
2 unusual facts about Stefan Lazarević

Lazarević dynasty

Stefan Lazarević (around 1377 - July 19, 1427), prince (1389–1402) and despot (1402–1427)

Stefan Lazarević

Stefan II became an ally of the Kingdom of Hungary and a knight of a special order, so when the Hungarian king Sigismund renewed the Order of the Dragon (Societas draconistrarum) in 1408, Despot Stefan Lazarević was the first on the list of members.


In the 15th century, the town was a possession of the Serbian despots Stefan Lazarević and Đurađ Branković.


Crnča reached its peak in second half of 15th century during the time of despots Stefan Lazarević and Đurađ Branković when it was one of the richest mines of Serbia along with Novo Brdo, Srebrenica and Rudnik.

Olivera Despina

Olivera had four older sisters, Mara (mother of Serbian despot Đurađ Branković), Dragana, Teodora, and Jelena (mother of Balša III, the last ruler of Zeta) and two brothers, Serbian despot Stefan Lazarević and Vuk.

Roots of the Balkan

They were those who entertained when the sovereign was crowned (the nobles listened to music on the drums and gusle when Stefan the First-Crowned was crowned), they would greet kings with songs (like King Stephen Uroš II Milutin of Serbia) and despots with bugles (Stefan Lazarević).

Serbian eagle

jpg"?title=Stefan Lazarević">Stefan Lazarević (from Manasija monastery, 15th century) showing him with the double-headed eagle emblem embroidered on his robe

The double-headed eagle was officially adopted by Stefan Lazarević after he received the despot-title, the second highest Byzantine title, by John VII Palaiologos in August 1402 at the court in Constantinople.

see also

Constantine the Philosopher

Constantine of Kostenets (died after 1431), Bulgarian historian and biographer of Stefan Lazarević


In 1425 Stefan Lazarević held a major meeting in Srebrenica because of the question on who would succeed him to the Serb throne (he had no children), he chose Đurađ Branković.