
unusual facts about The Solution

Robert Dahlqvist

Dahlqvist also recorded lead guitar for the song "Soulmover" for fellow band member Nick Royale and Scott Morgan's soul band The Solution on their second album Communicate!.

see also

Adomian decomposition method

By using Adomian's method and a symbolic processor (such as Mathematica or Maple) it is easy to obtain the third order approximant to the solution.

American election campaigns in the 19th century

Mark Hanna found the solution in 1896, as he systematically billed corporations for their share of the campaign.

Angular momentum coupling

Or two charged particles, each with a well-defined angular momentum, may interact by Coulomb forces, in which case coupling of the two one-particle angular momenta to a total angular momentum is a useful step in the solution of the two-particle Schrödinger equation.

Balancing domain decomposition method

The dual counterpart to BDD is FETI, which enforces the equality of the solution between the subdomain by Lagrange multipliers.

Brain and Creativity Institute

Headed by neuroscientists Antonio Damasio and Hanna Damasio, the Brain and Creativity Institute (BCI) is a research unit of the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences at the University of Southern California, which aims to "gather new knowledge about the human emotions, decision-making, memory, and communication, from a neurological perspective, and to apply this knowledge to the solution of problems in the biomedical and sociocultural arenas."

Bulk electrolysis

Even if the product can not be isolated, other analytical techniques can be performed on the solution including NMR, EPR, UV-Vis, FTIR, among others techniques depending on the specific situation.

Cavity method

The cavity method has played and is playing a major role in the solution of optimization problems like the K-satisfiability and the graph coloring in present days.

Conversion as a service

In pay-for-performance models, the success or failure of a solution is not based on whether providers successfully deploy software, but on whether or not the solution delivers desired measurable results.

Davidon–Fletcher–Powell formula

The Davidon–Fletcher–Powell formula (or DFP; named after William C. Davidon, Roger Fletcher, and Michael J. D. Powell) finds the solution to the secant equation that is closest to the current estimate and satisfies the curvature condition (see below).

Educational data mining

As another example, Intelligent tutoring systems record data every time a learner submits a solution to a problem; they may collect the time of the submission, whether or not the solution matches the expected solution, the amount of time that has passed since the last submission, the order in which solution components were entered into the interface, etc.

Eichmann in Jerusalem

Upon seeing members of "respectable society" endorsing mass murder, and enthusiastically participating in the planning of the solution, Eichmann felt that his moral responsibility was relaxed, as if he were "Pontius Pilate".

Ermakov–Lewis invariant

This allows an easy form to express the solution of the Schrödinger equation for the time dependent Hamiltonian.

Harold Grad

In statistical mechanics he had developed in his thesis new methods for the solution of the Boltzmann equation.

High-resolution scheme

Second or higher order spatial accuracy is obtained in smooth parts of the solution.

History of chromatography

The earliest use of chromatography—passing a mixture through an inert material to create separation of the solution components based on differential adsorption—is sometimes attributed to German chemist Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge, who in 1855 described the use of paper to analyze dyes.

Hydrogen atom

The solution of the Schrödinger equation (wave equations) for the hydrogen atom uses the fact that the Coulomb potential produced by the nucleus is isotropic (it is radially symmetric in space and only depends on the distance to the nucleus).

Ingo Niermann

The ninth volume in the Solution series will appear 2013: Love (edited by Ingo Niermann, contributions by Douglas Coupland, Eva Illouz, Ben Marcus, Beatriz Preciado, Etel Adnan, Momus, David Pearce, and others).

Initial value problem

Hiroshi Okamura obtained a necessary and sufficient condition for the solution of an initial value problem to be unique.

Jean-Henri Pape

Pape concentrated on defects in square and grand pianos caused by the structural gap between the sounding board and wrest plank allowing the hammers to strike the strings; the solution of placing actions above the strings had been imagined by Marius, then Hildebrand and finally Streicher in Vienna, but instead of levers and counterweights Pape's arrangement used a coil spring to raise the hammers quickly and with almost no effect on touch.

Kienle Resonator System

Ewald Kienle found the solution to the emittance problem by using the resonating bodies of the organ pipes for the sound emittance, while avoiding the usual complexities of airflow stimulation in the organ pipes.

Linear prediction

A faster algorithm is the Levinson recursion proposed by Norman Levinson in 1947, which recursively calculates the solution.

Low-dimensional topology

The solution by Smale, in 1961, of the Poincaré conjecture in higher dimensions made dimensions three and four seem the hardest; and indeed they required new methods, while the freedom of higher dimensions meant that questions could be reduced to computational methods available in surgery theory.

Merry Madagascar

After giving one to his friend, the dead co-pilot, whom Julien calls Amelia on the plane, Julien discovers that is indeed the solution.

Mikhail Kravchuk

His two-volume monograph on the solution of linear differential and integral equations by the method of moments was translated circa 1938-1942 by John Vincent Atanasoff who found this work useful in his computer-project (Atanasoff–Berry Computer).


Mudderella supports Futures Without Violence, a national nonprofit that aims to prevent and end domestic violence by standing with survivors and developing innovative programs and policies that engage new allies as partners in the solution.

N-body problem

Indeed in the late 19th century King Oscar II of Sweden, advised by Gösta Mittag-Leffler, established a prize for anyone who could find the solution to the problem.

Numerical partial differential equations

In dual methods, such as FETI, the continuity of the solution across the subdomain interface is enforced by Lagrange multipliers.

One-shot learning

The primary focus of this article will be on the solution to this problem presented by L. Fei-Fei, R. Fergus and P. Perona in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol28(4), 2006, which uses a generative object category model and variational Bayesian framework for representation and learning of visual object categories from a handful of training examples.


Once all of the solution word chains have been discovered, the remaining letters which are not circled or crossed out will form the solution to the "Scramble" clue, when those letters are unscrambled in the correct order.

Once all of the solution word chains have been discovered, the remaining available letters form the solution to the Scramble clue, when those letters are unscrambled in the correct order.

Pirate game

Ian Stewart wrote about Steve Omohundro's extension to an arbitrary number of pirates in the May 1999 edition of Scientific American and described the rather intricate pattern that emerges in the solution.

Public Prosecutor v. Taw Cheng Kong

Joseph Tussman and Jacobus tenBroek have proposed the doctrine of reasonable classification as the solution, whereby the legislation defines the class that includes all who are similarly situated for the purpose of the law and none who are not.

Sam Benady

In the first one, The Abandoned Brigantine, Sherlock Holmes reveals the solution to the mystery of the Mary Celeste, while in the second, The Gibraltar Letter, the detective solves the case of the abduction of the Duke of Connaught while he was posted to Gibraltar.

Saturable absorption

The solution can be expressed also through the related Lambert W function.

Schleswig-Holstein Question

Its potential solution (or lack thereof) also forms part of the solution to the mystery at the centre of Kim Newman's short story 'Tomorrow Town'.

Schröder's equation

The series expansion around a fixed point and the relevant convergence properties of the solution for the resulting orbit and its analyticity properties are cogently summarized by Szekeres.

Semi-supervised learning

A term is added to the standard Tikhonov regularization problem to enforce smoothness of the solution relative to the manifold (in the intrinsic space of the problem) as well as relative to the ambient input space.

Singular solution

A singular solution ys(x) of an ordinary differential equation is a solution that is singular or one for which the initial value problem (also called the Cauchy problem by some authors) fails to have a unique solution at some point on the solution.

Sisu K-50SS

The chassis is constructed in a similar manner as in locomotives; the solution was re-used in 1990s when the company produced Sisu Mammut and Bambino earthmovers for the Swedish mining company LKAB.

Solution F/Chretien Helicopter

The Solution F/Chretien Helicopter is a coaxial electric helicopter prototype designed and built by Pascal Chretien for the Solution F company in France.

Sophia N. Antonopoulou

The Critique of K. Marx’s Capital (Papazissis, Athens, 1989) (in Greek), where she exposed the critique of Luxemburg to Karl Marx’s Capital, Volume I, going further to show that the ‘solution’ that Luxemburg gave to the problem of the expanded reproduction of capital was in its turn problematic.


The solution to problems can be submitted in over 40 languages including C, C++, Java, Python, C#, Go, Haskell, OCaml, and F#, Ruby, Icon, Intercal, Pike.

Steiner point

The Fermat point of a triangle, the solution to the Steiner tree problem for the three vertices of the triangle

Steven Ciobo

He said turning Surfers Paradise into a world-class entertainment precinct to rival Las Vegas and Macau was the solution to save the Gold Coast from rising unemployment and economic doom.

The Scarab Murder Case

In this book, detective Philo Vance's murder investigation takes place in a private home that doubles as a museum of Egyptology, and the solution depends in part on Vance's extensive knowledge of Egyptian history and customs, which enable him to sort through suggestions of godly vengeance and reveal the misdirections perpetrated by the real murderer.

Thomas Harris MacDonald

Most people of the era saw railroads as the solution, but MacDonald went to Iowa State College of Agricultural and Mechanical Arts at Ames (transferring after a year at Iowa State Teachers College) to learn road building as a student of Anson Marston.

Thomas Wyatt Turner

In 1925, Turner founded the Federated Colored Catholics (FCC), an organization that he said was "composed of Catholic Negroes who placed their services at the disposal of the Church for whatever good they were able to effect in the solution of the problems facing the group in Church and country".

Wieferich's theorem

The solution to Waring's problem for cubes, that every integer is the sum of at most 9 cubes