
2 unusual facts about The Minority Report

Minority Report

"The Minority Report", a 1956 science fiction short story by Philip K. Dick

Triple modular redundancy

The three pre-cogs in Minority Report lead to a conviction, even when one is in the minority.

see also

Francis Bowen

In 1877, he wrote the minority report in which he opposed the restoration of the double standard and the remonetization of silver.

Jerome J. Shestack

During the controversial and eventually unsuccessful Robert Bork Supreme Court nomination in 1987, Shestack was part of the association's committee on judicial appointments and was one of the minority report members who gave Bork a "not qualified" assessment.

United Nations Special Committee on Palestine

Dr Able Hillel Silver, Chairman of the American Section of the Jewish Agency, made the case for a Jewish State to the Ad Hoc committee on Palestine and announced on behalf of the Jewish Agency acceptance of 10 of the eleven unanimous recommendations of the UN partition plan and rejection of the minority report.