
unusual facts about The Body

A Lion's Tale: Around the World in Spandex

Jericho would spend the next year graduating from high school and attending Red River Community College, obtaining a degree in Journalism, following the advice given to him by Jesse "The Body" Ventura", to have something to fall back on, after meeting Ventura at a celebrity hockey game that Jericho's father was playing in.

Jack Tunney

Heel color commentator Jesse "the Body" Ventura attempted to bring up the subject several times but was censored each time, upsetting him so much that he left the broadcast booth toward the end of the show.

Mid-Hudson Civic Center

Television commentators for the show at the Civic Center were WWF owner Vince McMahon and Bruno Sammartino with Jesse "The Body" Ventura occasionally joining the duo or filling in for Sammartino (Ventura also wrestled on the show occasionally as Randy Savage's tag-team partner, usually taunting Sammartino and challenging him to get in the ring).

Royal River

The river is mentioned in several of Maine-native Stephen King's novels, including The Body, when the boys cross the Royal River, only to be attacked by leeches, as well as 'Salem's Lot.

see also

2003 Atlantic hurricane season

It continued quickly across the body of water, and made landfall in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas as a hurricane on August 17.

Altare della Patria

The body of the unknown soldier was chosen on 26 October 1921 from among 11 unknown remains by Maria Bergamas, a woman from Gradisca d'Isonzo whose only child was killed during World War I.

An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

These operations are compounding (or the addition of one idea onto another, such as a horn on a horse to create a unicorn); transposing (or the substitution of one part of a thing with the part from another, such as with the body of a man upon a horse to make a centaur); augmenting (as with the case of a giant, whose size has been augmented); and diminishing (as with Lilliputians, whose size has been diminished).

ARA Narwal

A boarding party of British SBS men reached the target via a Sea King Mk.4 of 846 Naval Air Squadron and captured the ship dead in the water, taking off all of the men, and the body of Omar Alberto Rupp, the boatswain of the Argentine trawler, killed by the impact of the bomb.

Artists' Suffrage League

The body was responsible for the creation of a large number of posters, Christmas cards, postcards and banners designed by artists who included the Chair Mary Lowndes, Emily Ford, Barbara Forbes, May H Barker, Clara Billing, Dora Meeson Coates, Violet Garrard, Bertha Newcombe, C Hedly Charlton and Emily J Harding.

ASAN service

"ASAN" service center is the body upholding classic "one-stop-shop" principle where 9 state entities are rendering 25 legal services.

Assassination of Lalith Athulathmudali

The fact that the Judicial Medical Officer Dr. Lalantha de Alwis, who conducted the autopsy on the body, had testified that the body smelled of Potassium cyanide (which LTTEers had used over the years to suicide) and that he found pieces of glass in the mouth of the body stood as strong evidence to support the Police.

Builder broker

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is the body which regulates all registered companies and associations.

California State Route 94

Perhaps due to its namesake, this highway served as part of the route of the hearse that carried the body of Coretta Scott King from San Diego to Atlanta.

Characters in Devo music videos

Pictures of the lead singer, Numero Uno, allegedly consist of Mark Mothersbaugh's head pasted on the body of David Lee Roth.

Chief Blue Horse

The procession moved through a vast throng to the Buffalo City Hall where the body, lying in state, was viewed by one hundred and fifty thousand people.


Additionally the body of St. Edmund the Martyr was said to have been carried through it in 1010 on its way from Bury St Edmunds to St. Gregory's church to save it from the Danes and Lydgate, a monk of Bury, claimed that the body cured many lame peasants as it passed through the gate.

Crispus Allen

Meanwhile, in a world corrupted by Darkseid and the Anti-Life Equation the Cult of the Stone, a religious sect devoted to the adoration of Cain, used the Spear of Destiny, carelessly misplaced by Allen himself while judging Montoya, to resurrect Cain in the body of Vandal Savage.

CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder

A sleazy private investigator has been shot to death in an alley, the body is found by one of CSI's own, Doc Robbins.

Danelectro Dano Pro

The body's vaguely trapezoidal shape has led to it being described as a bowtie or Flintstone guitar.

El Capitolio

A Creole Cuban, Lily Valty served as the model for the body for Zanelli, and the inspiration for the statue came from Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom.

Forked River, New Jersey

On June 6, 1997, Melissa Drexler, known as "The Prom Mom", delivered a baby in a restroom stall at her Lacey Township High School prom, and threw the body in the trash before returning to the dance.

Great veins

Superior vena cava, a large diameter, yet short, vein that carries deoxygenated blood from the upper half of the body to the heart's right atrium.


"...always manly (androdes) and extremely bold, the king consequently liked to call her Hypsicrates. At that time taking possession of a clock and horse of a Persian man she neither flagged in body before the distances they ran nor did she weary of tending the body and horse of the king, until they came to a place called Sinor, which was full of the king's coins and treasures."

IBM PC Convertible

The concept and the design of the body was made by the German industrial designer Richard Sapper.

Janne Aikala

In the evening, after closing his shop, Patjas moved the cardboard box and the body to his to the back of his Opel and sought a quiet spot where he could abandon the body.

John Bellers

Bellers is also quoted in a footnote in Chapter 23 of Das Kapital; "Labour is as proper for the body’s health as eating is for its living ... Labour adds Oyl to the Lamp of Life when thinking Inflames it".

José Luis Rodríguez Pittí

From 1990 to 1995 he traveled extensively in the Panamanian region of Azuero to collect stories and photograph, the body of three photo essays: "Viernes Santo en Pesé", "Cuadernos de Azuero", and "Noche de carnaval".


Herve Leger—the fashion house founded by the creator of the body-con dress

Jus gentium

The 2nd-century Roman jurist Ulpian, however, divided law into three branches: natural law, which existed in nature and governed animals as well as humans; the law of nations, which was distinctively human; and civil law, which was the body of laws specific to a people.


Chithira Buthira also noted that Mayon had taken a 4-span body in the previous yugas, as Narasimha, Rama, and Krishna, and so Kali, in this yuga, was born with the body of same size, and he pushed himself out of the earth.

Killeen Cormac

He was borne to this cemetery by a team of bullocks that were allowed to follow their own instincts in bearing the body of Cormac, for which rival claims were made, to this grave.

Lady Wonder

Lady Wonder is said to have helped the Massachusetts police to find the body of a missing boy, to have predicted that Jack Dempsey would defeat Jack Sharkey in 1927, and to have helped discover oil.

Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency

Lysosomes are found in the body’s cells and play an important role in digesting nutrients and other materials.

Miraj Junior

Raja Govind Rao Patwardhan, 1st Ruler of Miraj, began as a commandant of the body of horse, distinguished himself in several expeditions against the Nizam of Hyderabad and Hyder Ali of Mysore, established the Maratha ascendancy in southern India and pushed the Maratha conquests to the frontier of Mysore.

Murder of Hannah Williams

Initially the body was speculatively identified as that of Danielle Jones, who had been missing from East Tilbury in Essex since 18 June 2001, but it was soon firmly identified by Williams's distinctive clothing.

Parijnanashram III

To the surprise of everyone, the Marigold flowers and the tulsi leaves that had been placed over the body of Swamiji was still very fresh.


Great Peconic Bay, the body of water between the North Fork and the South Fork of Long Island, New York

Princess Marie of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt

The royal hearse brought the body from Noordeinde Palace to the railway station.


The first synthetic antimicrobial drug, arsphenamine, discovered in 1909 by Sahachiro Hata in the laboratory of Paul Ehrlich, is not toxic to bacteria until it has been converted to an active form by the body.

Protein sparing

Bodybuilding and other strength training promotes the utilization and conservation of protein's amino acids in the body.

Road debris

MotorStorm (2007) has mud that flies around and gets painted accurately onto the body of each vehicle in real-time.

Shaun Gallagher

He co-edits the journal Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, and is the author of several books, including How the Body Shapes the Mind (2005), Phenomenology (2012), Hermeneutics and Education (1992), The Inordinance of Time (1998), Brainstorming (2008), and (with Dan Zahavi), The Phenomenological Mind (2008; 2nd edition, 2012).

Silvia Federici

Federici's best known work, Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation, expands on the work of Leopoldina Fortunati.

Soul and Body

“The Structure of the Soul’s Address to the Body in OE.” Journal of English and Germanic Philology 69 (1970): 72-80.

Squamous-cell carcinoma

SCCs usually occur on portions of the body commonly exposed to the Sun; the face, ears, neck, hands, or arm.


Integumentary system, the organ system that protects the body from various kinds of damage, such as loss of water or abrasion from outside

The Big Tree, Rockport

Before the 1931 opening of the mile-and-a-half-long Copano Causeway, visitors coming from south of Copano Bay, such as from Corpus Christi, had to drive many miles inland to get around the body of water and get to the Big Tree.

The Marrying Man

There has been speculation that Neil Simon based the character of Vicki on singer Marie McDonald, a '50s performer nicknamed "The Body" who was married to shoe mogul Harry Karl more than once and also reportedly the mistress of Bugsy Siegel.

The Three Ravens

The song features in Simon Schama's A History of Britain, particularly in the episodes "The Body of the Queen", "The British Wars" and "The Two Winstons".

Vincenzo Petrocelli

Among his mamy works are the Neofiti nelle Catacombe; Surprise by the Pretorian Guards; The body of Carlo il Temerario (Charles the Bold) found after the Battle of Nancy; The conspirators await Henry I, Duke of Guise; I Borbonici nel monastero delle monache Carmelitane in Catania; Le carezze al nonno; Il Consiglio dei tre; Maria Fallero, as well as a number of portraits.

William H. White

The keeping of the Register of Architects is now governed by the Architects Act 1997, and the name of the body responsible for the Register has been changed from the Architects' Registration Council of the United Kingdom (ARCUK) to the Architects Registration Board (ARB).

X.Org Foundation

The modern X.Org Foundation came into being when the body that oversaw X standards and published the official reference implementation joined forces with former XFree86 developers.