
unusual facts about TaxPayers' Alliance

TaxPayers' Alliance

When Nick Ferrari asked TPA's campaign manager Susie Squire whether she was "secretly Conservative", she rejected the accusation as "outrageous" saying the organisation was "totally independent".

2004 Palm Island death in custody

In one of the more unusual political controversies of the Beattie Government, then Queensland Indigenous Policy Minister Liddy Clark offered for activist Murandoo Yanner and Carpentaria Land Council chief executive Brad Foster to accompany her to Palm Island in the weeks after the riot at taxpayers' expense.

Andy Pasztor

Immediately following SpaceX's inaugural launch of the Falcon 9 rocket, Andy Pasztor wrote in a WSJ article titled "SpaceX Illustrates Privatization Risk" on June 7, 2010 alleging that SpaceX claimed it would require $1 billion to build a launch escape system for its rocket, and that the company would likely require future assistance from US taxpayers.

Despite that statement by SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, subsequently in 2011 and 2012, SpaceX did receive additional funding from U.S. taxpayers through NASA.

Ann Callaway

American Composers' Alliance at 50 (Opus One 143) contains Paraphrasis (1981), an organ fantasy on the tune INNSBRUCK, played by Haskell Thomson

Arlington County v. White

The taxpayers invoked the "Dillon rule", a restrictive interpretation of local government power that was established by the 19th century judge and legal scholar, John Forrest Dillon, and adopted by Virginia as well as many other states.

Association of Real Estate Taxpayers

David T. Beito, Taxpayers in Revolt: Tax Resistance during the Great Depression (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1989).

Bev Oda

In 2006, Oda paid back $2,200 to taxpayers after the Liberals found that she had incurred nearly $5,500 in limousine rides at the 2006 Juno Awards in Halifax.

Bulkeley Wells

He moved to Telluride, Colorado, and joined the executive board of the Telluride Mining Association, and headed up the San Miguel County Citizens' Alliance (SMCCA).

Canadian Ski Instructors' Alliance

Frédérik Lépine (CSIA 4, CSCF 2), event planner, ski instructor at Ski Bromont, CSIA level 4 course conductor, and provincial representative of the Eastern Townships;

Marie-Claude Tassé (CSIA 3, CSCF 1), event planner, supervisor at Ski Bromont, CSIA level 1 course conductor, provincial representative of the Eastern Townships;

Courtney Coventry

She was flown to UK by the Metropolitan Police at British taxpayers' expense on the day before Tony Blair was to resign from office, 26 June 2007 where she was met at London's Heathrow Airport by plainclothes police escorts.

Credit Mobilier

Crédit Mobilier of America scandal of 1872, the exposed deception by the Union Pacific of overcharging construction costs to taxpayers and manipulating the share prices of Crédit Mobilier of America

Doug Guetzloe

Guetzloe helped found the Florida Taxpayers Union in 2004 as an affiliate of the National Taxpayers Union, a grassroots organization working for lower taxes, smaller government and accountability from public officials.

Douglas Hogg

When the Daily Telegraph in 2009 exposed that Hogg had claimed upwards of £2,000 of taxpayers' money for the purposes of cleaning the moat around his country estate, Kettlethorpe Hall, he became one of the most prominent illustrations used by the media to portray the extent of the expenses scandal, though Hogg always maintained that the allegation was untrue.

Drummond White

In 1992, White and fellow Durham MPP Jim Wiseman became involved in a minor controversy when it was found they were billing taxpayers for the cost of renting a shared apartment in Toronto.

Eli C. D. Shortridge

Shortridge ran for governor ten years later in 1893 on a fusion ticket composed of Populists, Democrats, and the Farmers' Alliance, who merged into a single Democratic-Independent Party.

Farmers' Mutual Benefit Association

At a general meeting of the association held at Springfield, Illinois in November, 1890, it was decided to send delegates to the Southern Farmers' Alliance convention at Ocala, Florida the following month.

Frank Kratovil

A "Super PAC" group called The Concerned Taxpayers of America paid $150,000 for ads attacking Kratovil, and $300,000 for ads attacking Peter DeFazio of Oregon.

Howard M. Guthmann

In 2006, Guthmann was appointed by the United States Department of the Treasury to the National Tax Advocacy Panel where he served as an advocate for taxpayers at the Internal Revenue Service.

Jim Wiseman

In 1992, Wiseman and fellow Durham MPP Drummond White became involved in a minor controversy when it was found they were billing taxpayers for the cost of renting a shared apartment in Toronto.

Joint Army/Navy Phonetic Alphabet

Uncle Sugar, being the way the letters "U" and "S" were spelled out, was used in the armed services in place of Uncle Sam, especially when describing waste of taxpayers' money on needless equipment or stinginess of not providing necessary or expected equipment.

Joseph H. Beeman

Beeman connected with the Farmers' Alliance and served as chairman of its executive committee.

Liberal Libertarian Party

The party suggested closing the CONEAU (National Commission for University Evaluation and Accreditation) arguing it's not only a misuse of taxpayers money but also an affront to academic independence.

Lindi St Clair

In June 1991, she was involved in a controversy when Norman Lamont, the then Chancellor of the Exchequer, was investigated for using taxpayers' money to handle the fall-out from press stories concerning Miss Whiplash, who was using a flat he owned (the Treasury contributed £4,700 of the £23,000 bill which had been formally approved by the Head of the Civil Service and the Prime Minister).

Marino Vinicio Castillo

The defunct Baninter's fraud cost the Dominican taxpayers more than RD$70 billion.

Mark Poloncarz

Examples include the creation of one of New York State’s first Land Banks, the establishment of the Erie County Medicaid Anti-Fraud Unit, as well as the successful negotiation of a new 10-year lease with the Buffalo Bills that is fair for local and state taxpayers.

MidAmerica St. Louis Airport

Featured several times as a "Fleecing of America" segment on the NBC Nightly News, it was called a "Gateway to Nowhere" by Tom Brokaw, costing taxpayers $313 million.

National Taxpayers Union

National Taxpayers Union (NTU) is a taxpayers advocacy organization and taxpayers union in the United States, founded in 1969 by James Dale Davidson.

New Nashville Ballpark

Both of those ventures, initiated by former mayor Phil Bredesen, proved to be very costly to Nashville taxpayers.

Northern State Parkway

While the compromise was a success for the residents of Wheatley Hills, according to Robert Caro in The Power Broker, the $175,000 was a smokescreen for the fact that the land purchasing would cost $2.25 million (1929 USD) and rather than the locals, the taxpayers would be stuck with the majority (over 90%) of the bill from the acquisition.

Omaha Platform

The planks themselves represent the merger of the agrarian concerns of the Farmers' Alliance with the free-currency monetarism of the Greenback Party while explicitly endorsing the goals of the largely urban Knights of Labor.

Parliamentary immunity

In the run-up to the 2006 election in Canada, Conservative Party leader Stephen Harper denounced the ruling Liberal Party on the floor of the House of Commons, contending that the government ran "a massive corruption ring using organized crime to defraud taxpayers."

Pergau Dam

At the insistence of Margaret Thatcher and with the support of her Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd, the excessively costly dam was financed with the money of British taxpayers in order to secure a major arms deal, despite objections raised by civil servants in the British Foreign Office.

Private highways in the United States

The remaining taxpayers are board members and lessees of property owned by Disney affiliates (e.g., House of Blues, Travelodge, and Hilton) paying ad valorem taxes.

Public Distribution System

# Vigilance squad should be strengthened to detect corruption, which is an added expenditure for taxpayers.

Regulatory competition

Brennan and Buchanan (1980) argue that the public sector is a 'Leviathan' which is inherently biased towards extracting money from taxpayers, but that competitive government structures can minimize such exploitation.

Roscoe L. Egger, Jr.

Trials performed as part of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 revealed a small, but significant number of errors and the IRS was unsure how its already strained bureaucracy would deal with taxpayers when it was the IRS, and not the taxpayer, with a deficiency.

Steve Bren

In 2010, he placed 14th on a list of 250 most delinquent California taxpayers published by the California Franchise Tax Board.

Sully v. Drennan

The suit was brought originally in the district court of the state by James N. Drennan and others, taxpayers of Prairie Township, in the County of Mahaska.

Tax choice

The Presidential Election Campaign Fund, enacted in 1971, allows taxpayers to allocate $3 of their taxes to presidential election campaigns.

Taxpayers Party of New York

Rus Thompson, Gary Berntsen and Michael Caputo, who helped organized the party line, orchestrated an attempted ballot access campaign for David Bellavia in the New York's 26th congressional district special election, 2011, but because Paladino and Leonard Roberto endorsed Republican nominee Jane Corwin, the organization used the name "Federalist Party" for Bellavia's petitions instead of the Taxpayers Party.

Terry Kilrea

As for the O-Train project, Kilrea had criticized its potential to create a major financial burden to Ottawa taxpayers and mentioned it may also be a failure due to a possible lack of ridership when the North-South Line expansion will be completed in 2009 from the University of Ottawa to Barrhaven.

Thomas Van Lear

Van Lear did not win control of the city council, and Sheriff Otto Langum worked closely with the Minneapolis Citizens' Alliance, an anti-labor coalition of wealthy business magnates.

Young Britons' Foundation

As of September 2010, YBF's "advisory board" includes Matthew Elliott, founder of the UK TaxPayers' Alliance, and representatives of the Heritage Foundation (a US conservative thinktank), US Competitive Enterprise Institute and American Conservative Union (a US conservative lobbying organisation).

see also