
unusual facts about Staging

Basaloid large cell carcinoma of the lung

Staging of Bas-LCLC patients is usually performed in an analogous fashion to patients with other non-small cell lung carcinoma.

1983–84 All-Ireland Senior Club Hurling Championship

The 1983–84 All-Ireland Senior Club Hurling Championship was the 14th staging of the All-Ireland Senior Club Hurling Championship, an inter-county knockout competition for Ireland's top championship clubs representing each county.

1984–85 All-Ireland Senior Club Hurling Championship

The 1984–85 All-Ireland Senior Club Hurling Championship was the 15th staging of the All-Ireland Senior Club Hurling Championship, an inter-county knockout competition for Ireland's top championship clubs representing each county.

Ahn Jae-wook

He then played the title role in the 2012 Korean staging of Rudolf, a musical about the 1889 Mayerling Incident involving the Crown Prince of Austria.

Alphonso Lingis

The venue, staging and costumes were provided by the Kyoto-based neo-Dadaist group Phylloxera (Beatrix Fife, Mamoru Katagiri, Michael Lazarin).

Andrew Földi

During his years on the roster, Foldi appeared as Schigolch in the company premieres of Alban Berg's Lulu (directed by John Dexter, 1977, which was published on DVD in 2010) and Dansker in Benjamin Britten's Billy Budd (1978) as well as playing Dr. Bartolo in the premiere of Günther Rennert's Met staging of Le Nozze di Figaro (1975).

Aravind Enrique Adyanthaya

Working with the Casa Cruz de la Luna Theater Company, Adyanthaya has done experimental staging of several plays by Federico García Lorca, of one of Miguel de Cervantes's exemplary novels, and of several stories by the Puerto Rican author Pepe Liboy.

Baluan Sholak

He travelled through Kokshetau, Karaotkel, Bayan-Aul, Irtysh, and Sarysu, staging performances with his troupe of dombra players, singers, storytellers, jockeys and wrestlers.

Battle of Zinjibar

This left a nearby military base, which was used as a main staging ground for military raids against Zinjibar, totally exposed on the eastern side.

Bi Gui

Around 233, Budugen, a Xianbei chieftain who had initially submitted to Wei, was discovered to be secretly maintaining contact with Kebineng, another Xianbei chieftain who had been staging raids at the Wei border.

Bombardment of Alexandria

Eventually order was restored and a month later, General Garnet Wolseley landed a large force of British troops in Alexandria as a staging location for attacking Urabi near the Suez Canal at the Battle of Tel el-Kebir.

Brookside Stadium

During the reconstruction of the Fulton Road Bridge in 2007, Brookside Stadium was used as a staging ground for materials and equipment by the Kokosing Construction Company, which caused significant damage.

Burton Taylor Studio

Recent notable productions have included a staging of the play The Second Maiden's Tragedy, which Charles Hamilton claimed to be Cardenio, a lost play attributed to William Shakespeare and John Fletcher.

Cascumpec Bay

Of particular interest are its use for migration staging by large numbers of migrating Canada Geese, and as nesting habitat for Great Blue Heron and Osprey.

CFB Kingston

On September 1, 1988, the 1st Canadian Division Headquarters was established to serve as a staging base for the deployment of troops and materiel on active operations; in this role it supported Operation Friction which was Canada's support to the United Nations for the Persian Gulf War in 1991.

Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge

The refuge is an important staging area for migratory birds, and is used as well for the management and study of endangered species such as the Northeastern Beach Tiger Beetle and Piping Plover.

Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport

Built between 1940 and 1941 by the federal Department of Transport, it was transferred to the RCAF in 1942 as part of the Northwest Staging Route under the name of RCAF Station Whitehorse.

Firsby railway station

Between 1943 and 1958 Firsby station was kept busy as the nearest railhead staging point for RAF and later USAF airmen travelling to and from the nearby RAF Spilsby airfield at Great Steeping.

Fort Laramie, Wyoming

The town is named after historic Fort Laramie, an important stop on the Oregon, California and Mormon trails as well as a staging point for various military excursions.

George C. Howard

George C. Howard (1818–1887) was a Nova Scotian-born American actor and showman who is credited with staging the first theatrical production of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Gush Katif

Its location was initially the main reason for its founding, as an Israeli civilian presence was important for cementing control of the area so as to prevent any future invasion from Egypt or its use as a staging area for fedayeen attacks, and indeed this rationale was echoed following the 1967 Six Day War by the US Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Heavens Cafe

In 2003, Los Angeles based theater director John Beane, approached John Miner about staging the opera in the Los Angeles area later that year.

Heine Totland

He has played the leading parts in a number of musicals: Twice as Judas, twice as Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar, as Marius in a highly successful staging of Les Miserables as Freddy Trumper, and The American in Chess.

History of West Papua

With local approval, the United States constructed a headquarters for Gen. Douglas MacArthur at Hollandia (now Jayapura) and over twenty US bases and hospitals intended as a staging point for operations taking of the Philippines.

Horn Island Airport

RAAF Base Horn Island was completed in 1941 and was used as a staging base for Allied aircraft moving between Australia and New Guinea.

Ik people

The film depicts the Ik in a positive light and concludes with members of the tribe staging a performance of A Christmas Carol as a metaphor of redemption.

It's a Family Affair-We'll Settle It Ourselves

Governor Zakrevsky made a personal effort to support the staging of the play but suddenly the situation worsened.

John Hansard Gallery

This interprets his experiences through image manipulation, staging, CGI, 3d scanning, 3d printing and new projection techniques.


During the assault on the Zhawar Kili Cave complex, the Soviets used the Khost Airfield as an initial staging ground to insert troops into the combat zone, using Mil Mi-8 armed helicopter transport ships.

La Bayadère

In order to restore Petipa's original choreography, Sergei Vikharev, the Balletmaster of the company in charge of staging the production, made use of the Stepanov Choreographic Notation from the Sergeyev Collection.

La Borde clinic

The film was released in 1997 and follows the patients and staff staging their production of Operette by Witold Gombrowicz.

Larrimah, Northern Territory

The 8th Australian Staging Camp, built by the Australian Army was set up in Larrimah for troops making the journey by road from Adelaide before transferring onto rail at Larrimah siding for the rest of the journey to Darwin.

Macedonian Secret Revolutionary Committee

The Bulgarian anarchist movement grew in the 1890s, and the territory of Principality of Bulgaria became a staging-point for anarchist activities against the Ottomans.

Mihail Kogălniceanu International Airport

In 2003, it became one of four Romanian military facilities that have been used by U.S. military forces as a staging area for the invasion of and ongoing counter-insurgency efforts in Iraq, operated by the 458th Air Expeditionary Group, and it is intended to become one of the main operating bases of U.S. Army Europe's Joint Task Force East, a rotating task force initially to be provided by the U.S. 2nd Cavalry Regiment, which will eventually grow to a brigade sized force.

Music of Veneto

The city of Verona is world famous for the Roman amphitheater known as the "Arena", a site that has been hosting musical events since the 16th century, but which is more recently known for the spectacular outdoor staging of Verdi's Aida, an event staged for the first time in 1913.

Nito Mestre

While recordings were taking place, the band took part in the recording and staging of "La Biblia" (The Bible) by Vox Dei together with Billy Bond, David Lebón, Espíritu and La Pesada del Rock.

Oberon Old and New

A staging that parked an aeroplane on the roof of Glasgow's Theatre Royal on the opening night only seemed to sink the already preposterous plot further into the mire, although Burgess was so taken with the music that he went on to arrange the overture to Oberon for guitar quartet.

Peter Daubeny

Losing his left-arm at Salerno in 1943 led to him abandoning an acting career and staging his own productions including Franz Werfel's Jacobowsky and the Colonel in 1945.

Pine Rivers State High School

The school boasts the reputation of never performing the same musical twice, and celebrated its unique performance standard in 2006 by staging a remake of the 'Wizard of Oz', 'The Wiz', to commemorate its original performance years earlier.

Råbjerg Mile

The area is an internationally important staging site for migrating raptors and a breeding site for the Eurasian Golden Plover (Pluvialis apricaria) and the Wood Sandpiper (Tringa glareola).

Rafael Zamarripa

When his group returned to Guadalajara, the director realized Zamarripa's potential as a producer and a director, equating his staging abilities with those of Amalia Hernández.

Ryojun Guard District

It served as a staging point and refueling base in World War I for operations against the Imperial German Navy’s German East Asia Squadron based out of Tsingtao.

Saddam Beach

In November 2006, villagers reacted to the death sentence of Saddam Hussein by staging a protest rally, mouthing slogans against American President George W. Bush.

Smoke on the Mountain

It was originally workshopped at the McCarter Theatre in 1988, given a full staging at the McCarter in 1990, and was subsequently moved by the McCarter to Lamb's Theatre in New York City, New York in 1990 and had 475 performances.

Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Auditorium

Justice Harry Blackmun, writing for the court, held that the prohibition on staging the musical was an illegal prior restraint.

Stradbroke Island

Dunwich became a staging point where larger ships were unloaded of cargo which was placed into smaller vessels to be carried over the sand bars of Brisbane River and up to the penal settlement of Brisbane.

The Danny Kaye Show

Tony Charmoli, who would later go on to direct many television specials himself, including Mikhail Baryshnikov's staging of The Nutcracker (1977), was the choreographer for the musical numbers.

The Ride Down Mt. Morgan

Seven years later, it received its first New York City staging in a production directed by David Esbjornson, which opened on October 27, 1998 at the Public Theater, where it ran for 40 performances.

Theatre of France

Inspired by the theatrical experiments in the early half of the century and by the horrors of the war, the avant-garde Parisian theatre, "New theatre" or, as the critic Martin Esslin termed it, "Theatre of the Absurd," around the writers Eugène Ionesco, Samuel Beckett, Jean Genet, Arthur Adamov, Fernando Arrabal, refused simple explanations and abandoned traditional characters, plots and staging.

Yvonne Cartier

She also assisted Georges Wilson for his staging of Grandeur et Décadence de la Ville de Mahagonny.

see also