
3 unusual facts about Stanley Hooker

Ralph Hooper

He is sometimes referred to, with Sir Stanley Hooker and Sir Sydney Camm, as being one of the three people who created the Harrier aircraft.

Stanley Hooker

Lee Atwood of North American Aviation made it clear that the Meredith Effect had more influence on the performance of the Mustang than its laminar flow wing.


Stanley Hooker describes its use pre-war, although he also notes that compressibility effects could be modelled in this way, by sculpting the base of the tank to give additional depth and thus conductivity locally.

Borden Grammar School

Sir Stanley Hooker CBE, aeronautical engineer who designed the early jet engines, culminating with the Rolls-Royce Pegasus


Most notable former residents of Sheerness and Blue Town include Sir Stanley Hooker, inventor of the VTOL engine; Dr Richard Beeching, reorganizer of the British rail network; Michael Crawford, actor; Rod Hull, entertainer.

see also