
unusual facts about Targets

Drive-In Massacre

A score of two out of four was given by TV Guide, which wrote "Obviously inspired by Peter Bogdanovich's masterful Targets, Drive-In Massacre has none of its predecessor's insight, intelligence, or craft. Instead, it's an ultracheap slice-and-dice effort that even boasts the tired 'They're coming to get you!' ending designed to make drive-in audiences uncomfortable. Needless to say, the effect is greatly diminished on home video".

123d Airlift Wing

During the period July 1944 – February 1945, the group engaged chiefly in escorting bombers to oil refineries, marshalling yards, and other targets in such cities as Ludwigshafen, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Berlin, Merseburg, and Brux.

301st Operations Group

In 1944–1945, supported ground forces in the Anzio and Cassino areas during the invasion of Southern France, knocked out targets to assist the Russian advance in the Balkans, and aided the Allied drive through the Po Valley.

457th Airlift Squadron

Flew "shakedown" missions against Japanese targets on Moen Island, Truk, and other points in the Carolines and Marianas.

465th Bombardment Wing

On two different missions – to marshalling yards and an oil refinery at Vienna on 8 July 1944 and to steel plants at Friedrichshafen on 3 August 1944 – the group bombed its targets despite antiaircraft fire and fighter opposition, being awarded a Distinguished Unit Citation (DUC) for each of these attacks.

489th Bombardment Group

Began flying missions into Germany in July, and engaged primarily in bombing strategic targets such as factories, oil refineries and storage plants, marshalling yards, and airfields in Ludwigshafen, Magdeburg, Brunswick, Saarbrücken, and other cities until November 1944.

524th Bombardment Squadron

Specific targets included a chemical plant in Ludwigshafen, an aircraft assembly plant in Brunswick, ball-bearing plants at Schweinfurt and Leipzig, synthetic oil refineries at Merseburg and Gelsenkirchen, marshalling yards at Hamm and Reims and airfields in Mesnil au Val and Berlin.

640th Bombardment Squadron

The 640th initially flew sweeps over Occupied France from its base in England, attacking coastal defenses, V-1 flying bomb and V-2 rocket sites, airfields, and other targets in France in preparation for Operation Overlord, the invasion of Normandy.

Afghan parliamentary election, 2010

"We urge people not to participate in the election. Everything and everyone affiliated with the election is our target -- candidates, security forces, campaigners, election workers, voters are all our targets," said Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid.

Amiriyah shelter bombing

Charles E. Allen, the CIA's National Intelligence Officer for Warning supported the selection of bomb targets during the Persian Gulf War.

BlackSite: Area 51

The game's main weapon, the M4 carbine, has a reflex sight that can be aimed through for zooming in on distant targets.

Buckeye Partners

Buckeye pipelines supply aviation fuel to major airports in New York City, and the firm's property was listed by United States federal prosecutors as being among the targets of the 2007 John F. Kennedy International Airport attack plot.

Campaigns of World War II

After initial heavy losses and inaccurate bombings, RAF Bomber Command air raids against German military targets evolved to adopt nighttime attacks as their primary tactic in conjunction with a strategy of area bombardment against Nazi Germany morale.

CFB Gander

CFB Gander is also host to the Leitrim Detachment which operates and maintains signals intelligence and utilizes a Wullenweber AN/FLR-10 circularly disposed antenna array for High-frequency direction finding of high priority targets.

Clandestine operation

In World War II, targets found through cryptanalysis of radio communication, were attacked only if there had been aerial reconnaissance in the area, or, in the case of the shootdown of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, where the sighting could be attributed to the Coastwatchers.

Defence of the Reich

Air Chief Marshal Portal demanded that the British share the losses the 8AF had been taking by assuming responsibility for two of the largest and most distant targets, Pölitz and Merseburg-Leuna.

Doppler radar

Normally it is one or the other; a radar designed for detecting targets from zero to Mach 2 does not have a high resolution in speed, while a radar designed for high resolution velocity measurements does not have a wide range of speeds.

Earthquake bomb

The earthquake bomb, or seismic bomb, was a concept that was invented by the British aeronautical engineer Barnes Wallis early in World War II and subsequently developed and used during the war against strategic targets in Europe.


The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), eight ambitious targets which range from halving extreme poverty to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education, were put forth by the United Nations in 2000, to be achieved by 2015.


The group usually targets Canadian politicians, and has pied former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, provincial premiers such as Jean Charest and Ralph Klein, and cabinet ministers such as Stéphane Dion, Allan Rock and Pierre Pettigrew, among other political figures.

German aircraft carrier Graf Zeppelin

Nine Royal Air Force Avro Lancaster heavy bombers from 106 Squadron were dispatched against her, each one carrying a single "Capital Ship" bomb, a 5,500 lb device with a shaped charge warhead intended for armored targets.

Hagen Rether

Using parody, he targets historical and contemporary people using political and medial transcripts for his satires (e.g. Jürgen Rüttgers).

Important targets for his satires and biting ironies are, among many others, the Catholic Church, George W. Bush and well known German artists like Günter Grass, whom he criticizes for not admitting that he had actually been member of the Waffen-SS until August 2006, during which time he received a Nobel Prize for (as Rether implies) bad writing.


-- Really "the best"? Or just good, on a disease that's easily treated? --> These patients were treated with the recombinant immunotoxin, BL22, which targets the CD22 cell surface receptor, which is highly expressed on these leukemic cells.

Jacobson v. United States

Among its other targets had been another middle-aged Nebraska farmer, Bob Brase, of Shelby.

Joaquín Esteban Osaguera Peña

Oseguera Peña was stated as one of the targets of the failed 2011 bombing at the State of Mexico Campus by an anti technology group called Tendiendo a lo Salvaje (ITS) .

John C. Waldron

Without fighter escort, his attack bombers vulnerably underpowered and lacking in defensive armament, and forced by the unreliability of their own torpedoes to fly low and slow directly at their targets, all of the Hornet's torpedo planes soon fell to the undivided attention of the enemy's combat air patrol of Mitsubishi "Zero" fighters.

Lars Gule

Gule has explained that the DFLP proposed three targets for him: a bomb could be placed either be in a pedestrian underpass in Tel Aviv, in the President Hotel in Jerusalem or outside an apartment complex with gas containers outside in what was called a “bourgeois neighborhood”.

Les Scheininger

Scheininger praised Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney for his support of the 1991 Gulf War, and described Saddam Hussein's military attacks on Israeli targets as "diabolical".

Master Sibrand

Sibrand is one of the assassination targets in the original Assassin's Creed video game, where he is depicted as excessivly paranoid (due to the players recent success).

Michael McElwee

The most common targets of the site have included Lou Piniella, Dusty Baker, Tank Johnson and Isiah Thomas.

Modern competitive archery

Most targets in competitive archery use some kind of stalks of grain or grass and may be constructed of marsh grass woven into a rope then wrapped around into a target.

One Life Crew

Targets of the lyrics included corrupt law enforcement, Princess Diana, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan, illegal immigrants, and the unemployed.

Operation Acid Drop

Each raid consisted of one officer and 14 men, their targets were the beaches at Hardelot and Merlimont in the Pas-de-Calais, France with the aim of carrying out reconnaissance and if possible, to capture a German soldier.

Perry v. Louisiana

Following the murders, he fled the state, leaving behind a list of five other intended targets, including Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and Olivia Newton-John.


The player uses a vulcan-like laser weapon as their primary offense, and a missile weapon which can lock onto multiple targets and gain a combo multiplier, accumulating into a point total.

Schnellkampfgeschwader 210

By the time the unit was re-designated I. Gruppe, Schnellkampfgeschwader 210 in April 1941 the unit was based at Abbeville, undertaking missions against shipping and land-based targets.

Shooting at the 1996 Summer Olympics – Men's trap

After the regular 150 targets, it took a marathon shoot-off to separate the silver and bronze medalists; after both shooters had hit 27 straight targets, Josh Lakatos hit his 28th while Lance Bade missed.

Shooting at the 2000 Summer Olympics – Men's skeet

Mykola Milchev of Ukraine became the first shooter to hit all 150 targets at an Olympic competition in skeet.

Singapore Artillery

As the Artillery is an indirect fire support system, the gunners at the weapons do not need to see the targets in order to engage fire.

Sopwith Cuckoo

Training took place in the Firth of Forth, where Cuckoos launched practice torpedoes at targets towed by destroyers.

Super Sporting

Some courses are set up to have 2 shooting stations for each set of 3 traps which can be near each other but far enough apart such that the shooting experience is different for the same set of targets, while other courses are set up with one hoop for each set of 3 traps.

Susumu Kobayashi

He scored a total of 577 targets in the preliminary rounds of the men's 10 m air pistol, by four points ahead of Poland's Wojciech Knapik from the final attempt, finishing only in twenty-third place.

The Last Man on Planet Earth

During a war with Afghanistan, an incurable biological weapon called the "Y-bomb", which targets only the male Y-chromosome, is used and results in the eventual deaths of 97% of the world's men.

The Little Drummer Girl

The story follows the manipulations of Martin Kurtz, an Israeli spymaster who is trying to kill a Palestinian terrorist named Khalil, who is bombing Jewish-related targets in Europe, particularly Germany, and the English actress Charlie, who becomes a double agent working on behalf of the Israelis.

Therapeutic target

Therapeutic Targets Database, a database to provide information about the known and explored therapeutic targets

United States – Russia mutual detargeting

In 1997, during a debate over an amendment that would require the president to certify that Russia had detargeted its missiles, Representative Curt Weldon (R-PA) introduced into the Congressional Record a transcript of a 60 Minutes interview with Russian generals which stated that Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles could be retargeted to point to US targets within a matter of minutes.

Up An' Atom

While at Tinian, Marquadt and crew B-10 flew Up An' Atom on eight training and practice bombing missions and pumpkin bomb missions against industrial targets in Taira and Hamamatsu, Japan.

Vigilant Eagle

The University of Southern California reported in a study funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency that “the capability of MANPADS to reach targets at altitudes of up to or beyond 15,000 feet allow these weapons to be used at a radius of 50 miles or more from most airports, making perimeter facility control largely ineffective.” Northrop Grumman has also estimated that "the zone of vulnerability around the airport is 300 square miles."

Volunteer Army Unit for Punishing Traitors

Targets included offices of the Japan Teachers Union, buildings in Osaka and Tokyo of the terrorist sect Aum Shinrikyo (which had perpetrated the sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway in 1995), the pro-North Korea Chongryon association, and in the only threat taken seriously by the Japanese police, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Hitoshi Tanaka, who had attempted rapprochement with North Korea in 2002.

see also