
5 unusual facts about The Rhythm of the Saints


The song "The Obvious Child" from Paul Simon's album The Rhythm of the Saints is an example of the sound of the samba-Afro style, exemplified by the Bahian group Olodum.

C. J. Chenier

Paul Simon first heard Chenier in 1990, and featured him on the The Rhythm of the Saints album, and that year's 'Born At The Right Time' tour.


Olodum performed on Paul Simon's 1990 album The Rhythm of the Saints and at the subsequent concert in Central Park, New York City on August 15, 1991.

Ray Phiri

Ray was to collaborate with Paul Simon again on Simon's Rhythm of the Saints album, which saw him perform on stages such as Central Park and Madison Square Garden as well as appearing on top television shows in the USA.

Rigo Star

Notice that Rigo Star's name is sometimes misspelled "Ringo"; for example, in the liner notes of Paul Simon's The Rhythm of the Saints, as well as on the cover of Star's Ne refuse pas.

see also