dates back to 1852, when a farm in the village of Dublany (eight kilometers from the outskirts of Lwów, currently Lviv in Ukraine) was purchased by the Galicia Agricultural Society.

Alexander Wagner

He took 4th at Lviv 1895 and 6th at Lviv 1896, both won by Ignatz von Popiel, tied for 6-7th at Berlin 1897 (Arpad Bauer won), tied for 7-8th at Berlin 1903 (Horatio Caro won), and tied for 5-8th at Berlin 1905 (Erich Cohn won).

Anton Schimser

He was carving tombstone, mainly in the Lychakiv Cemetery, but also in cemeteries in and around Lviv, and also sculptural design houses and public buildings.

Antoni Popiel

Antoni Popiel (13 June 1865 Szczakowa, Galicia (now Jaworzno) - 7 July 1910 Lubien near Lviv) was a Polish sculptor.

Berl Broder

His first book of poetry was published in 1860 in Pressburg, the second in Lemberg, and the third (1882) in Warsaw.

Bogusław Schaeffer

Bogusław Julien Schaeffer (also Schäffer) (b. June 6, 1929 in Lwów) (now Lviv, Ukraine) is a Polish composer, musicologist, and graphic artist, a member of the avantgarde "Cracow Group" of Polish composers alongside Krzysztof Penderecki and others.

Borys Gudziak

He was ordained on 26 November 1998 in the Cathedral of St. George in Lviv by Bishop Sofron (Mudry), O.S.B.M. and incardinated in the Major Archeparchy of Lviv of the Ukrainians.

Carpathian Military District

The District's territory included 10 regions of the Ukrainian SSR - Vinnytsya, Volyn, Zhytomyr, Transcarpathian, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Rivensku, Khmel'nytskiy, Ternopil, and Chernivetskyy.

Church of St. Onuphrius, Lviv

The Basilian monastery and Greek Catholic church of St. Onuphrius in Lviv, Ukraine is located north of the Old Town, at the base of the Castle Hill.

Contemporary Ukrainian literature

There existed also underground literary circles like the Kyiv school of poetry, a circle of Lviv writers around the samizdat "Skrynya" almanac (Hryhoriy Chubay, Oleh Lysheha, Mykola Ryabchuk, Viktor Morozov, Roman Kis, Orest Yavorskyi), separate dissident writers like Ihor Kalynets.

George Robert Jebb

He was involved with many other engineering projects around the world, such as planning the route of the railway between Lviv and Chernivtsi.


Hlyniany, Lviv oblast, Ukraine (formerly Gliniany, Poland; and formerly in Galicia, Austro-Hungarian Empire)

Hans Victor von Unruh

In 1855 Unruh moved to Anhalt, at that time another component state of Germany, where he founded the Deutsche Continental Gasgesellschaft in Dessau and was responsible for the construction of the municipal gasworks at Mönchengladbach, Magdeburg und Lviv and the water supply works at Magdeburg.

Islam in Ukraine

Since the first non-direct (source?) translation of Abranchak-Lysynecki (Lviv, 1915), few partial translations were published (Yarema Polotniuk - Vsesvit Journal, 1990), Valeriy Rybalkin ("Stylos", 2002) and Mykhaylo Yakubovych.

Ivan Vakarchuk

On November 13, 1990 Ivan Vakarchuk was elected the rector of Lviv State University named after Ivan Franko (current name - Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko) and worked till November 2007.

Ivan Volansky

He arrived in Shenandoah, Pennsylvania in 1884 after Ukrainian immigrants petitioned the Metropolitan of Lviv for their own priest.

Józef Bilczewski

He initiated the construction of more than 330 churches in the archdiocese of Lviv alone, including the monumental Saint Elizabeth Church in Lviv.

Kajetan Abgarowicz

He was co-founder in 1901 of the Lviv newspaper Przedświt, and also ran the literary section.

Leon Sapieha

In 1858 after years of struggling to secure support in Vienna for his plans he was able to initiate the construction of the Carl Ludwig railway line connecting the railhead at Kraków with Lwow and Brody and linking Galicia with the rest of Europe.

Levinus Warner

Warner departed from Amsterdam in December 1644, travelling overland via Gdańsk and Lviv in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Louise Boyd

The journey, by car, rail, boat and on foot took her first from Lviv to Kovel (these towns are in the Ukraine today), and then to KobrinPinskKletskNesvizhSlonim (these towns are in Belarus today).

Lviv Academy of Commerce

The Lviv academy of commerce is a university in Lviv, Ukraine.

Lviv National Museum

The National Museum of Lviv also has a number of important manuscripts, some of them very rare such as Cracow publications by Schweipolt Fiol (1491-1493), Prague and Vienna printings by Francysk Skaryna, and virtually all of Ivan Fedorov's publications.

Maciej Rataj

Born in the village of Chłopy near Lwów (now Lviv, Ukraine) on 19 February 1884, he attended a gymnasium in Lwów and studied classical linguistics at the University of Lwów.

Mark Kopytman

After graduating from medical college, Kopytman studied composition with Roman Simovych at the Lysenko Academy of Music in Lviv and with S. Bogatirev at Tchaikovsky State Conservatory in Moscow.

Mkhitar Gosh

It was also used in Poland, by order of king Sigismund the Old, as the law under which the Armenians of Lviv and Kamianets-Podilskyi lived from 1519 until the region fell under Austrian rule in 1772.

Mykhailo Hrushevskyi

She met Hrushevsky in Lviv in 1893 and after three years they married in a town of Skala near Borschiv.

Nataliia Polonska-Vasylenko

As the tide of the war turned against the Germans, she fled west, first to Lviv, then to Prague, and finally to Bavaria.

National Center for Jewish Film

The Center's other archival and preservations projects include features and documentaries from around the globe; early American silent film comedies and features; rare early Russian films; pre–World War II home movies of Yurburg, Horodok, Novogrudok, and Berlin; travelogues of Białystok, Krakow, Warsaw, Vilnius, and Lviv; industrial and fundraising films produced by Jewish agencies; early documentary footage of Palestine/Israel.


The town is located on a major road, which ends at the border of Poland as the E40 and continues to Lviv.

Otto Liebermann

His father Alois came originally from Pilsen (Czech Republic and had started out working in the Oderfurter Mineraloelwerke at Ostrau (near Halle (Saale), Germany); he subsequently went to Galicia to work as a manager in the oil fields there and eventually became Technical Director of Nafta A.G. in Lemberg (now Lviv, Ukraine).

Peter Wittgenstein

He died on 11 June 1843 in Lemberg (Lviv), where he looked after estates of his son Lev Petrovich.

Plastic Panorama of Old Lviv

Plastic Panorama of Old Lwów (Polish: Panorama Plastyczna Dawnego Lwowa) is a model of the city of Lwów (since 1945 Lviv in Ukraine) as it looked like in mid-18th century, when it belonged to the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland.

Roman Cieślewicz

Roman Cieślewicz (born 1930 13 January in Lwów Poland now Lviv Ukraine as Roman Cieślewicz - died 1996 21 January in Paris, France) was a Polish (naturalized French) graphic artist and photographer.


Sieciechów (Sytykhiv), a village in Lviv Oblast of western Ukraine;


The company is headquartered in Lviv, Ukraine and Fort Myers, Florida, while its development offices are located in the Ukrainian cities of Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk, Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne, Chernivtsi, and Sevastopol.

Stepan Popel

In 1929, Popel won a championship of Lviv, followed by E. Kaufman, Henryk Friedman, Oskar Piotrowski, etc.

Stepan Senchuk

Senchuk studied at the Lviv agricultural institute (1972–1977), specializing in engineering and mechanics.

Tadeusz Kassern

Born in Lvov, he studied at the conservatory of the Polish Music Society in Lviv and later at the conservatory in Poznań.

Transylvania Panorama

It was painted by many painters under the direction of Jan Styka in the Lwów (Lviv) rotunda, located in Stryjski Park, the same place where the Racławice Panorama was painted.

Ukrainian Radical Party

The Radical Party was founded in Lviv on October 4, 1890 by a group of Ukrainian activists including the poet Ivan Franko, the publisher Mykhailo Pavlyk, and others.

Ukrainian Social Democratic Labour Party

The party began issuing publications: Socijalistyčna Dumko (published in Lviv and Prague), Vil'na Ukraina (Lviv) and Socijaldemokrat (published monthly from 1925 from Poděbrady).

Vasyl Avramenko

The tour passed through Lviv several times between 1922 and 1924, while also visiting Rivne, Lutsk, Kremianets, Oleksandriia, Mezhirich, Kholm, Brest-Litovsk, Stryi, Stanyslaviv, Kolomyia, Przemyśl, Deliatyn, Ternopil, and Drohobych in that time.

Verecke Pass

The pass is located in the Carpathian Mountains just where the oblasts of Lviv and Transcarpathia meet, on the spine of the Northeastern Carpathians, between the Latorica or Latorytsia and Opor river valleys and at the river divide or watershed between the Latorytsia and the Stryi.


VIM-Berkut is an ice hockey team in Lviv, Ukraine.

Virlana Tkacz

These pieces were performed at La MaMa in New York, in major theatres in Kiev, Kharkiv and Lviv and at international theatre festivals, as well as in village cultural centers.


After the beatification of Marcelina Darowska by the Pope John Paul II in 1996, the chapel of the Sisters in Yazlovets was proclaimed a Sanctuary of the Blessed Marcelina Darowska on September 1, 1999 by the Latin Rite Metropolitan of Lviv Cardinal Marian Jaworski.

see also