
2 unusual facts about The Poets

In Search of Stoney Jackson

"Smile" contains a sample from "Look Around" as performed by Stevie Wonder, and a sample from "So Young (And So Innocent)" as performed by The Poets.

The Poets' Corner

It was published in 1904 by William Heinemann, and was Beerbohm's second book of caricatures, the first being Caricatures of Twenty-five Gentlemen (1896).

see also

A Lecture on Modern Poetry

A Lecture on Modern Poetry was a paper by T. E. Hulme which was read to the Poets' Club around the end of 1908.

Alice Notley

Notley edited The Collected Poems of Ted Berrigan (UC, 2005) with her sons, the poets Anselm Berrigan and Edmund Berrigan.

Art Mac Cumhaigh

It is commonly believed that Mac Cumhaigh was born in Creggan, County Armagh where a branch of the Uí Néill had been the traditional patrons of the poets under the old order.

Chaldon Herring

Various other writers and artists lived in the village at different times, such as sisters Elizabeth Muntz, a sculptor, and author and historian Hope Muntz, who wrote The Golden Warrior, novelists Sylvia Townsend Warner and David Garnett, the poets Valentine Ackland and Gamel Woolsey, and the sculptor Stephen Tomlin.

Chana Orloff

In addition to monuments, Orloff sculpted portraits of Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion and future Prime Minister Levi Eshkol; the architects Pierre Chareau, and Auguste Perret; painters Henri Matisse, Amedeo Modigliani, Pablo Picasso, and Per Krohg; and the poets Hayyim Nahman Bialik, and Pierre Mac Orlan.


He is accordingly called by the poet Theaetetus, in an epitaph which he composed upon him, the friend of the Muses; and we are told, that his chief favourites among the poets were Homer and Euripides.

David Musgrave

He is a descendant of William Witter and Hannah Churchman of Boston, whose descendents include Thomas Pynchon, Archibald MacLeish, Katharine Hepburn and the poets Francis Goddard Tuckerman and Henry Theodore Tuckerman.

Dennis Holt

During the weekly gatherings of the workshop, Holt became friends with a number of the poets who were to be active in the Los Angeles poetry-scene throughout the following 40 years, including some of the poets whose works were collected in the workshop-based anthology Venice Thirteen (1972): Joseph Hansen and John Harris (the two directors of the workshop), Luis Campos, Harry Northup, and Barry Simons.

Đura Jakšić

During his lifetime and after, though Jakšiċ had many admirers—they included Konstantin Danil, his former art teacher, portrait painter Katarina Ivanović, Uroš Knežević, painters Pavle Čorbanović, Jovan Popović, and Đorđe Krstić, and, among the poets and writers, Laza Kostić, Simo Matavulj, Kosta Trifković, Svetozar Miletić, Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, and Vojislav Ilić.

Englands Helicon

The poets involved cannot all be identified, since there are a number of poems marked as 'anonymous': they do include Edmund Bolton, William Byrd, Henry Chettle, Michael Drayton, Robert Greene, Christopher Marlowe, Anthony Munday, George Peele, Walter Raleigh, Henry Constable, William Shakespeare, Philip Sidney, Edmund Spenser, John Wootton, William Smith.

Fergus mac Róich

The story is told that, in the 6th century, the poet Senchán Torpéist gathered the poets of Ireland together to see if any of them knew the story of the Táin Bó Cúailnge, but they all only knew parts of it.

Fireside Poets

Organized by publisher Henry Oscar Houghton, then editor of the Atlantic Monthly, the event was meant to serve as a symbol for the magazine's association with the poets, most of whom were present for the celebration.

Frederick Montagu

At Cambridge Montagu, made the acquaintance of the poets Gray and Mason, which he sedulously cultivated afterwards.

Henry Chettle

He died before 1607, when Dekker in his Knight's Conjurer described him joining the poets in Elysium: "in comes Chettle sweating and blowing by reason of his fatness".

Henry Treffry Dunn

After Rossetti died, Dunn received the money that was owing to him and he eventually died whilst living with the poets Swinburne and Theodore Watts-Dunton.

Honduran literature

The poets Óscar Acosta, Roberto Sosa, Rigoberto Paredes, José Adán Castelar, Alexis Ramírez and José Luis Quesada, together with story writers like Julio Escoto, Eduardo Bähr (El cuento de la guerra), and Ernesto Bondy Reyes ("La mujer fea y el restaurador"), are the writers who opened new literary and generational perspectives in literature beginning 1960s and 1970s and continuing through today.


Despite heavy Continental European interest in the improvvisatori, the poets were most enthusiastically admired in England, where they influenced the poets Lord Byron, Percy Shelley, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, John Keats, and Laetitia Landon, among others.

Indian poetry in English

Some of the poets of Ezekiel's time are A. K. Ramanajun, Dom Moraes, R. Parthasarthy, Jayant Mahapatra, Kamala Das, Dr. Krishna Srinivas, Keki N. Daruwala, Arvind Krishna Mehrotra, Arun Kolatkar, Dilip Chitre, Vikram Seth,Yuyutsu Sharma, etc.

Informationist poetry

The poets usually associated with this movement are: Richard Price – who coined the term in 1991 in the magazine Interference – Robert Crawford, W. N. Herbert, David Kinloch, Peter McCarey and Alan Riach.

Joaquin Miller House

He planted the surrounding trees and he personally built, on the eminence to the north, his own funeral pyre (not used) and monuments dedicated to Moses, explorer General John C. Frémont, and the poets Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

John Matthias

His peers at Stanford included two future poets laureate of the United States, Robert Hass and Robert Pinsky, as well as the poets Ken Fields, James McMichael, and John Peck.

John Pomfret

He published a number of poems, and was regarded as significant enough in his time to be included by Samuel Johnson in his Lives of the Poets. 'The Choice' is the poem for which Pomfret is now probably most remembered, especially as it was chosen by Roger Lonsdale as the first poem in The New Oxford Book of Eighteenth Century Verse.

Karel Hynek Mácha

Mácha's genius was discovered and glorified much later by the poets and novelists of the 1850s (e.g., Jan Neruda, Vítězslav Hálek, and Karolina Světlá) and "Máj" is now regarded as the classic work of Czech Romanticism and is considered one of the best Czech poems ever written.

Kirby Wright

Wright moved to the University of California at San Diego UC-San Diego, where he took classes taught by the poets Bobbie Louise Hawkins and Jerome Rothenberg.

L. C. Cole

After a successful, but controversial, stint as head coach at Alabama State University, Cole revived the storied football program at Montgomery, Alabama's Sidney Lanier High School; during Cole's two years at Lanier, the Poets won the City Championship each year, and they never lost to a city opponent.

Morfydd Llwyn Owen

The other social circle Owen associated with was the London literary intellegensia; notable acquaintances were the poets D. H. Lawrence and Ezra Pound.


No better is the variant of the legend, which we find, at a much later period, in the Muqaddimah of Ibn Khaldun, who tells us that the poets themselves hung up their poems on the Ka'ba (ed. Paris iii. 357).

Paul Boldt

Paul Boldt (1885, Christfelde, West Prussia - 1921, Freiburg im Breisgau) was one of the poets of German Expressionism.

Pentti Holappa

He has also worked as a translator; among the poets and authors whose work he has translated into Finnish are Charles Baudelaire, Pierre Reverdy, and J. M. G. Le Clézio.

Peter Manson

In 2001, the imprint was revived as an occasional publisher of pamphlets of innovative poetry, and has so far published work by the poets J. H. Prynne, Keston Sutherland, Fiona Templeton and Andrea Brady.

Poetry Ireland

Poetry Ireland has transferred a collection of books consisting of the library of Austin Clarke and books formerly owned by the poets John Jordan and Tanya Touwen to the Special Collections at the University College Dublin Library .

Poets' Club

The Club produced several anthologies; the first two being — For Christmas MDCCCCVIII (January 1909) and The Book of the Poets' Club (December 1909).

Puy d'Arras

The poets Andrieu Contredit d'Arras and Jean de Renti (criticisingly) make mention of it and its contests.

Raymond Warren

He has collaborated with many other artists of note including the poets Seamus Heaney and Charles Tomlinson, the choreographer Helen Lewis and the founders of the Lyric Theatre, Belfast and written for performers including Peter Pears, Julian Bream, Eric Gruenberg, Cecil Aronowitz, Janet Price, Christopher Austin and Jeremy Huw Williams.

Robert Colquhoun

At the height of their acclaim they courted a large circle of friends - including Michael Ayrton, Francis Bacon, Lucian Freud and John Minton as well as the poets George Barker and Dylan Thomas - and were renowned for their parties at their studio (77 Bedford Gardens).

Robert Frost: A Life

Kirkus Reviews "For the 125th anniversary of the poets birth, here is neither hagiography nor pathography. Parini's life magnificently details how Frost, through fortitude and lifelong dedication to craft, sought to heed his own advice to be whole again beyond confusion."

Salvatore Toma

Born in Maglie, province of Lecce, in a family of florists, Toma attended high school, but he would not continue his studies, even though he kept researching intensely the poets he loved.

Samuel Croxall

The model he had in mind was Handel's recently performed and very successful pastoral opera Acis and Galatea, to a text written by the poets John Gay and (possibly) Alexander Pope.

Shahid Qadri

At the age of 14, when he, was first published on Kabita, edited by Buddhadeb Bosu, who is also a major poet of the 30s, Qadri became a known figure among the poets of Dhaka and Kolkata.


The earliest documents describe a built-up town in the 11th century by the Arab geographer Al-Bacr (who was later supported by the poets Luís de Camões and Lord Byron).

Spencer Barrett

His other principal research interest was the Greek lyric, and he made outstanding contributions on the poets Stesichorus, Bacchylides and Simonides of Ceos.

Thomas Coxeter

Coxeter's manuscript collections were largely used in Theophilus Cibber's Lives of the Poets and in Thomas Warton's History of English Poetry.

Tony Towle

He has received, among other awards and prizes, fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the New York State Council on the Arts, the Poets Foundation, and the Ingram Merrill Foundation.

Torquato Neto

He was friends with several major figures of these movements, including the musicians mentioned above, the poets Décio Pignatari and Augusto and Haroldo de Campos, filmmaker Ivan Cardoso, and artist Hélio Oiticica.

William Marion Reedy

William Marion Reedy (1862–1920) was a St. Louis-based editor best known for his promotion of the poets Sara Teasdale, Edgar Lee Masters, and Carl Sandburg to the audience of his newspaper, Reedy's Mirror.