The story is set around the Battle of Mohács and the later Siege of Vienna (1529), with Suleiman the Magnificent's attack into Europe.
It uses the career of sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (also known as Sultan Suleiman I), the aftermath of the Battle of Mohács (1526) and the later Siege of Vienna of 1529 as a backdrop for imaginary characters and events.
The White Shadow | Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles | DJ Shadow | The Shadow | Shadow Cabinet | Batman: Shadow of the Bat | Moonlight Shadow | Egyptian Vulture | Griffon Vulture | Vulture | The Shadow Out of Time | Storm Shadow | The Shadow Line | Shadow Project | Shadow Leader of the House of Commons | Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer | Himalayan Vulture | Turkey Vulture | The Shadow over Innsmouth | Shadow Theatre | Shadow Raiders | Shadow on the Wall | Shadow of the Thin Man | Shadow Home Secretary | Rolls-Royce Vulture | Pandemonium Shadow Show | Old World vulture | New World vulture | griffon vulture | Ender's Shadow |