
unusual facts about nutrients



The moss tundra below the cliffs receives nutrients from the seabird colonies and is lush in places, providing grazing grounds for Reindeer, nesting places for geese and denning sites for Arctic Foxes.

Colura zoophaga

The habitat of Colura zoophaga, epiphytic and deriving all nutrients from rainwater, has been compared to that of known carnivorous plants such as Brocchinia reducta, an epiphytic bromeliad.

Corallorhiza trifida

Corallorhiza trifida is yellowish green in color, leafless, and partially myco-heterotrophic, deriving some, but not all of its nutrients from association with fungi of genus Tomentella.

Deep sea

Marine bacteriophages play an important role in cycling nutrients in deep sea sediments.

Diaprepes abbreviatus

They often eat the taproot of the plant, which can kill it by depriving it of water and nutrients or by making it vulnerable to infection by fungi, or water moulds such as Phytophthora.

Erythrolamprus bizona

It burrows primarily near the Pouteria caimito, commonly known as the abiu, a tropical fruit tree, the nutrients of which supply the snake's clutch of eggs.

Fagus sylvatica

European beech forms ectomycorrhizas with a range of fungi including members of the genera Amanita, Boletus, Cantharellus, Hebeloma and Lactarius; these fungi are important in enhancing uptake of water and nutrients from the soil.

Feedlot Alley

While most waste from the operations is used to fertilise crops in the area, smaller farms cannot absorb all nutrients from the manure risking excess waste being washed into the water supply.

Geoffrey von Maltzahn

In 2009, von Maltzahn joined Noubar Afeyan and David Berry in Flagship VentureLabs, where he began studying the pharmacology of nutrition and devising systems to efficiently produce essential and performance nutrients for a variety of health needs.

Hedera colchica

It prefers well-drained or alkaline soils rich in nutrients and humus with good water provision, but is extremely tough and adaptable.

Heinz Ellenberg

He developed 9–point scales for rating European plant preferences for light, temperature, continentality (geographic region), nutrients, soil moisture, pH, and salinity.


Little is known about the life cycle of the plant due to its rarity, but it probably obtains its nutrients by parasitizing fungi, so it lacks the green of chlorophyll.

Ianthella basta

The sea cucumber Synaptula lamperti is closely associated with the sponge and makes use of certain nutrients exuded by it.

Instant rice

Companies make up for the loss of nutrients by adding their own nutrients such as the B-vitamins, as well as iron.

K. R. Somasundram

Somasundram is also the first Indian Chairman of a floated firm in Malaysia (Premium Nutrients, Bursa Malaysia)

Lower Silvermine River Wetlands

Alien vegetation is still a threat, as is the excessive proliferation of the indigenous Bulrush (Typha) which is caused by unnatural quantities of minerals and nutrients being washed into the wetland from urban storm water.

Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency

Lysosomes are found in the body’s cells and play an important role in digesting nutrients and other materials.

Nutrient pollution

The regulatory mechanism in the United States, a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), prescribes the maximum amount of a pollutant (including nutrients) that a body of water can receive while still meeting U.S. Clean Water Act water quality standards.

Nutrition in the American Slave System

Due to diseases related to specific nutritional deficiencies in diet, which were prevalent among the American slave population it is possible that the slave victims were fed diets with adequate micro-nutrients but very few calories.


These are photosynthetic algae that provide nutrients for the polyps while themselves benefiting from a safe environment and an elevated, sunny position.

Oslo Graben

The bedrock in this area, roughly from Skien to Oslo and Mjøsa, results in soil rich in nutrients important for plant growth.

Parental investment

For instance, Ornate Moth females receive a spermatophore containing nutrients, sperm and defensive toxins from the male during copulation.

Pteria colymbus

In El Niño years, there is increased rainfall in the Caribbean Sea which reduces the salinity, more sediment is stirred up from the substrate and there is greater run-off of nutrients from the land.

Stegastes redemptus

El Niño events may cause the shallow waters in which it lives to become too warm and deficient in nutrients for extended periods which may threaten its survival.


They produce haustoria that tap into the roots of other plants to extract some of the nutrients they need.


Although it may eat bulbs, tubers, seeds, insects, and resin of the hakea plant, the bulk of its nutrients are derived from underground fungi which it digs out with its strong foreclaws.


Zaï holes are being reintroduced since the 1980s by Yacouba Sawadogo, a farmer from Burkina Faso, who introduced the innovation of filling them with manure and other biodegradable waste to provide plant nutrients.

see also