
unusual facts about Tablet

Adolf Kirchhoff

Das Stadtrecht von Bantia (1853), on the tablet discovered in 1790 at Oppido near Banzi, containing a plebiscite relating to the municipal affairs of the ancient Bantia (the Stadtrecht)

Alfred Gelder

This followed the visit to Hull during May 1903, when Gelder was Mayor of the city, by the Prince of Wales, accompanied by the Princess of Wales to unveil a memorial statue of Queen Victoria, a commemoration tablet at the Royal Infirmary and to lay the foundation stone of the new City Hall.

Amplify Tablet

The tablet, available in both Wi-Fi-only and AT&T LTE configurations, was officially unveiled in March 2013 at SXSWedu.

The Amplify Tablet was developed by Amplify Education—the education division of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, in conjunction with AT&T, to compliment its Common Core-based digital curriculum products.


The east window and a tablet close by are in memory of Colonel Jeyns, who rode down the Valley of Death at Balaclava, and survived.

Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Mount Coot-tha

A commemorative dedication plaque from Brisbane City Council and the Japan Association for the 1988 Leisure Exposition and a welcome gate with calligraphy on a dedication tablet above the gate by then Prime Minister of Japan Noboru Takeshita greets visitors to the Garden at the entrance to the Garden.

Brophy College Preparatory

In 2012 Brophy College Prep announced that starting with the class of 2016 the Tablet PC program would be ended and new students would use iPads instead of the Lenovo ThinkPads.

Chamalières tablet

The Chamalières Tablet, (French: Plomb de Chamalières), is a lead tablet, six centimeters by four, that was discovered in 1971 in Chamalières, France, at the Source des Roches excavation.


The game gained notoriety in the gaming press as the first tablet app released by San Francisco-based Linden Lab, which had previously been known primarily as the creator of the online virtual world Second Life.


The winner's doodle appeared on the Google homepage on May 27, 2010, and also received a $15,000 college scholarship, a laptop computer, Wacom digital design tablet, and a $25,000 technology grant for their school.


In South Africa, the National Minister of Health, Doctor Aaron Motsoaledi, administered to the first state patient a fixed dose combination (FDC) tablet of Emtricitabine/Tenofovir/Efavirenz on 9 April 2013 in GaRankuwa.

Epic of Gilgamesh

# `Hero in battle` corresponds to the Bull of Heaven episode (Standard version tablet VI) in the Akkadian version.

Graphics tablet

In 1981, musician Todd Rundgren created the first color graphics tablet software for personal computers, which was licensed to Apple as the Utopia Graphics Tablet System.

Green Lama

Olson's story, "Shiva Enangered", tells one of the Lama's first adventures in Tibet and introduces the McGuffin known as the Jade Tablet, and explains the origins of the Lama's powers.


One text, the Carnarvon Tablet I, relates the misgivings of the Theban ruler’s council of advisors when Kamose proposed moving against the Hyksos, whom he claimed were a humiliating stain upon the holy land of Egypt.

I Can Lick Any Sonofabitch in the House

After spending a few years as a boxer in the army’s 101st Airborne Division, an amateur boxer in Las Vegas, and a stint as the bassist for Texas-based Mercury Records artist Tablet, Damron relocated to Portland, Oregon in the late 90's and began performing as a singer/songwriter.


A clay tablet found in the archives at Ebla bears a copy of a diplomatic message sent from king Irkab-Damu to king Zizi of Hamazi, along with a large quantity of wood, hailing him as a brother, and requesting him to send mercenaries in exchange.

J Allard

Allard headed up the team at Microsoft that created the two-screen tablet prototype called Courier.

Jurchen language

For example, in the 1950s a tablet was found in Penglai, Shandong, containing a poem in Jurchen by a poet called (in Chinese transcription) Aotun Liangbi.

Kilburn White Horse

A tablet erected at the car park below it reads, "The Kilburn 'White Horse' -- This figure was cut in 1857 on the initiative of Thomas Taylor, a native of Kilburn. In 1925 a restoration fund was subscribed by the readers of the Yorkshire Evening Post and the residue of £100 was invested to provide for the triennial grooming of the figure."

Lactose intolerance

The enzyme, β-galactosidase, is available in tablet form in a variety of doses, in many countries without a prescription.

Ligures Baebiani

In its ruins several inscriptions have been found, notably a large bronze tablet discovered in a public building in the Forum bearing the date AD 101, and relating to the alimentary institution founded by Trajan here (see Veleia).

Lop Nur

Its location was discovered by Sven Hedin in 1899, who excavated some houses and found a wooden Kharosthi tablet and many Chinese manuscripts from the Western Jin Dynasty (265–420).

Lyon Tablet

The surviving bottom portion of the tablet was discovered in 1528 by a draper in his vineyard on Croix Rousse Hill (on the site of the Sanctuary of the Three Gauls), in Lyon, France.


The church is the supposed resting place of St. Tewdric; on the north wall of the chancel is a tablet installed in the 17th century by Francis Godwin, Bishop of Llandaff 1601-1617, who claimed to have found the saint's stone coffin while repairing the church.


Methaqualone was manufactured in the United States under the name Quaalude by the pharmaceutical firms Rorer and "Lemmon" with the numbers 714 stamped on the tablet, so people often referred to Quaalude as 714s, "Lemmons", or "Lemmon 7s".


It allows users to, for example, echo display from a phone or tablet onto a TV, share a laptop screen with the conference room projector in real-time, and watch live programs from a home cable box on a tablet.

Odd Tablet

笏 was a long, rectangular tablet that court officials used to record matters when seeing the Chinese Emperor.

Parish Church of Saint John and Saint Ermolao

Among the works are: two paintings by Aurelio Lomi, a tablet with the Madonna and Child by Cecco di Pietro and what remains of a cross painted in the 12th century .

Passau Hauptbahnhof

On this section of wall there is a memorial tablet for the two policemen, Klaus März and Georg Schachner, who were murdered on 11 November 1993 in an Intercity from Linz to Passau near Schärding.

Richard Pigott

As a young man he supported Irish nationalism and worked on the Nation and the Tablet before acting as manager of The Irishman, a newspaper founded by Denis Holland.

Ryukyuan lacquerware

Formal tributary relations with China began in 1372, and in 1427, the Xuande Emperor famously bestowed upon Hashi, King of Ryukyu, the honorary family name Shō (Shang), along with a lacquer tablet inscribed with the characters for Chūzan, and a number of other lavish gifts, including lacquerwares and formal court robes.

Samuel Paynter, of Richmond

His memorial in Richmond church is a tablet with two marble full length angels, by Edward Hodges Baily R.A., who was famous for sculpting Nelson on Nelson's column.


Scoreloop (a subsidiary of BlackBerry) is a cross-platform social gaming network for the operating systems including BlackBerry (Tablet OS and BlackBerry 10), Android, Bada, iOS and Windows Phone 7.

Shooting an apple off one's child's head

One related story turns the motif on its head: after matching him in swimming and in other shooting contests, King Olaf of Norway converted Eindriði Pansa (the Splay-Footed) from heathenry by shooting at either a chess piece or a writing tablet on Eindriði's son's head.

SketchBook Express

It is available as a free download with the purchase of a Wacom Intuos4 or Bamboo 3rd generation tablet.

Sodium bicarbonate rocket

In the experiment, a film canister is filled with water, an effervescent tablet (commonly Alka-Seltzer) is added and the canister tightly sealed.

St Peter's Church, Lowick

A plain tablet in the north chapel remembers William, infant son of John Mordaunt, 1st Earl of Peterborough who died in 1625.


Šubši-mašrâ-Šakkan (sometimes given as Šubši-mešrê-šakkan), inscribed mšub-ši-maš-ra-a-dGÌR was the narrator of the poem, Ludlul bēl nēmeqi, “I Will Praise the Lord of Wisdom,” known as The Poem of the Righteous Sufferer and thought to have been composed during the reign of Kassite king of Babylon Nazi-Maruttaš (ca. 1307–1282 BC), who is mentioned on line 105 of tablet IV.

Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh Revealed After the Kitáb-i-Aqdas

In the opening of the tablet, Bahá'u'lláh bestows his bounties upon Hands of the Cause `Alí-Akbar and Trustee of Huqúqu'lláh, Amín who were imprisoned in Qazvin.

One of the quotes from this Tablet, "The source of all learning is the knowledge of God, exalted be His glory" was chosen by Shoghi Effendi to adorn one of the doors on the House of Worship in Wilmette, Illinois.

The Broken Code

Barney claims the Bro Code descended from Broses (with Bro Code Article I imprinted on a stone tablet shaped after the Ten Commandments) and was brought to America by Christopher Brolumbus.

The Vyne

The Vyne holds an inscribed Roman ring as well as a lead tablet that speaks of a curse on the one who stole it.

ThinkPad Tablet

Lenovo has explained that this happens because the tablet contains DRM protected software and Lenovo proprietary code on the Android image.

Tim Scully

Later Owsley started to tablet the product in Orinda, California but was arrested before he completed that work.

Travels to the West of Qiu Chang Chun

In 1220, on the invitation of Genghis Khan with a golden tablet, Qiu Chuji left his home town in Shandong with nineteen disciples, and travelled through Beijing and travelled north.

Venus tablet of Ammisaduqa

The tablet recorded the rise times of Venus and its first and last visibility on the horizon before or after sunrise and sunset (the heliacal risings and settings of Venus) in the form of lunar dates.

The Venus tablet of Ammisaduqa (Enuma Anu Enlil Tablet 63) refers to the record of astronomical observations of Venus, as preserved in numerous cuneiform tablets dating from the first millennium BCE.

Warszawa Gdańska station

The events of 1968 are now commemorated by a stone tablet on the eastern wall of the building with the inscription by Henryk Grynberg Here they left more than they had.


The Wikipad 7 is an enterprise and video gaming tablet, running Android (4.2.2 ) produced by the independent Los Angeles-based company, Wikipad, Inc. Handheld prototypes were first shown at CES 2012 in January with the final product hitting shops in the UK accompanied by a well received TV in campaign December 2013 initiating its global roll out.

see also