
4 unusual facts about Stanisław Sosabowski

La Pallice

During the Fall of France, on 19 June 1940, approximately 6,000 Polish soldiers in exile under the command of Stanisław Sosabowski

Stanisław Sosabowski

The following day, on 1 June, a ceremony was held at Driel, the town where the Polish 1st Independent Parachute Brigade fought.

A small part of the Brigade with Sosabowski was dropped near Driel on 19 September, but it was not until 21 September when the rest of the Brigade finally arrived in the distant town of Grave, falling directly into the waiting guns of the Germans camped out around the area.

In September 1943, Lieutenant General Frederick Browning proposed that Sosabowski reform his unit into a division and fill the remaining posts with Englishmen.

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