
unusual facts about Sustain

2008 Bandar Abbas earthquake

The major oil refinery did not sustain damage, according to Hojjatollah Ghanimifard, the vice-president of investment affairs for National Iranian Oil Company.

Active sitting

Hypotonia is low muscle tone, resulting in an inability to sustain controlled movement of the body against gravity, and can often manifest as poor trunk control.

Alois von Gavasini

After the Piave, Archduke John retreated to Villach with his main body while sending Ignaz Gyulai to Laibach to sustain the defense of Croatia.

Archibald Murray

The object was to sustain public morale and, with a compromise peace leaving Germany in control of the Balkans increasingly possible, to capture Aleppo.

Arnold Spencer-Smith

However, worn down by the preliminary work of hauling stores up to the base depot at Minna Bluff during the four month period September–December 1915, he was unable to sustain the physical effort required on the main depot-laying journey south, and collapsed before the Beardmore was reached.

Brazilian presidential election, 1989

Other artists, like actress Marília Pêra, preferred to support Collor and sustain his discourse, stating that they feared what could happen in Brazil if the leftist union leader Lula was victorious.

British Columbia Maritime Employers' Association

Nevertheless, workers managed to establish and sustain an independent union under Harry Bridges's new International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) that still exists today.

British Military Rations during the French and Indian War

During the French and Indian War, British military rations contained enough food energy to sustain the soldier in garrison but suffered from a lack of vitamins that could lead to nutritional deficiencies if not supplemented by the soldiers themselves through garden produce or purchase.

Budweiser Rocket

The first run of the car at Bonneville Salt Flats showed that the propulsion system was unable to develop enough power to sustain a speed high enough to establish a new official World Land Speed Record.

Caste politics in India

Certain scientists and activists, such as MIT systems scientist Dr. VA Shiva Ayyadurai, blame caste for holding back innovation and scientific research in India, making it difficult to sustain progress while regressive social organization prevails.

Charlemagne Palestine

He performed this on a nine-foot Bösendorfer grand piano with the sustain pedal depressed for the entire length of the work.

Compulsory Process Clause

One important example is the trial of Vice President Aaron Burr, where Burr tried to subpoena documents from the President in order to sustain his defense.


Dax Cowart, attorney noted for the ethical issues raised by efforts to sustain his life against his wishes

Dealul Mitropoliei

On the evening of January 23 the conservatives realised that they could not depend on the army to sustain their position, so the following day the assembly voted unanimously to support Vasile Boerescu's motion that Cuza be proclaimed prince of Moldavia and Wallachia.


Then the judge can sustain (rule in favor of) a demurrer on the basis that the complaint's date-related allegations indicate it was filed too late ("the statute of limitations has run"), unless the plaintiff can show a typographical error (a so-called "scrivener's error") occurred in the drafting of the complaint.


Earthwatch Institute, an international non-profit organization that promotes action and understanding to sustain the Natural environment

Extreme clipper

Owing to the depth and sharpness of their floors they lacked stability, and in consequence of the sharpness of the ends those parts did not have buoyancy enough to sustain their own weight—a fact which led to the straining and weakening of the vessel.

First, Break All the Rules

Business authors Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman discuss the fallacies of standard management thinking and how good managers create and sustain employee satisfaction.

Harold Gimblett

Foot's biography records that Fleet Street writers and photographers descended on the Gimblett farm at Bicknoller; the former cricketer Jack Hobbs congratulated Gimblett in his newspaper column, but also warned that such a start would be difficult to sustain.

HP Continuous memory

The term continuous memory was coined by Hewlett-Packard (HP) to describe a unique feature of certain HP calculators whereby the calculator could internally sustain most, or in later models - all, of the contents of user memory (via battery-backed CMOS memory).

Human factors integration

Manpower - The number of military and civilian personnel required and potentially available to operate, maintain, sustain and provide training for systems

Joseph A. Rochford

Founded in 1989 by the Timken, Hoover, Deuble, and Stark Community Foundations, the mission of the partnership is to mobilize private sector resources to help Stark County’s districts and schools build the capacity to initiate and sustain changes resulting in high student achievement.

Joseph M. McShane

::* to generate and sustain the funding necessary to support investments in physical resources and the University endowment, and to fuel growth in annual giving.

Kashmere Stage Band

Music teacher Conrad O. Johnson attended an Otis Redding concert in 1967 and was inspired to translate the style of the concert into a program he could sustain at the high school in order to create opportunities for his student musicians, and thus the Kashmere Stage Band was born.

Limb bud

Also induces the mesenchymal cells to secrete FGF10, which acts through WNT3A to sustain the AER’s expression of FGF8.

Love on the Ground

Janet Maslin of The New York Times noted that the screenplay "wittily affords the director a great many opportunities for a brand of gamesmanship that enlivens the film without trivializing it. Mr. Rivette is able to sustain a complex, shifting relationship between the real and the theatrical without losing the film's overriding sense of fun."


The heavy forested mountains sustain many protected species of plants, such as yew (Taxus baccata), larch (Larix decidua), Swiss pine (Pinus cembra), edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum); and animals, such as lynx (Lynx lynx), chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra), alpine marmot (Marmota marmota), golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), and capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus).

Ørland Main Air Station

In November 1983, the airfield was customized to handle the NATO E-3A AWACS which routinely visits from Geilenkirchen to sustain the surveillance chain at the NATO border.

Rijke tube

P. L. Rijke was a professor of physics at the Leiden University in the Netherlands when, in 1859, he discovered a way of using heat to sustain a sound in a cylindrical tube open at both ends.

Sacrificial victims of Minotaur

The whole group settled at Delphi but soon came to be unable to sustain themselves so they proceeded to move first to Iapygia in Italy and then to Bottiaea in Thrace.

Sahara Desert ant

While no known land animal can live permanently at a temperature over 50°C, Sahara desert ants can sustain a body temperature well above 50°C with surface temperatures of up to 70°C.

Salt pannes and pools

They are able to sustain populations of Sheephead minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus variegatus), Mummichogs, (Fundulus heteroclitus), and other species of small fish which may become trapped in the pools and benthic species of vegetation.

Seattle Public Schools

Chief Justice Roberts wrote that "the way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race." Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy filed a concurrence that presented a more narrow interpretation, stating that schools may use "race conscious" means to achieve diversity in schools but that the schools at issue in this case did not use a sufficient narrow tailoring of their plans to sustain their goals.


Shuja's decision about whom to join as an ally in the Third Battle of Panipat was one of the decisive factors that determined the outcome of the war as lack of food due to the Afghans cutting the supply lines of Marathas was one of the reasons that Marathas could not sustain the day long battle.

Social enterprise

The Malaysian Social Enterprise Alliance (SEA) defines social enterprises as "organizations created to address social problems that use business models to sustain themselves financially. Social enterprises seek to create not only financial returns but also social returns to their beneficiaries."

Southeast Asian coral reefs

Such as the result of the incredibly successful restoration of Apo Island's reef, the local people must decide as a community to manage the reefs so that they may continue to sustain themselves through this essential resource.

Star lifting

The novel Star Trek: VoyagerThe Murdered Sun featured a reptilian race using the material from a star to sustain the opening of a wormhole.

Stefan Krauter

He initiated and organized in Rio de Janeiro several congresses (RIO 02/3/5/6/9 - World Climate & Energy Events) and the Latin America Renewable Energy Fair (LAREF), to sustain the vision of the UNCED Earth Summit of Rio 1992 in that area.

Steve Zodiac

Steve is thought to have taken his last name from either Sylvia and Gerry Anderson's astronaut in 1960s television show Fireball XL5, or his Selmer Zodiac 100-watt amplifier, which had to be used at full volume to get the distortion and sustain which was fundamental to his sound.

Strategy for Operation Herrick

It is the UK's position that long-term stability depends on the Government of Afghanistan being able to sustain its own security, offer representative government at all levels, improve economic prospects for its people, and play a constructive role in the region.

Systems philosophy

Although solving social problems means taking social norms and perspectives into account, Systems Philosophy proposes that these problems have a “proper” solution because they are about real systems: as Alexander Laszlo pointed out, natural systems are “a complex of interacting parts that are interrelated in such a way that the interactions between them sustain a boundary-maintaining entity”.

The Bay Club at Mattapoisett, Massachusetts

The Bay Club is one of only sixty six golf courses worldwide, and the only course in Massachusetts to have received the National Audubon Society International’s Silver Signature Sanctuary status for its comprehensive management plan to sustain the natural environmental habitat.

The Equation

He deduces that someone succeeded in producing the lights using wavelengths, and these caused Andrew to sustain a "hypnagogic trance" that allowed his son to be abducted.

The New Loretta Young Show

Though it followed the popular The Andy Griffith Show on CBS, The New Loretta Young Show, sponsored by Lever Brothers, proved unable to sustain the needed audience in competition at 10 p.m.

The Stone Dance of the Chameleon

The Chosen are this world's narcissistic, ruthless hereditary nobility, and the entire enterprise of society exists to sustain them in their sybaritic, self-indulgent lives.

Toward a Feminist Theory of the State

Drucilla Cornell argues that MacKinnon's "reduction of feminine sexual difference to victimization ultimately cannot sustain a feminist theory of the state." According to Cornell, MacKinnon reduces "feminine sexuality to being a 'fuckee,'" thereby reproducing the very "sexual shame" she had to intended to eliminate.

Trans-Aral Railway

Cut off from food supplies, and unable to sustain itself due to forced cotton cultivation, Russian Turkestan experienced an intense famine.

Warring States period

Chu lost the initiative and could only sustain local guerrilla-style resistance until it too was fully conquered with the destruction of Shouchun and the death of its last leader, Lord Changping of Chu, in 223 BC.

World in Conflict: Soviet Assault

The game is set in an alternate 1989 in which the Politburo of the Soviet Union elects to take military action to sustain itself, rather than collapse.

Željava Air Base

The complex was designed and built to sustain a direct hit from a 20-kiloton nuclear bomb, equivalent to the one dropped on Nagasaki.

see also