
unusual facts about Syrian Orthodox

Marriage in Israel

These are the Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic (Latin rite), Armenian Apostolic, Armenian Catholic, Syrian Catholic, Chaldean (Uniate), Melkite Greek Catholic, Maronite and Syrian Orthodox churches.

see also

Yaqu'b Mor Anthonios

On August 23, 2009 in a ceremony held at the St. Peter's & St. Paul's Cathedral in the Monastery of St. Aphrem the Syrian, Ma`rrat Sayyidnaya, Damascus, Ignatius Zakka I Iwas, the supreme head of the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church, ordained Yaq'ub Ramban from India Auxiliary Metropolitan, by name Mor Anthonios Yaqu'b, for the St. Antony's Mission in Honnavar under the Evangelical Association of the East, in the presence of many religious dignitaries and others.