
unusual facts about The Attorney

The Attorney

Inspired by the early life of Roh Moo-hyun, the ninth president of the Republic of Korea, before he devoted himself to activism, as well as the famous "Burim case" of 1981, this movie had gathered considerable amount of interests from Korean media even before the release.

see also

1973 Murphy raids

The raids were commissioned by Lionel Murphy, the Attorney-General of Australia, who accused the ASIO of deliberately withholding vital information related to a group of Australian-based Croatian terrorists called the Ustasha.

Alan J. Baverman

From 1983 to 1986, Alan Baverman worked for attorney Mark J. Kadish, the attorney who partnered with attorney F. Lee Bailey in the Vietnam court-martial case of the My Lai Massacre.

Archibald Burt

He often gave advice to the Governor and Executive Council that was at odds with that of the Attorney General, George Frederick Stone.

Arthur Teele

Returning to the private practice of law in his home state of Florida, Teele became the attorney for Bill France, the founder of NASCAR, before entering politics in Miami.

Attorney General of Oklahoma

Following the results of the 2010 state elections, the state constitution was amended to limit the attorney general to no more than two terms, consecutive or not.

Attorney General of Virginia

Along with the Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, the Attorney General is seen as one of two candidates in contention to replace the sitting Governor, who is constitutionally barred from running for re-election.

Benjamin Valentine

Valentine's ‘plea and demurrer’ to the information of the Attorney-General, prepared by his counsel, Robert Mason and Henry Calthorpe, was issued on 22 May, and was followed by a further plea on 1 June in answer to the altered information of 29 May.


Bill Congreve, Sean McMullen and Steve Paulsen's William Atheling Jr award-winning essay, "A History of Australian Horror", notes that "Issue 1 received some criticism for tending towards the splatter end of the genre... A Category One Restricted rating by the Attorney General's department saw it restricted to readers 18 years and older, and banned altogether in the state of Queensland." (Bonescribes: Year's Best Australian Horror 1995, p. 135)

Chamber of Representatives of Colombia

# Indict for the impeachment of the following officeholders: President, Constitutional Court justices, Supreme Court justices, Judicature Superior Council magistrates, State Council magistrates and the Attorney General.

Charles A. Pascal, Jr.

In 2006, Pascal was the attorney in a case which received statewide attention (Kuznik v. Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania) in which he represented several citizens and State Senator Jim Ferlo challenging the purchase of electronic voting machines by counties without voter referendum as was required by the Pennsylvania Constitution.

Cheryl-Lynn Vidal

There, she joined the Office of the DPP and later the Attorney-General's Ministry as Crown Counsel, and also worked as a legal advisor for the Belize Police Department and as acting Registrar-General.

Collective for Living Cinema

Many people affiliated with the Collective for Living Cinema were or have gone on to be quite influential in media, such the late Alf Bold, the former programmer of the Arsenal Kino in Berlin, Judith Shulevitz, the columnist for the New York Times and Slate, and John Sloss, the attorney and film producer who has produced more than 40 films, including Far From Heaven, Before Sunset, Personal Velocity, and The Fog of War.

Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States

The Foreign Investment and National Security Act of 2007 (FINSA) established the Committee by statutory authority, reduced membership to 6 cabinet members and the Attorney General, added the Secretary of Labor and the Director of National Intelligence, and removed 7 White House appointees.

Constitution of the Republic of Singapore Tribunal

The Government was represented by Chan Sek Keong and Soh Tze Bian of the Attorney-General's Chambers, and the Presidency by Joseph Grimberg and Walter Woon.

David M. Louie

Also in 1999, he was appointed to the Board of Directors of the Hawaii Supreme Court Special Committee on Judicial Performance and at the time of appointment to the attorney general's office, served as its vice chairman.

David Voelker

Voelker was born in Lake Providence in East Carroll Parish in far northeastern Louisiana, to the attorney Frank Voelker, Jr., and the former Virginia Wilson (1921-2011), a native of Weston, West Virginia.

Death of Ahmed Jaber al-Qattan

On 8 October, two days after Ahmed's death, Nawaf Al-Awadi, the attorney general of the northern governorate stated that police did not use bird pellet gunshots while depressing protesters in Abu Saiba that night and that the gunshots found in Ahmed's body do not match those used by Ministry of Interior.

Desmond Lee Ti-Seng

After graduating from the National University of Singapore in 2001, Lee, served as a law clerk to a Justice of the Supreme Court of Singapore, before being appointed appointed a Deputy Public Prosecutor in the Criminal Justice Division of the Attorney-General's Chambers.

Dublin Castle administration

Other major officers in the Dublin Castle administration included the Chief Secretary for Ireland, the Under-Secretary, the Lord Chancellor of Ireland, the Attorney-General for Ireland (briefly replaced under the Government of Ireland Act by the Attorney-General for Southern Ireland), and the Solicitor-General for Ireland.

Elliot Richardson

In the 1980s and early 1990s, Richardson was the attorney for Inslaw, Inc., an American software company which alleged that its software had been pirated by the U.S. Justice Department.

Erskine Neale

His knowledge of handwriting led to his being subpœnaed on the part of the crown at the trial of Ryves v. the Attorney-General in June 1866, when it was sought without success to establish the claim of Olivia Serres, the mother of Lavinia Ryves, to be the Princess Olive of Cumberland.

Guy D. Goff

Goff was appointed by President Woodrow Wilson as general counsel of the United States Shipping Board in 1920 and later became a member, serving until 1921; he was appointed an assistant to the Attorney General on several occasions from 1920 to 1923.

Half-Caste Act

The Attorney General Septimus Burt, in debate on the 2nd reading speech, claimed that contracts were being issued, not for current work, but to hold Aboriginal people as slaves on stations for potential future work, and so prevent them from being free to leave.

Hillburn, New York

In 1943, the attorney Thurgood Marshall won a disparity case regarding integration of the schools of Hillburn, 11 years before his landmark case of Brown v. Board of Education.

James A. Van Dyke

He began a practice with future Michigan Supreme Court justice Charles W. Whipple in 1835, later partnering with, in turn, E. B. Harrington and H. H. Emmons, before leaving private practice in 1852 to become the attorney for the Michigan Central Railroad.

John de Villiers, 1st Baron de Villiers

William Porter, the Attorney General at the time, became his legal mentor and soon afterwards he entered parliament representing Worcester.

John M. Phillips

John M. Phillips is the attorney for Ishika Lay and her family, who was in a prolonged coma after collapsing in an Olympic qualifying tournament.

Jurney v. MacCracken

During a Senate investigation of airlines and of the U.S. Postmaster General, the attorney William P. MacCracken, Jr. allowed his clients to destroy subpoenaed documents.

Kan Ting Chiu

He joined the Singapore Legal Service in 1970 and was appointed State Counsel at the Attorney-General's Chambers.

Kotohira Jinsha v. McGrath

Judge J. Frank McLaughlin found the Attorney General’s office had no basis on which to exercise the Trading with the Enemy Act, moreover since 1945 Japan had abolished state religion under Douglas MacArthur and by judicial order return seized property to Kotohira Jinsha.

Judge McLaughlin found the Attorney General’s office in violation of the First Amendment rights of plaintiffs in the United States Constitution with reference to Robert H. Jackson in American Communications Association v. Douds.

Marlena Fejzo

Fejzo is the granddaughter of the Austrian composers Arnold Schoenberg and Eric Zeisl, and the sister of the attorney E. Randol Schoenberg.

Michele S. Jones

News agencies discovered that Jones was a Facebook friend of Paul W. Gardner, the attorney of the Salahis, and that Jones exchanged email notes with the couple, telling them she was putting them on a waiting list in case tickets became available for a state dinner with the President and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

Mineral Resources Development Company

In September 2011, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill directed the Attorney General Allan Marat to investigate allegations that the MDRC had squandered Landowners’ monies through imprudent and improper investments.

Murder of Danny Katz

Following continuous public pressure, the Israeli Justice Minister David Libai ordered the attorney Judith Karp to prepare a report about the case.

Myall Creek massacre

Supported by the Attorney General, John Plunkett, Gipps ordered Police Magistrate, Edward Denny Day at Muswellbrook, to investigate the massacre.

Ong Ah Chuan v. Public Prosecutor

Counsel for the Public Prosecutor argued that the word law in Article 9(1) included written law.

The case involved a constitutional challenge by the appellant against the Public Prosecutor for charging him with a capital offence when another accused person involved in the same drug trafficking incident was not.

Ontario Students Against Impaired Driving

Within that first year a mailing list was established, the newsletter Connections was mailed to all Ontario high schools, the first student reps were in place and the Attorney General, Ian Scott was the special guest at the SADD Ontario Action Conference with 150 delegates in attendance.

Pam Bondi

On November 2, 2010, she defeated Democratic State Senator Dan Gelber by a 55% to 41% margin to become the Attorney General of the State of Florida.

Parliamentary elections in Singapore

On 20 June 2013, the police, acting on directions of the Attorney-General's Chambers, gave Singapore Press Holdings ("SPH") and Warren Fernandez, respectively the publisher and editor of The Straits Times, a warning in lieu of prosecution for having published a voters' poll in the newspaper on 10 January.

Patrick Devlin, Baron Devlin

Hewett described how both officers were astounded at the Attorney-General's decision to charge Adams with the murder of Morrell, since her body had been cremated and therefore there was no evidence to present before a jury.

Power of attorney

A power of attorney is only valid while the donor has the capacity to ratify the attorney's actions, unless it is made in the form of a lasting power of attorney and registered with the Office of the Public Guardian.

Quarter session

In 1867, the Attorney-General for Ireland, Hedges Eyre Chatterton, issued guidelines to regulate which cases ought to be tried at tried at assizes rather than quarter sessions: treason, murder, treason felony, rape, perjury, assault with intent to murder, party processions, election riots, and all offences of a political or insurrectionary character.

Reunion F.C.

Reunion F.C. is a former Kenyan Premier League club, created from the renaming of Luo Union Football Club in the 1980, in the wake of a purge instigated by the attorney general, Charles Njonjo, against tribally divisive clubs and organizations.

Sidney Harry Fox

Fox was tried at Lewes Assizes before Mr Justice Rowlett, with Sir Henry Curtis-Bennett and Sir William Jowitt (then the Attorney-General) prosecuting, and J. D. Cassels defending.

Sir Thomas Darnell, 1st Baronet

The cases of his four comrades, John Corbet, Walter Earl, John Heveringham, and Edmund Hampden, were proceeded with, Bramston, William Noy, William Calthorpe, and John Selden being for the applicants, and the attorney-general, Robert Heath, representing the crown.

United States Secretary of Homeland Security

In the 109th Congress, legislation was introduced to place the Secretary of Homeland Security into the line of succession after the Attorney General but that bill expired at the end of the 109th Congress and was not been re-introduced.