It is also transmitted into other Yukon communities, including Watson Lake, Haines Junction, Faro, Mayo and Teslin.
On the Yukon portion of the lake there are three Indian Reserves of the Teslin Tlingit Council - Teslin Post Indian Reserve No. 13, Nisutlin Indian Reserve No. 14 and Nisutlin Bay Indian Reserve No. 15, and the community of Teslin, which is located where the Alaska Highway meets the lake, following its northern/eastern shore from there towards Whitehorse.
Teslin Lake is an unincorporated area in the Yukon Territory, Canada, located a few kilometres northwest from the Village of Teslin (Teslin Post), which is also on the east shore of Teslin Lake.
The communities on the "Whitehorse-Aishihik-Faro" grid include Whitehorse, Champagne, Johnson's Crossing, Faro, and the following communities where it is distributed by YECL: Haines Junction, Carcross, Tagish, Marsh Lake, Teslin, Carmacks and Ross River.
Teslin | Teslin, Yukon | Teslin Lake | Teslin River | Teslin Tlingit Council |
Today, Tlingit is spoken in the Yukon communities of Teslin and Carcross, in the Atlin area of British Columbia, and in coastal settlements stretching along the Alaskan panhandle from Yakutat to Ketchikan.
The exception is an area known as Inland Tlingit, which extends up the Taku River and into northern British Columbia and the Yukon Territory around the Atlin (Áa Tleen "Big Lake") and Teslin (Desleen < Tas Tleen "Big Thread") lake districts, as well as a concentration around Bennett Lake at the end of the Chilkoot Trail (Jilkhoot).
The riding of Ross River Southern Lakes represented by Dave Keenan (NDP) was split, with Ross River and Teslin going in Pelly-Nisutlin, the rest (Carcross and Marsh Lake) became Southern Lakes along with the portions of the Mount Lorne riding.