
4 unusual facts about The Lang and O'Leary Exchange

Chris Hedges

Hedges appeared as a guest on an October 2011 episode of the CBC News Network's The Lang and O'Leary Exchange to discuss his support for the Occupy Wall Street protests and was criticized by co-host Kevin O'Leary for sounding "like a left-wing nutbar."

Kevin O'Leary

In January 2014, O'Leary was criticized for his remarks on his television show The Lang and O'Leary Exchange, saying that the news that the world's richest 85 people owned as much wealth as the bottom half of the global population was "fantastic news."

Founder of SoftKey
Co-investor and Director of Storage Now
Co-founder and Chairman of O'Leary Funds
Co-investor and Venture capitalist in Dragons' Den and Shark Tank
Co-host of The Lang and O'Leary Exchange
Author of the Cold Hard Truth

The Lang and O'Leary Exchange

Guest hosts, when Lang or O'Leary have been absent, have included Rudyard Griffiths, Bruce Sellery, Preet Banerjee, Som Seif, Mike Abramsky, Dianne Buckner, Danielle Bochove, Michael Hyatt, David Chilton and David Kaufman.

see also