
2 unusual facts about Supreme director

Supreme director

The Supreme Director of Chile, from 1814 to 1826, except for the period of Royalist rule from 1814 to 1817

Supreme director (in Spanish director supremo) was a title used to designate certain heads of state in South America

José Ignacio Zenteno

In 1814, he became the secretary of Supreme Director Francisco de la Lastra, and was forced after the defeat of Rancagua, together with other patriots, to emigrate to Mendoza, Argentina, where, soon after his arrival, he was appointed secretary of the treasury of that province.

see also

Cornelio Saavedra

Juan José Paso requested the extradition of Saavedra, but the Chilean supreme director Francisco de la Lastra denied it.

Laureano Pineda

José Laureano Pineda Ugarte (Rivas 4 July 1802 – † 17 September 1853) was the 26th and 29th President (then called Supreme Director) of Nicaragua from 5 May to 11 August 1851, as dissident from 4 August, and from 11 November 1851 to 1 April 1853.

Republic of Tucumán

On 8 October 1814 the Supreme Director Gervasio Antonio de Posadas issued a decree saying the jurisdictions of Salta, Jujuy, Oran, Tarija and Santa Maria should be combined into the Salta Province with capital in the town of Salta.