
unusual facts about Google.com


In June 2012, Google rejected the Australian Sex Party's ads for AdWords and sponsored search results for the July 12 by-election for the state seat of Melbourne, saying the Party breached its rules which prevent solicitation of donations by a website that did not display tax exempt status.

AltaRock Energy

Founded in 2007 by serial entrepreneur Andrew Perlman and his business partners, AltaRock has received backing from investors such as Google.org, Advanced Technology Ventures

AMD FireStream

One of the supporting firms was PeakStream (acquired by Google in June 2007), who was first to provide an open beta version of software to support CTM and AMD FireStream as well as x86 and Cell (Cell Broadband Engine) processors.


The application has partnered with Evernote, Box, Dropbox and Google so that users can centralize and share all of their informational sources confidentially.

Battle Bears Gold

Battle Bears Gold supports monetary transactions through the Google Play store, Windows 8 Store, and the Apple iTunes/App Store.

Book Rights Registry

The Book Rights Registry is an entity to be founded as part of a settlement of the lawsuit between the Authors Guild and Google over the Google Books scanning project.

Charles Marsh House

Although, as of November 2009, the house is present in both Google and Bing satellite views at the coordinates shown above, it has been demolished in favor of the construction shown in the image.

Clean Energy Bank

These two bills received bipartisan support and have been endorsed by the US Chamber of Commerce, Google.org and the Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA).


, Salesforce CRM, Zoho CRM, Lotus Notes, Google Contacts and Calendar, Google Apps, Outlook Business Contact Manager, Highrise, Groupwise, and Infusionsoft.


Copiepresse successfully sued Google in Belgian court, claiming that Google violated copyright law in posting links to and abstracts of articles in Belgian newspapers without permission.

Craig Nevill-Manning

Craig Nevill-Manning is a New Zealand computer scientist who founded Google's first remote engineering center, located in midtown Manhattan, where he is an Engineering Director.

David Hassell

In 2013, 15Five received $1 million in seed funding from venture capital firm Richmond Global, 500 Startups, and investments from individuals, including Yammer founder David O. Sacks, Ustream founder John Ham, former editor of Mashable Ben Parr, Ben Ling of Google and Xobni founder Matt Brezina.

David Nimmer

Along the way, other litigated cases have ranged from the status of Winnie-the-Pooh to the collected choreography of Martha Graham to the Google Books settlement in New York City (still pending, for which he represents the interests of Amazon.com).

Delaney Gibson

In June 2011, Delaney was chosen as one of two musicians to take part in IdeaJam, a collaboration between Ashton Kutcher co-founded Katalyst, Intel, and Google/YouTube.

Edward D. Lazowska

Lazowska has mentored a number of students, including Hank Levy (University of Washington), Yi-Bing Lin (National Chiao Tung University), Ed Felten (Princeton University), and Christophe Bisciglia (successively Google, Cloudera, and WibiData).


(Like the drawings on which they were based, these statues were not anatomically detailed.) Originally priced at US$7.50 apiece in 1963, a complete set of the four statuettes was auctioned off by Leland's auction house in June 2004 for US$7,904.80, according to a Google cache of the auction.

Google OS

Goobuntu, a Linux distribution that Google uses internally

Google Sky

On January 20, 2012, Google announced a student development partnership with Carnegie Mellon University and released Sky Map under the Apache 2.0 open source license.

Gregorio Reyes

George Reyes – his brother is Chief Financial officer at Google

In Search of the Pope's Children

He then made the claim that 87% of Ireland's exports generated by multinational companies such as Microsoft, Apple Computer, Dell, Intel, and Google, implying that decisions made in New York boardrooms have a far greater effect on the Irish economy than decisions made in the Dáil.

Internet in South Korea

The ex-CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, made a negative remark on the South Korean internet environment for falling "a little bit behind" due to governmental regulations during a conference with Choi See-Joong, chairman of Korea Communications Commission, and President Park Geun hye

Internet Society of China

The ISC issues what the Chinese government calls “self-disciplinary regulations,” including the Public Pledge on Self-Discipline for the Chinese Internet Industry, which has been signed by thousands of organizations operating websites in China, including Baidu, Soseen, Yahoo, Microsoft and Google.

Istvan Bakx

Manager Hein Vanhaezebrouck was searching for a left-footed attacker and had typed in those words at search engine Google.

Jeff Jarvis

Along with Leo Laporte and Gina Trapani, Jarvis is a co-host on This Week in Google, a live-streamed podcast show on the TWiT Network which covers Google and cloud computing.

Le Soir

The paper gained some notoriety on the internet after it successfully sued the search-engine Google for copyright infringement.

Liberty Science Center

Google is LSC's creative partner in the creation of the 7,000-square-foot exhibition.

Max On Max

After spending 2 years working at Google, Max was inspired by On Intelligence and left in search for the source of higher level reasoning.

Merlien Institute Market Research Conferences

These conferences feature speakers from multinational companies such as Walmart, Hewlett-Packard, Citigroup, Procter & Gamble, Microsoft, Pepsico, Google, Coca-Cola, Unilever, Nestle, Huawei, international think tanks and research agencies.


In April 2012, Google's Urs Hölzle described how the company's internal network had been completely re-designed over the previous two years to run under OpenFlow with substantial efficiency improvement.

Political Google bombs in the 2004 U.S. Presidential election

Political blogger George Johnston of Old Fashioned Patriot claimed to be the coordinator of this particular Google bomb, which began a month after the Dick Gephardt campaign began using the catchphrase "miserable failure" to attack the administration.

PULSE Impact Investing Management Software

Acumen Fund recruited volunteer engineers from Google to build a prototype portfolio management system and from this work, a system called PDMS (Portfolio Data Management System) was launched.


Pyra Labs, a Google company which founded the Blogger.com service

Ripe Digital Entertainment

The services were mainly distributed through cable video on demand services such as Comcast, Time Warner Cable and FiOS, along with syndication through the AOL, Google and Yahoo ad networks.

Roelof Botha

He previously sat on the board of directors of Meebo and YouTube before they were each acquired by Google.

Rosanne Siino

Since retiring, she has consulted for numerous high-tech and Internet companies, such as AOL, Google, Shutterfly, Qualcomm, and PlanetOut.

San Angeles

In 2006, Marissa Mayer, Google's then 31-year-old product-launch czar, seized on the San Angeles concept to describe how Google might modify its home page:We're still not ready to make really fundamental changes and blast all of our products on our home page.

Serra Catholic High School

In addition, the school has implemented Google Apps for Education, enabling students, faculty, and staff to utilize Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive, and Google Sites.

Slender Man

In 2011, Markus "Notch" Persson, creator of the sandbox indie game Minecraft, added a new hostile mob to the game, which he named the "Enderman" when multiple users on Reddit and Google+ commented on the similarity to the Slender Man.

Solve for X

European director Bruno Giussani stated regarding Google's endeavor: "The world needs more ideas, not fewer and more commitment to sharing them freely and openly so that collectively we can test-run them and turn them into reality ... Google being at the origin of this, obviously technology and engineering will play a big role in Solve For X".


Viacom's recent lawsuits against YouTube and Google, in which over 100,000 DMCA takedown notices were sent, used a system of spamigation that sent notices to videos if they contained selected phrases of material under Viacom copyright.


Ellen Spertus, an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Mills College and a research scientist at Google.

Tom Stocky

He’s credited with Google’s early forays into travel, leading up to the acquisition of ITA Software, which closed in April, 2011.

Unsquare Dance

On 8 May 2013, Google honoured the American designer and filmmaker Saul Bass on the occasion of his 93rd birthday with a Google Doodle and a video featuring this piece.


On 23 December 2010, Ushahidi Co-founder and Executive Director Ory Okolloh announced that she was stepping down from her role to become Manager of Policy for Africa at Google.

Václav Čtvrtek

On April 4, 2011, Google celebrated his 100th birthday by replacing the original Google logo with a doodle celebrating his works for a day on Google Czech Republic.


On July 19, 2013 it was announced that Daniel Loreto, engineering lead for Twitter and Google is joining Venrock as EIR.

Virtual pharmacy

The consumer basically finds their favorite virtual pharmacy through search engines like Google or Yahoo, explains their symptoms, look at the recommended drugs and fills out an online questionnaire that is forwarded to doctor for approval.

Visegrád Group

The high technology and IT sectors are also growing with the help of investors like Google, Toshiba, Dell, GE, LG and Sharp.


It also has an integration with TeamCity, IntelliJ IDEA, TestLink, TestRail, and supports user authentication with Google Account, Yahoo!, OpenID and LDAP.

see also


The winner's doodle appeared on the Google homepage on May 27, 2010, and also received a $15,000 college scholarship, a laptop computer, Wacom digital design tablet, and a $25,000 technology grant for their school.