
unusual facts about The Report

J. Steven York

Sales to award-winning small-press Pulphouse Publishing led to him and his wife Christina F. York editing The Report a non-fiction writing magazine that published until the demise of Pulphouse itself several years later.

Bahman Farmanara

He produced some major films, including Abbas Kiarostami's first feature, The Report (1977), Bahram Bayzai's The Crow (1977), Khosrow Haritash's Divine One (1976), Mohammad-Reza Aslani's Wind and Chess (1976) and Valerio Zurlini's Desert of the Tartars (1977 co-production with Italy and France).

Marc Lemire

Lemire was briefly a member of the Canadian Alliance, a mainstream conservative Canadian party — along with several other far-right figures, such as Paul Fromm, Doug Christie and Doug Collins — until late 2000 when, according to The Report newsmagazine, they were all expelled from the party.

see also

2006 Iranian sumptuary law controversy

Numerous other sources, including Maurice Motamed, the Jewish member of the Iranian parliament and the Iranian Embassy in Canada, refuted the report as untrue.

Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey

The report also recommends augmenting the Explorer program for small and medium sized missions with rapid turnaround and high scientific return, and the creation of a Midscale Innovations Program within the National Science Foundation for funding projects in the $4–135 million range.

Atomic Energy of Canada Limited

Opposition politicians defended Keen, called for Lunn to be fired, and for the report to be made public (Auditor-General's report identified 'deficiency' at AECL, by Juliet O'Neill, The National Post, January 10, 2008, p. A1).

Beagle 2

In May 2004, the report from the Commission of Inquiry on Beagle 2 was submitted to ESA and the UK's science minister Lord Sainsbury.

Bundu dia Kongo

According to the report, the high death toll resulted from excessive use of force, when the police armed with AK-47s opened fire on BDK members, who were armed with sharp sticks, stones and kola nuts.

CIA and Contras cocaine trafficking in the US

Then on December 18, 1997, stories in the Washington Post and New York Times appeared, stating that Hitz had found "no direct or indirect" links between the CIA and cocaine traffickers, despite the reporters never seeing the report.

Color killer

Based on information from owners of electricity appliance stores, the report estimated that 90% of those who bought color TV sets also bought the anti-mekhikon device, whose price ranged between 2,500 and 4,000 Israeli lirot (the TV set itself cost 40-50 thousand lirot).

Defense Contract Audit Agency

US Senator Claire McCaskill said GAO may have uncovered the "biggest auditing scandal in the history of this town," and asked the DoD to immediately fire the supervisors cited in the report.

Delanco Township, New Jersey

According to the report of Colonel Edward F. Jones during their travel, James Brady was “taken insane” and left in Delanco Township, with J. C. Buck.

Elaine Graham

Graham was the President of the International Academy of Practical Theology from 2005 to 2007 and was a member of the Archbishops' Commission on Urban Life and Faith, which published the report Faithful Cities: A call for celebration, vision and justice (Methodist Publishing House, 2006).


In a 2007 report, Human Rights Watch said that "in recent years Etche has earned a degree of unwelcome notoriety due to allegations of corruption, thuggery and murder leveled against its current chairman." The report stated that health and education facilities were in an advanced state of physical decay, with funds allocated for staffing and renovation being diverted for other purposes.

Firearm Owners Protection Act

In the Report of the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 97th Congress, Second Session (February 1982), a bipartisan subcommittee (consisting of 3 Republicans and 2 Democrats) of the United States Senate investigated the Second Amendment and reported its findings.

Franklin C. Spinney

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) asked to interview its author, but was met with opposition from the Secretary of Defense Caspar W. Weinberger, and David S.C. Chu, Spinney’s immediate superior, who tried to downplay the report saying it was neither factual nor represented the current budget and programs.

High school graduation examination in the United States

Opponents of the use of test-based accountability, as typified by the report of the National Research Council on the subject, argue that the exams lead to more high school dropouts without increasing student performance.

Indian Contract Act 1872

The Third Law commission of British India formed in 1861 under the stewardship of chairman Sir John Romilly, with initial members as Sir Edward Ryan, R. Lowe, J.M. Macleod, Sir W. Erle (succeeded by Sir. W.M. James) and Justice Wills (succeeded by J. Henderson), had presented the report on contract law for India as Draft Contract Law (1866).

Indices of economic freedom

The report uses 42 distinct variables collected from a number of different sources (including the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and others).

Irish Home Rule movement

Britain went ahead with its commitment to implement Home Rule by passing a new Fourth Home Rule Bill, the Government of Ireland Act 1920, largely shaped by the Walter Long Committee which followed findings contained in the report of the Irish Convention.

John Henry Whitley

The report surprised many by concurring with the criticisms of Mahatma Gandhi and others that poverty was the cause of India's social and industrial problems.


The report was published at a time when American President Bill Clinton was due to visit India and sparked concerns worldwide.

Kirkland H. Donald

Gates, when accepting the resignations of both Secretary of the Air Force Michael W. Wynne and Chief of Staff of the Air Force General T. Michael Moseley on June 5, 2008, cited the report's findings of a "a decline in the Air Force's nuclear mission focus and performance" and a "lack of a critical self-assessment culture" in the Air Force.

Koenig Memorandum

Additionally, both the Tel Aviv magazine, New Outlook and the New York newspaper Jewish Press reported in the fall of 1976 that Koenig had collaborated with prominent activists in Mapai, the party of Ben-Gurion, Eshkol, Meir, Peres and Rabin to prepare the report, and that Zvi Aldoraty, Mapai candidate for Director of Arab Affairs, was a major co-author.

Luis Alvarez Renta

The report said that overdrafts and loans totaling RD$3.83 billion were erased at the start of this year in favor of the company Bankinvest, S.A., presided and managed by Luis Alvarez Renta.

Mario Montoya Uribe

The report cites an informant who claimed that plans for the attack were signed by General Montoya and paramilitary leader Fabio Jaramillo, who was a subordinate of Diego Fernando Murillo Bejarano, also known as Don Berna.

Menninger Foundation

Robert S. Wallerstein, Forty-two lives in treatment : a study of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy : the report of the Psychotherapy Research Project of the Menninger Foundation, 1954-1982, New York : Other Press, 2000

Mercurino Gattinara

During a review for the purpose of administrative reform, Gattinara advised Charles, in a section of the report entitled “Reverence toward God” on issues such as: whether Moors and Infidels should be tolerated in his lands; whether the inhabitants of the West Indian islands and the mainland were to be converted to Christianity; and whether the Inquisition should be reformed.

National Anti-Vivisection Alliance

The report focused on US-cargo giant Amerijet International who were, at the time, shipping monkeys to American laboratories.

National Competitiveness Report of Armenia

The first ACR was published in 2008; the preface for the report was written by Armenia’s Minister of Economy, Nerses Yeritsyan, and Harvard University Professor, Michael E. Porter, a leading authority on competitive strategy and international competitiveness.

Norman Skelhorn

Prime Minister Edward Heath had banned sensory deprivation in light of the report by Sir Edmund Compton into internment and interrogation techniques used by the British Army and the Royal Ulster Constabulary.

Otis G. Pike

This piece also notes that the report describes "details of a covert CIA operation in support of Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq, who were fighting for autonomy against the sinister, pro-Communist, Ba’ath regime in Baghdad" but that in their view there were distortions of "important details" and criticism of Henry Kissinger.

Philip Palin

The report criticised all parties: Haj Amin al-Husseini, later Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, for inciting the Arabs to violence; Ze'ev Jabotinsky, organiser of the Jewish paramilitary defence organisation Haganah; the British military command in Jerusalem that had initially withdrawn troops from the streets; and the divided political chain of command from London.

Rat genome database

Reports for sequences and marker map data are separate from the report pages themselves, each with its own interfaces for bringing up these multi-object reports.

Report of the International Commission on the Balkan Wars

The report speaks of the numerous violations of international conventions and war crimes committed during the Balkan Wars.

Restoration of the Statue of Liberty 1984–86

The report also discussed ways to streamline ferry access both to and from Liberty and Ellis Island.

Robert Henry Thurston

In 1873 he was appointed a member of the United States Scientific Commission to the Vienna Exhibition ; served upon the international jury, edited the Report of the Commissioners (in which he published his own report on machinery and manufactures), in five volumes, 1875-6.

Rudolf Marloth

In order to write the report, Marloth felt it necessary to make extended trips to the Cederberg, Gifberg, Koue Bokkeveld, Swartruggens and on to Rhodesia.

Ruskin Square

Ms Ruth Kelly, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government endorsed the report of the local planning inspector and granted permission.

Samuel Ornitz

In 1931, Ornitz collaborated with Theodore Dreiser, John Dos Passos and other left-leaning writers on the report of the Dreiser Committee, an investigation of the Harlan County War strike in Harlan County, Kentucky.

Schänis Abbey

According to the report of a monk from Reichenau Abbey the founder was believed to be Count Hunfried of Chur-Rhaetia, who was said to have promised Charlemagne to make the foundation for the worthy safekeeping of a precious reliquary cross containing a fragments of the True Cross, as well as an onyx vessel containing some of the Blood of Christ.

Second Battle of Algeciras

In France the battle was represented as a victory, largely based on a report sent to Paris by Dumanoir le Pelley on the strength of a letter written by Captain Troude, which claimed that he had fought not only Venerable and Thames, but also Caesar and Spencer (misidentified in the report as Superb).

Second Opium War

Following the election and an increased majority for Palmerston, the voices within the Whig faction who were in support of China were hushed, and the new parliament decided to seek redress from China based on the report about the Arrow Incident submitted by Harry Parkes, British Consul to Guangzhou.

Sidney Sonnino

Leopoldo Franchetti's half of the report, Political and Administrative Conditions in Sicily, was an analysis of the Mafia in the nineteenth century that is still considered authoritative today.

Tapiwa Zivira

In 2009 Zivira was part of the team that produced the report on the abuse of farm workers during the land reform programme.

The Negro Family: The Case For National Action

Modern scholars, including Douglas Massey, now consider the report one of the more influential in the construction of the War on Poverty.

Sam Tanenhaus wrote that Moynihan's fights with the New Left over the report were a signal that Great Society liberalism now had political challengers both from the right and from the left.

The One Percent Doctrine

Richard Clarke told ABC News he is wary of the report about the New York City subway plot.

The Treasurer's Report

Benchley's disjointed parody so delighted those in attendance that Irving Berlin hired Benchley in 1923 to deliver the Report as part of Berlin's Music Box Revue for $500 a week.

Thomas Larkham

According to the report of the commissioners, who, under the Act for Providing Maintenance for Preaching Ministers, visited Tavistock on 18 October 1650, Larkham was elected by the inhabitants, and presented by the Earl of Bedford.

United States House Committee on the Disposition of Executive Papers

The President of the United States Senate and the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives would, upon receipt of the report, each appoint two Members to sit on a joint committee to meet and examine the reports and papers, and report on them.

Vincent Lecavalier

Though the Maple Leafs denied the report, NHL Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly promptly sent out a memo to all 30 league teams, warning them to avoid transactions deemed a circumvention of the collective bargaining agreement.

World Nuclear Industry Status Report

The report says that the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster is exacerbating many of the problems that nuclear energy is facing.