
unusual facts about Strictly Speaking

Strictly Speaking

Strictly Speaking, by journalist and TV anchorman Edwin Newman (ISBN 0-446-80106-2), sub-titled "Will America be the death of English ?", was published in 1974.

see also

Al-Mahdi Muhammad bin al-Mutahhar

After al-Mutawakkil's death in Hajjah in 1298, al-Mahdi Muhammad claimed the succession, although the imamate was not strictly speaking hereditary.

Aryan paragraph

The United States Supreme Court ruled in Shelley v. Kraemer, 334 U.S. 1 (1948) that while such covenants are not strictly speaking illegal, their enforcement by state and federal courts violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution; thus the writing of such covenants became a futile exercise.

Berlin Potsdamer Platz station

The long-distance station is, strictly speaking, not a station but just a stop, as it lacks the points required to be classified as a station under German law.

Great King

Alternatively, a more idiomatic style may develop into an equally prestigious tradition of titles, because of the shining example of the original – thus various styles of Emperors trace back to the Roman Imperator (strictly speaking a republican military honorific), the family surname Caesar (turned into an imperial title since Diocletian's Tetrarchy).

José Leite de Vasconcelos

In 1910 Miuçalhas gallegas was published; drawing attention to various aspects of Galician studies, it contained a brief discourse on the linguistic boundary between Fala and Galician, corresponding to Ribadavia, Ferreiros and San Miguel de Lobios in Ourense, much of Hermisende and Zamora—although the last of these is, strictly speaking, a separated or transmontane Fala.


DRG Kleinlokomotive Class I - strictly speaking these were Kö, not Köf locomotives as they did not have hydraulic transmission.

Sacramento perch

Although called the Sacramento perch, A. interruptus is not a perch strictly speaking; the perches are members of the genus Perca in family Percidae.

Stratfield Mortimer

Strictly speaking, the village of Stratfield Mortimer sits at the foot of Mortimer Hill which rises westward from the Foudry Brook.

Vector magnetograph

Notable existing vector magnetographs include the IVM at the Mees Observatory in Hawaii, SVM at Udaipur Solar Observatory, India, the SOLIS instrument at the National Solar Observatory (strictly speaking, SOLIS is a scanned spectropolarimeter), and the narrowband filtergraph instrument on the Hinode spacecraft.