
unusual facts about The Soldier

Allan Ker

Anthony Powell later used him as the inspiration for the character of Colonel Finn in his novels The Soldier's Art (1966) and The Military Philosophers (1968).

Louisa Cranstoun Nisbett

As Miss Mordaunt she had considerable experience, especially in Shakespearean leading parts, before her first London appearance in 1829 at Drury Lane as Widow Cheerly in Andrew Cherry's The Soldier's Daughter.

May Herschel-Clarke

She is chiefly known today for her anti-war poems Nothing to Report and The Mother, the latter of which was published in 1917 as a direct response to Rupert Brooke's famous poem The Soldier.

see also

1640 in literature

English Cavalier poet Richard Lovelace, serving in the Bishops' Wars in Scotland, writes "To Lucasta, Going to the Warres" (published 1649) and the unperformed tragedy The Soldier (lost).

Alfred de Vigny

Servitude et grandeur militaires (1835) was a similar tripartite meditation on the condition of the soldier.

Army Elements Fleece

The primary fabric has an integrated Nomex fleece inner surface to insulate the soldier against cold temperatures.

Arthur Golding

Another sister Dorothy married Edmund Docwra and was mother of the soldier and statesman Henry Docwra, 1st Baron Docwra of Culmore.

Billy Don't Be a Hero

Because the song was released in 1974, it is often associated with the Vietnam War, though it actually refers to the American Civil War as evidenced by the "soldier blues" (the Union Forces) in the lyrics and on the cover of the single.

British Military Rations during the French and Indian War

During the French and Indian War, British military rations contained enough food energy to sustain the soldier in garrison but suffered from a lack of vitamins that could lead to nutritional deficiencies if not supplemented by the soldiers themselves through garden produce or purchase.

Bruno Angoletta

In January 1928, in the pages of Corriere dei Piccoli, Angoletta started his most successful comic character, the soldier Marmittone, a mild-mannered young soldier who often, due to its mild-tempered and not inclined to war, ends up being punished and translated into the cell.

Canadian Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

The body of the soldier was formerly buried in Plot 8, Row E, Grave 7, of the Cabaret-Rouge British Cemetery in Souchez, France, near the memorial at Vimy Ridge, the site of the first major battle where Canadian troops fought as a combined force.

Columbus Globe for State and Industry Leaders

The soldier, John Barsamia, took the globe home and kept it for sixty years before selling it at an auction in San Francisco.

Drumcondra House

The soldier Major General Sir Guy Campbell K.C.B. was the last resident in the House, who rented it from the Coghill family.

Elisa Bernerström

Elisa Bernerström, a maid, met the soldier Bernard Servenius when his regiment was stationed in Stockholm.

Eliza O'Neill

Her first appearance on the stage was made at the Crow Street theatre in 1811 as the Widow Cheerly in Andrew Cherry's The Soldier's Daughter, and after several years in Ireland she came to London and made an immediate success as Juliet at Covent Garden in 1814.

French ship Duguay-Trouin

The soldier-poet Rupert Brooke died aboard en route to the Dardanelles on 23 April 1915 at Trebuki Bay, Skyros

General Maxwell R. Thurman Award

The award is named after four star General Maxwell R. Thurman, who was a champion of the soldier and a pioneer of advancing technology.

George Schuyler

Schuyler's paternal great-grandfather was believed to be a black soldier who worked for Philip Schuyler, whose surname the soldier adopted.

Glenn Andreotta

Andreotta was posthumously granted the Soldier's Medal in 1998 for his bravery in stopping the My Lai Massacre, along with Lawrence Colburn and Hugh Thompson, Jr..

Greek love

One of the ways in which Symonds and Whitman expressed themselves in their correspondence on the subject of homosexuality was through references to ancient Greek culture, such as the intimate friendship between Callicrates, "the most beautiful man among the Spartans," and the soldier Aristodemus.

Gunga Din

The poem is a rhyming narrative from the point of view of an English soldier in India, about an Indian water-bearer (a "Bhishti") who saves the soldier's life but is soon shot and killed.

Henry Ince

Perhaps appropriately, by the mid-20th century it had been turned into a store depot for the Soldier Artificers' successors, the Royal Engineers.

Horace Greasley

Guy Walters asserted categorically that the soldier in the picture was not Greasley, stating that the picture is held by the US National Archives and the caption details show it was taken in Minsk (in Belarus) in mid-1941, that it was taken by a photographer for a propaganda film and identifies the soldier as Soviet from his cap, and that the officers in the picture are the same officers who appear in the film with Himmler.


Jai Jawan Jai Kisan, an Indian slogan that means "hail the soldier, hail the farmer"

Larry Ferrari

It was there, while idly passing the time during leave by playing the organ, that he came to the notice of his Commanding Officer as a likely person to put on the "Soldier Parade" with Arlene Francis (later of What's My Line? fame).

Lawrence Romo

Immediately prior to being SSS director, he was the Soldier and Family Assistance Program Manager for the U.S. Army 5th Recruiting Brigade, responsible for the family programs of seven Recruiting Battalions in a multi-state area.

Mahendra Singh Pal

He is also President of the High Court Bar Association, Uttaranchal and a legal advisor to the Soldier Board in Haldwani.

Otto Kerner, Jr.

He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for merit and the Soldier's Medal for rescuing a drowning soldier off the coast of Sicily.

Petition of Fifty

c) Justify non-praiseworthy actions by the authorities to make plans to suspend the 1945 Constitution using the Seven Articles Armed Forced Oath and the Soldier's Oath as an excuse, despite the fact that it is not possible for these oaths to be above the 1945 Constitution;

Poul Reichhardt

Perhaps his best movie roles were as a resistance man (De røde Enge - “The Red Meadows", 1945), and as the soldier in Soldaten og Jenny, ("The Soldier and Jenny", 1947. His ability as a singer even made him opera roles (Papageno in The Magic Flute) and though normally considered a typical “man of the people” he also mastered the role as a man of the world.

Royal Air Force Nimrod XV230

The 12 RAF crew were all from No. 120 Squadron RAF, based at RAF Kinloss in Scotland and the soldier and marine on board were serving with the Special Reconnaissance Regiment.

S.P.Q.R.: 2,000 and a Half Years Ago

Here Caesar and Antony meet the soldier Spartacus who organizes a rebellion against Rome and the two friends join the prisoners.

Sicilian School

A sirventese is, in effect, eminently political: it usually refers to real battles and attacks real military or political enemies, the author often being the soldier or the knight involved in the strife, as in Guittone d'Arezzo's Rotta di Montaperti (Defeat of Montaperti), a bloody battle where Manfred of Sicily, Frederick's son, defeated the guelfs.

Sir Herbert Croft, 5th Baronet

This book, which passed through seven editions, narrates the passion of the soldier-turned-clergyman James Hackman for Martha Ray, mistress of the earl of Sandwich, who was shot by her lover as she was leaving Covent Garden in 1779 (see the Case and Memoirs of the late Rev. Mr James Hackman, 1779).

Soldier's Creed

Unlike the United States Uniformed Services Oath of Office or the Oath of Enlistment, the Soldier's Creed can be affirmed by both Army officers and soldiers.

Soldier's Medal

In World War II, Marty Allen, USAAF, was awarded the Soldier's Medal for bravery during a plane fire.

In 1998, three soldiers, Hugh Thompson, Jr., Lawrence Colburn and Glenn Andreotta were awarded the Soldier's Medal for their intervention in the My Lai Massacre (1968) which included threatening to fire on their own comrades if they didn't stop the killings.

In World War II, Otto Kerner, Jr., US Army, was awarded the Soldier's Medal for rescuing a drowning soldier off the coast of Sicily.

St Clement, Cornwall

There are two notable monuments: to Samuel Thomas (d. 1796), the work of John Bacon, 1799, has two allegorical figures; the other is to Rear-Admiral Robert Carthew Reynolds, from the studio of Micali, Livorno, and shows a young soldier and two women, the soldier points to a monument with a naval battle, above is the portrait medallion.

Tabs of the United States Army

These tabs are also considered badges and have metal equivalents that are worn on the soldier's chest if their uniform does not have a place for shoulder patches (e.g. Army Service Uniform).

The Return of the Soldier

Unlike Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway and Dorothy L. Sayers' The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club, other postwar novels which emphasize the lingering effects of war after despite attempts at reintegration, The Return of the Soldier lends a certain optimism that the soldier can reintegrate back into the society.

Theodore Hook

At the age of sixteen, in conjunction with his father, he scored a dramatic success with The Soldier's Return, a comic opera, and this he followed up with a series of popular ventures with John Liston and Charles Mathews, including Teleki.

Thomas Knollys

Knollys is said by Dugdale to have been descended from Sir Robert Knollys or Knolles (d 1407), the soldier, but, according to Sidney Lee in the Dictionary of National Biography, this is an error.

Track spikes

Whether the apostle here means stout, well-tanned leather, leather well prepared, by his "preparation of the gospel of peace" or shoes which had spikes in them, which, running into the ground, gave a steadfastness to the soldier who wore them, may come under remark hereafter.

Treaty of Vis

The signing of the agreement was pushed by Winston Churchill, who had his people watching over the negotiations, "on hand but hands off", as described in Eastern Approaches: Ralph Stevenson, ambassador to the government in exile, and Fitzroy Maclean, the soldier-ambassador liaison to Tito.

William Dowton

He played with great success Mr. Hardcastle in She stoops to conquer, Clod in Young Quaker, Rupert in Jealous Wife, Sir Anthony Absolute in The Rivals, Major Sturgeon in The Mayor of Garrett, Governor Heartall in The Soldier's Daughter, and Dr. Cantwell in The Hypocrite at the Lyceum on 23 Jan. 1810.

William Henry Page

By 1909 the VCH had negotiated support from the soldier, businessman and politician Frederick Smith of the W H Smith family, and Page was able to rehire the staff.

World War I in literature

Critical study of Wilfred Owen's oeuvre and his life: Wilfred Owen: The Man, the Soldier, the Poet (Kolkata: Books Way, 2013) by Pinaki Roy (ISBN 978-93-81672-59-4)