The series is written and illustrated by the same creative team as The Gunslinger Born and The Long Road Home, which includes writers Robin Furth and Peter David, and illustrators Jae Lee and Richard Isanove.
On February 11, 2009, Marvel released the The Dark Tower: Guide to Gilead written by Anthony Flamini and Robin Furth.
Artist Mike Perkins was also present to promote The Stand: Captain Trips, Marvel's comic book adaptation of Stephen King's novel, The Stand.
Tower of London | Eiffel Tower | Dark Horse Comics | Dark Shadows | Tower of Power | Tower Bridge | Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark | The Dark Knight Rises | Tower Records | Dark Avengers | Tower | The Dark Side of the Moon | Poker After Dark | Leaning Tower of Pisa | Willis Tower | Transformers: Dark of the Moon | Tower of Babel | Martello tower | Dark Victory | CN Tower | Blackpool Tower | tower | Lieutenant of the Tower of London | John Tower | Dark Funeral | Tower Hill | St Lucian Tower | dark energy | Bell tower | The Old Dark House |
In October 1927, she converted a floor of the home into The Dark Tower, a cultural salon that became legendary as one of the gathering place of the era, a places where Harlem's talented artists socialized with their Greenwich Village counterparts as well as European and African royalty.
In the fourth novel of Stephen King's series The Dark Tower, one of the gunslingers is reminded of this painting when one of his company finds a new wheelchair.
Maybrook is referenced in the seventh volume of The Dark Tower by popular horror novelist Stephen King.
Stephen King's The Dark Tower was chiefly inspired by the poem "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came" by Robert Browning, whose full text was included in the final volume's appendix.
According to a supplemental prose story by Robin Furth included in The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born (issues #7 & #2, respectively), Roland's ancestry traces back to Arthur Eld and Emmanuelle Deschain, the daughter of his seneschal, Kay Deschain, while the Crimson King's ancestry traces back to an affair between Arthur and the Crimson Queen.
This world has a few things in common with our own, however, including memories of the song "Hey Jude" and the child's rhyme that begins "Beans, Beans, the Musical Fruit".
In August 2007, Marvel released the The Dark Tower: Gunslinger's Guidebook written by Robin Furth and Anthony Flamini.
The series is written and illustrated by the same creative team as The Gunslinger Born, which includes writers Robin Furth and Peter David, and illustrators Jae Lee and Richard Isanove.
In July 2008, Marvel released The Dark Tower: End-World Almanac, written by Robin Furth and Anthony Flamini.
Plus, the fantasy western structure is reminiscent of other stories such as Jonah Hex, Brisco County, Jr., and Stephen King's The Dark Tower series.