
unusual facts about Terminology


The Extended Metadata Registry (XMDR) is a project proposing and testing a set of extensions to the ISO/IEC 11179 metadata registry specifications that deal with the development of improved standards and technology for storing and retrieving the semantics of data elements, terminologies, and concept structures in metadata registries.

Anthropometric history

Anthropometric history is a term coined in 1989 by John Komlos to refer to the study of the history of human height, focusing on explaining secular trends, cycles of various lengths and cross sectional patterns by changes in the socio-economic and epidemiological environment.

Bar form

One such tune (Ton in Meistersinger terminology) by Hans Folz (c1437-1513) illustrates this:

Binary protocol

Binary protocol, or binary collaboration have been used in the terminology of standards such as EbXML and EDOC.

Blue book

The CIBJO World Jewellery Confederation Blue Book is a three-part publication outlining terminology, classification and ethical guidelines for coloured gemstones, diamonds and pearls

Brant Gardner

In Mesoamerican studies, Gardner has published on classical Nahuatl kinship terminology, ethnohistoric investigation of Coxoh in southern Mexico, and the Aztec Legend of the Suns.

Bundle Brent

Her future fiancé, drawing on terminology made popular by the film, It (1927), starring Clara Bow, remarked to a Foreign Office colleague, "Don't you know Bundle? Where have you been vegetating? She's simply it".


A related item of physics terminology today is the so-called "Anti-Stokes Shift".


Recent molecular evidence suggests that pinnipeds evolved from a bearlike ancestor about 23 million years ago during the late Oligocene or early Miocene epochs, a transitional period between the warmer Paleogene and cooler Neogene period.

Carl Troll

He developed this terminology and many early concepts of landscape ecology and of high mountain ecology and geography as part of his early work applying aerial photographs interpretation to studies of interactions between environment and vegetation and from his research travels in the mountainous regions of Asia, Africa and South America, as well as his native Europe.

Carter Brown

In the early 1980s, Yates and Richard O'Brien of The Rocky Horror Show fame wrote a musical of The Stripper, described in classic Carter Brown terminology as ‘the girl who says it all from the neck down’.

Clinical Care Classification System

Indexed to the MEDCIN ® terminology through a contextual hierarchy to the full array of medical terminology standards and concepts with intelligent prompting (IP).

Condign merit

This early-scholastic distinction and terminology, which is already recognized in concept and substance by the Fathers of the Church in their controversies with the Pelagians and Semipelagians, were again emphasized by Johann Eck, the adversary of Martin Luther.


It consists of 30 Vestas V80-2MW wind turbines with a combined nameplate capacity of 60 MW.


Through a joint ownership between his breeder, the Aga Khan IV, and Darley Stud, he stood as a sire at the Aga Khan's Gilltown Stud near Kilcullen, County Kildare, Ireland until 2006 when he was sent to his Haras de Bonneval stud at Le Mesnil-Mauger in France.

Dirac delta function

Namely, such a null sequence becomes an infinitesimal in Cauchy's and Lazare Carnot's terminology.

Edgar Rubin

Nevertheless, his terminology was retained and featured in Kurt Koffka's Principles of Gestalt Psychology.

Else Christensen

This is distinctly different from the Folkish beliefs of most Germanic Neo-Pagans who distinctly eschew affiliations with Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists, although sometimes the lines are blurred by terminology and semantics.


Following work with Warrington Fire Research Consultants (FRDG 6/94) his terminology and concepts were adopted officially by the UK fire services, and are now referred to throughout revised Home Office training manuals (1996–97).

First quantization

The standard geometrical terminology is used; e.g. the norm squared of "?title=orthogonal">orthogonal if \phi\rangle = 0.

Frederico Ghisliero

The terminology Ghisliero uses in his treatise is the fencing terminology used by his Italian contemporaries (e.g. Mandritto, Riverso, Fendente, Stoccata, et al.), curiously though, Ghisliero used a combination of guard names from various 16th-century Italian schools including some associated with Bolognese Swordsmanship and some of its close relatives (e.g. Guardia di Testa, Guardia di Faccia, and Guardia di Falcone) and the four rotational hand positions from Camillo Agrippa's manual.

Fumoto no iro

Fumoto no iro (麓の色 Sex in the Foothills) is a novel and treatise on homosexual behavior (nanshoku (男色)) published in Japan in 1768 that tells the story of a sixty-year-old gigolo named Ogiya Yashige.

Fundamental Concepts in Programming Languages

It introduced much programming language terminology still in use today, including R-values, L-values, parametric polymorphism, and ad hoc polymorphism.


Gellish does not invent its own terminology, such as Esperanto, but uses the terms from natural languages.

Hash function

Donald Knuth notes that Hans Peter Luhn of IBM appears to have been the first to use the concept, in a memo dated January 1953, and that Robert Morris used the term in a survey paper in CACM which elevated the term from technical jargon to formal terminology.


In Digital Research terminology, the kernel component of the operating system is called the BDOS (Basic Disk Operating System), a term originally coined by Gary Kildall in 1975 for CP/M, but which is continued to be used in all other DRI operating systems.


In 1951 the Austrian Standards Institute (ASI) made Wüster general secretary responsible for its terminology principles and coordination efforts (the ISO/TC 37 technical committee).

ISO 639-1

Infoterm (International Information Center for Terminology) is the registration authority for ISO 639-1 codes.


Ice shove (Inupiat terminology is Ivu), a surge of ice from large bodies of water onto the shore

John D. Faris

In 1980 he was awarded a doctorate degree in Eastern canon law (magna cum laude) from the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome with a dissertation, The Communion of Catholic Churches: Ecclesiology and Terminology.

John Geanakoplos

Geanakoplos' papers in the 1980s with Paul Klemperer and Jeremy Bulow developed the concept and invented the terminology of Strategic Complements that is now commonly used in game theory, industrial organization and elsewhere.

Larry Wall

Wall's Christian faith has influenced some of the terminology of Perl, such as the name itself, a biblical reference to the "pearl of great price" (Matthew 13:46).


De Saussure (1857–1913) follows this logocentric line of thought in the development of his linguistic sign and its terminology.

Mercy rule

In ISF-sanctioned competitions, the run ahead rule (the ISF's terminology) is, for fast or modified fast pitch, 20 runs after three innings, 15 after four, or 7 after 5.

Miquelet Lock

Serious writers and collectors in Europe eschew this term and use more precise, chronologically and geographically pertinent terminology, such as "alla brobana" for the Neapolitan (Naples) variety of external-mainspring lock due to its association with the Bourbons and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.

Neo Black Movement of Africa

It was founded at the University of Benin (in the confraternity's terminology the "Futa Jallon Temple") by nine students in 1977.

Otto Julius Zobel

In modern terminology, this would include random (thermal and shot) noise but those concepts were relatively unknown and little understood at the time despite an early paper by Schottky in 1918 on shot noise.

Patricia Devine

Devine, together with her student William Cox, and joined by Lyn Abramson and Steven Hollon, recently proposed the integrated perspective on prejudice and depression, which unites cognitive theories of depression with theories of prejudice, casting them in a common terminology and identifying ways that depression research can inform prejudice research and vice versa.


The word "periodontitis" comes from the Greek peri, "around", odous (genitive odontos), "tooth", and the suffix -itis, in medical terminology "inflammation".


In Brazil, nevertheless, hams in general are called presuntos altogether (except by people used to the Portuguese terminology, usually in areas with heavy Portuguese immigration such as Rio de Janeiro and Florianópolis), and this is the name used in the market for common hams.

Pullet Surprise

The term "pullet" in the title refers to a young female chicken; when pronounced the title also sounds like "Pulitzer Prize".

Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition

Surveillance and Target Acquisition, a broader, international use of the terminology

Ropes Creek railway line

Between Boxing Day 1990 & 8 January 1991 a major trackwork shutdown that was between St Marys and Glenbrook, the line was temporarily reopened as far as Dunheved to allow suburban trains that normally stabled at Penrith to be stabled in the 4 track yard and on platform 2 or the Down Branch track.

Savitzky–Golay filter

Kernel smoother – Different terminology for many of the same processes, used in statistics


Many leaders in the movement, notably René Lévesque, have preferred the terms sovereignty and sovereigntist over other common names such as separatist or independentist, although this terminology may be objected to by opponents.

Stanislaw Lem's fictitious criticism of nonexisting books

The Agora SA edition also contained the "Glossary of Lem's Terminology" ("Słownik terminów Lemowskich") based on the book Co to są sepulki? Wszystko o Lemie (2007) by Wojciech Orliński.


The term's previous use in railway track terminology (e.g., India's Grand Trunk Road, Canada's Grand Trunk Railway), which came from the natural models mentioned above, was the other obvious influence.

Weight function

The terminology weight function arises from mechanics: if one has a collection of n objects on a lever, with weights \scriptstyle w 1, \dotsc, w n (where weight is now interpreted in the physical sense) and locations :\scriptstyle\boldsymbol{x} 1,\dotsc,\boldsymbol{x} n, then the lever will be in balance if the fulcrum of the lever is at the center of mass

see also