
unusual facts about Stanwick

Stanwick, Northamptonshire

Stanwick Hall has 17th Century origins and was the subject of a BBC Restoration Home TV programme in 2010.

Stanwick St John

Another contemporary walled ditch called Scots Dyke running from Stanwick as far south as the river Swale at Richmond (and possibly also north over the Tees at Gainford) may have formed part of a general defensive mechanism for the hill peoples in the area.

The Airzone Solution

Investigative filmmaker Al Dunbar (Davison) has been working with Anthony Stanwick (McCoy), the head of one radical environmental group on a Michael Moore-style exposé documentary on AirZone.

William Dolben

He was (for about four months in 1623) the rector of St Bartholomew-by-the-Exchange before becoming rector of both Stanwick and Benefield in Northamptonshire on 8 November 1623.

Yorkshire County Cricket Club

The earliest certain reference to cricket in Yorkshire dates from 1751 when local matches were held in Sheffield and a game took place on or soon after Monday, 5 August at Stanwick, near Richmond, between the Duke of Cleveland’s XI and Earl of Northumberland’s XI; the same teams having earlier played a game at Durham.

see also