
unusual facts about Teach


Téach (or Tígh), an Irish language term referring to a home or residence


Ali Akbar College of Music, three schools founded by Indian musician Ali Akbar Khan to teach Indian classical music

Ahmad Ammar Ahmad Azam

On 2 December 2013 around 1.30 pm, after getting the credential to teach Said Nursî's Risalah an-Nur from Hayrat Foundation, he was expected to teach it to his students in Istanbul.

An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting

It was modelled after Jonathan Swift's satirical essays, and is intended to "teach" a reader the various methods for "teasing and mortifying" one's acquaintances.

Ballachulish Camanachd Club

In her article, When it's rational to hate a stranger, Scottish journalist Sylvia Patterson wrote that she hoped footballer Cristiano Ronaldo would be resurrected as "as a 5ft 2in winger of a Ballachulish shinty team" in order to teach him a lesson about humility.

C. Vann Woodward

In 1975-6 Woodward led the unsuccessful fight at Yale to block the temporary appointment of Communist historian Herbert Aptheker to teach a course.

César-Mansuète Despretz

In 1824, he was appointed to teach at the prestigious Lycée Henri-IV, first as adjunct professor, then as holder of the chair of physics.

David ben Judah Messer Leon

However, in 1495 the city fell to the French under Charles VIII, and he fled east to the Ottoman Empire to escape the violent pogroms that ensued, spending time in Istanbul before moving sometime between 1498 and 1504 to teach Torah in Salonica, at that time in a state of intellectual vibrancy due to the settlement there of many Sephardi exiles forced to leave after the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492, Sicily in 1493, and Portugal in 1496.

Edgar Zilsel

In 1943, Zilsel was invited by Lynn White to teach physics at Mills College in California, but shortly thereafter he committed suicide in his office with an overdose of sleeping pills.

Erskineville Bootmaking School

In 1949 the Boot and Shoe Trades School was renamed the Department of Footwear and continued to teach out of Ultimo until 2009.

Faroese language conflict

Jákup Dahl, who later became the Provost, was opposed to the administration's ruling and refused to teach in Danish; from then on he taught in Faroese.

George Lefferts

He is the co-creator and writer of Family Album, U.S.A., "a soap opera designed to teach English as a Second Language," distributed by MacMillan Publishers in 58 countries.

Ghost Train by Paul Yee

Aside from Chan's personal work, he has found time to teach at the Ontario College of Art and Design and Sheridan College.

H. Vinson Synan

As Synan was making preparation for his academic career, Oral Roberts, a friend of the family, offered him a full scholarship to earn a Ph.D. in theology at Harvard, Yale, or Princeton if he would return and teach at Oral Roberts University.

Henri Depelchin

Then he was sent to Antwerp and Namur to teach in the Jesuit schools and to serve as a superior.

Herbert L. Osgood

He attended graduate school at Amherst and Yale, and spent a year in Berlin, before returning to the United States to teach at Brooklyn High School and resume graduate studies at Columbia under Burgess, who had recently moved there.

Horne v. Flores

The case was brought in 1992 by English Language Learner (ELL) students against the state board of education and state superintendent on the grounds that the Nogales Unified School District had failed to teach the students English, which was vital to their success.

Ignaz Holzbauer

Its success led to a job offer from the court at Mannheim, Germany, where he stayed for the rest of his life, continuing to compose and to teach, his students including Johann Anton Friedrich Fleischmann (1766-1798), the pianist, and Carl Stamitz.

Jadranka Stojaković

Born in Sarajevo to a family of school teachers (her father is from Doboj, her mother from Dalmatia), Jadranka's first years were spent in a small village near Bosanski Novi where her parents got assigned to teach.

James E. Kearney

Kearney graduated from DeWitt Clinton High School in 1901, and then attended the Teachers College of Columbia University, where he earned a Regents license to teach in New York State.

John G. Stackhouse, Jr.

From there, he went to teach Modern Christianity (history, sociology, philosophy, and theology) in the Department of Religion at the University of Manitoba, in Winnipeg, Canada, rising to the rank of Professor in 1997 and receiving the university's top awards for research and for outreach to the community (via his newspaper column and other media appearances).

Just the Ten of Us

The series focuses on Graham Lubbock (Bill Kirchenbauer), a Catholic gym teacher who used to teach at the high school that Growing Pains characters Mike and Carol Seaver (Kirk Cameron and Tracey Gold) had attended; and the father of eight children.

Lance Brooks

After college, Brooks moved to Boulder, Colorado to train and teach track and field at the high school level.


Landesa was founded as the Rural Development Institute in 1967 by Professor Roy Prosterman, a Harvard Law School graduate who left his Wall Street career at Sullivan & Cromwell to teach at the University of Washington School of Law where he established the Law in Sustainable Development Program.

Lawrence Taub

Instead he went to the Sorbonne (University of Paris) to earn a certificate to teach French.

Learning to Live Together: Preventing Hatred and Violence in Child and Adolescent Development

Learning to Live Together: Preventing Hatred and Violence in Child and Adolescent Development is a book written by David A. Hamburg and Beatrix Hamburg that examines the psychological aspects of how that societies teach prejudice to children and adolescents, and suggests educational strategies to prevent hatred and violence.

Marie Taylor

She briefly taught at Cardozo High School, and later started up summer science institutes for high school science teachers, bringing new methods of how to teach science, such as using light-microscopes to study cells.

Marvin Terban

Terban's books have made it as far as Shanghai University in China, where they are used to teach English to adults.

Milford, Delaware

Simmie Knox began to teach himself to paint while living in Milford as a young man.

Mohammad Habib

At the call of Maulana Mohammad Ali, Habib returned to India to teach at Jamia Millia Islamia but apparently never became a regular member of its staff.

Nick Whitehead

He would later teach Physical Education at Carnegie Physical Training College in Leeds, now part of Leeds Metropolitan University and eventually became Director of Development at the Sports Council for Wales (now Sport Wales).

Nina Berberova

She began her academic career in 1958 when she was hired to teach Russian at Yale.

One Day, All Children

One Day, All Children: The Unlikely Triumph of Teach For America and What I Learned Along the Way (ISBN 1586481797) is the first book by Wendy Kopp, CEO and Founder of Teach For America.

Robert Schöller

When applying to the Vienna's Academy of Fine Arts in 1968, he showed up at the interview with only two etchings which he had to borrow back from clients, and eventually was told to go and paint on his own because there was not much to teach him, but, he also was invited to join a master's class.

Rufus S. Bratton

In 1919, Bratton returned to West Point as an instructor until reassigned to Fort Benning to teach infantrymen, Bratton himself being a member of the Infantry Branch.


Rather, like his teacher Hongren, he had many disciples who went on to teach Zen.


Each year over summer, students from Sandy Upper School, Stratton Upper School in Biggleswade and Dame Alice Harpur School in Bedford travel to Skarszewy for twelve days to teach English to some of the younger generation of the town.

Steven George Mandis

CNN reported on Mr. Steven Mandis volunteering to teach underprivileged high school students in Harlem, New York about financial responsibility.


International schools that teach English as a Second Language (ESL - update of the previous English as a Foreign Language - EFL) allow their students to subscribe en masse to StoryBox as it aids their students improvement in English while they are at home.

Stourbridge fair

During his time at the University in 1665, Isaac Newton visited the fair and is known to have bought a copy of Euclid's Elements which he used to teach himself mathematics.

Teaching for Change

The Zinn Education Project provides teachers with free resources to help teach a people's history including over 100 free downloadable lesson plans as a companion to Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States and other classroom resources for educators around the country.

The Adventures of Mr. Nicholas Wisdom

During sojourns in Warsaw, Paris, and the fictional island of Nipu (based on Japan, known to natives as Nippon), the protagonist gathers numerous experiences that lead him to a rationalist outlook and teach him how to become a good man, and thus a good citizen.

The Gigli Concert

The Gigli Concert deals with seven days in the relationship between Dynamatologist JPW King, a quack self-help therapist living in Dublin but born and brought up in England, and the mysterious Irishman, a construction millionaire who asks King to teach him how to sing like the Italian opera singer Beniamino Gigli.

The Great Money Caper

At this point Homer finally confesses that he got conned but Marge and the townspeople themselves tell Homer and Bart that they set up the trial and the carjacking to teach them a lesson on conning people, revealing that Skinner was not really shot (it was a fake blood pack) and the con man who stole their car was an actor called Devon Bradley.

Theodore C. Bestor

Bestor first visited Japan in 1967, when his father received a Fulbright Fellowship to teach at the University of Tokyo, Rikkyo University, and Doshisha University.


According to the Boxing Chronicles by Xu Jianchi (1931), Qi Xin of Zhejiang went to teach back-through boxing at Gu'an County in Hebei Province in the middle and latter half of the Qing Dynasty.


75,000 students, 2,200 full-time faculty members and several thousand part-time lecturers from industry and business study, teach, and do research in Berlin, Bremen, Cologne, Hamburg, Munich, Münster, and Osnabrück.

University of Scranton Buildings and Landmarks

Campion Hall is named in honor of Saint Edmund Campion, S.J. Many of the Jesuits teach or hold administrative positions at the University of Scranton or at the nearby Scranton Preparatory School, a local Jesuit high school.

Vanessa Beeman

She studied prehistory at Manchester and Liverpool, and for a Post Graduate Diploma in Education in Wales before teaching at a school in Truro, going on to a post with the Federal Department of Antiquities in Nigeria, and afterwards to teach at Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria, Nigeria.

Watcyn Thomas

A teacher by profession, he moved to St Helens to teach at Cowley Grammar School in 1929, and played rugby for Waterloo and Lancashire, captaining Lancashire to the championship in 1934-35.

Woldeab Woldemariam

In 1931 he was assigned by his then employer, the Swedish Evangelical Mission (SEM) school, to teach in a village called Suzana.

see also