
unusual facts about The Voyage

Santa Claus Park

Still owned and operated by the Koch family, it attracts more than one million visitors annually, and it is home to The Voyage, repeatedly voted the #1 wooden roller coaster in the world by coaster enthusiasts.

see also

705th Tank Destroyer Battalion

The battalion transferred to New York, and then boarded the liner Queen Elizabeth on 18 April for the voyage to the United Kingdom.

Anders Erikson Sparrman

After the voyage he returned to Cape Town in July 1775 and practiced medicine, earning enough to finance a journey into the interior.


The popular Spanish animated adaptation, Around the World with Willy Fog compromises on this detail by having Fog invite Aouda, here named Princess Romy, to change out of the dark-coloured funeral sari she was forced to wear for her sati and into a lighter-coloured one which she wears for remainder of the voyage.


In his relation of the voyage, he says to us that after "having left Cordoba, he returned by Girona, Narbonne and Béziers, a city famed for its relics of blessed Aphrodisius".


Tim Severin commissioned the recreation of a Bronze Age galley, and in 1984 retraced the voyage of Jason.

Babylon 5: The Shadow Within

The main plot deals with the voyage of the Icarus to Z'ha'dum and the fate of Anna Sheridan, wife of future Babylon 5 commander John Sheridan.

Balmis Expedition

They took seven years and the toils of the voyage brought death to Salvany (Cochabamba, 1810).

Berthold Carl Seemann

On the recommendation of Sir WJ Hooker, he was appointed naturalist on the voyage of exploration of the American west coast and Pacific by Henry Kellett on HMS Herald, 1847–1851, along with the naturalists Thomas Edmondston, and John Goodridge.

Black Powder War

Laurence, who has been out of touch for over a year, learns more details of Napoleon's crushing victory at the Battle of Austerlitz, which he had only received scant details of during the voyage to China.

Charles Nolte

He wrote the play Do Not Pass Go, which was produced off-Broadway, and wrote the librettos for two operas by Dominick Argento, The Voyage of Edgar Allan Poe and Valentino.

DeBusk Scarp

It was resighted by the Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition (RARE), 1947–48, under Finn Ronne, who named it after Clarence DeBusk, executive secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, Beaumont, Texas, who was of assistance to the RARE in the preparation for the voyage south.

Dionigi da Palacenza Carli

One of his companions was Padre Michele Angelo Guattini da Rhegio, who wrote an account of the voyage of the missionaries from Genoa to Lisbon and thence to Brazil, Loanda, and the Congo, that being the route the missionaries had to take to get to their destination.

Emil Bessels

He took part in another expedition to the northwest coast of America on the USS Saranac, but the voyage had to be interrupted after the ship was wrecked in Seymour Narrows, British Columbia.

Fais Island

The original account of this story is included in the report that the Augustinian Fray Jerónimo de Santisteban, travelling with the Villalobos' expedition, wrote for the Viceroy of New Spain, while in Kochi during the voyage home.

Florent Prévost

He worked on the birds from the voyage of La Venus with Marc Athanese Parfait Oeillet Des Murs, and on the birds and mammals brought back from the French expedition to Abyssinia between 1839 to 1843.

General Lyon

On March 17, 1865, two days into the voyage, the ship hit rough weather off Cape Hatteras and a fire broke out in the engine room, quickly spreading through the ship.

Geoffrey de Freitas

Two years at Yale followed, with a Mellon Fellowship in international law, and in 1936 on the voyage home he met his future wife, Helen Graham Bell, a Bryn Mawr graduate and daughter of Laird Bell, a prominent Chicago lawyer and Democrat.

George William Rusden

George William Rusden travelled with his family to Australia and befriended Charles Nicholson on the voyage.

Gronchi Rosa

It was part of a 1961 issue for the voyage of president Giovanni Gronchi to three South American countries.

Groote Beer

The voyage was cancelled and the ship went to Piraeus, where she was laid up and finally scrapped in June 1970 at Eleusis, Greece.


During the first part of the voyage to Tunis, Prof. Dr. F.A. Vening Meinesz was on board in order to conduct gravity measurements.

Hong Kong Fir Shipping Co Ltd v Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd

On the voyage from Liverpool to Osaka, the engines suffered several breakdowns, and was off-hire for a total of five weeks, undergoing repairs.

Ian Holbourn

During the voyage, Holbourn befriended 12-year-old Avis Dolphin, who was being escorted to school and family in England by two nurses, Hilda Ellis and Sarah Smith.

Jarle Andhøy

He sailed primarily single-handed from his home town of Larvik to the Antarctic Peninsula, although during some legs of the voyage he was accompanied by crews that he picked up along the way.

Kariba Ferries

Catering is provided onboard, three meals are served through the course of the voyage along with morning and afternoon tea with access to a cash bar onboard.

Louis François Auguste Souleyet

After the death of Joseph Fortuné Théodore Eydoux (1802–1841), Souleyet completed the zoological section of the voyage's official report in 1852.

Máel Dúin

Irish writer Patricia Aakhus wrote a novel recounting the story in 1990, entitled, The Voyage of Mael Duin's Curragh.

Neil Bartram

With book writer Brian Hill, Neil is currently developing Not Wanted On The Voyage (which is being workshopped as part of Northwestern University’s AMTP project under the direction of Amanda Dehnert) and Clara’s Piano (workshopped in July 2008 by the Stratford Shakespeare Festival with director and conceiver Susan H. Schulman).

Nicholas Chevalier

In 1869 he joined the H.M.S. Galatea as an artist with the Duke of Edinburgh, on the voyage to the East and back to London with stops in Tahiti, Hawaii, Japan, China, Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and India.

Nicolas-Marie Gatteaux

A student of Delorme and Gros, he designed a large number of medals, largely referring to public events, such as the death of Louis XV, the coronation of Louis XVI, the birth of the Dauphin, the invention of the hot air balloon by the Montgolfier brothers, the voyage of Lapeyrouse, the Federation of the Départements of France, the Abolition of Privileges, and Moreau's crossing of the Rhine in year VIII.

On the natural order of plants called Proteaceae

Brown had been botanist during Matthew Flinders' circumnavigation of Australia, and since returning in England in 1805 he had been preparing descriptions of the specimens collected during the voyage.

Queen's Gardens, Hull

On the north side of the Gardens a plaque commemorates Robinson Crusoe, the famous fictional character who sailed from Hull in 1651 on the voyage that ended with him castaway on a desert island for over 28 years.

Rufus Choate

In July 1859 failing health led him to seek rest in a trip to Europe, but he died on July 13, 1859 at Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he had been put ashore when it was seen that he probably could not last the voyage across the Atlantic.

Russian colonization of the Americas

Count Nikolay Rumyantsev funded Russia's first naval circumnavigation under the joint command of Adam Johann von Krusenstern and Nikolai Rezanov in 1803–1806, and was instrumental in the outfitting of the voyage of the Riurik's circumnavigation of 1814–1816, which provided substantial scientific information on Alaska's and California's flora and fauna, and important ethnographic information on Alaskan and Californian (among others) natives.

Second voyage of James Cook

On his return to England Forster claimed that he had been granted exclusive publication rights to the history of the voyage by Lord Sandwich: a claim that Sandwich vehemently denied.

SS Heraklion

Halfway through the voyage, while sailing south of the small rocky island of Falkonera, the aforementioned refrigerator truck which was carrying oranges and was either left unsecured or was loosely strapped started banging on the midship loading door which eventually gave in and opened with the result that the truck plummeted into the sea where it was found floating the next morning.

St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School

In 1997, to celebrate the 500th anniversary of John Cabot's discovery of mainland America, SMRT students were invited to follow the progress of a replica of Cabot's ship, which the BBC filmed as it recreated the voyage of the Matthew from the area in which it was built.

Synaphea spinulosa

Prior to this, the only known visit by Europeans to an area where S. spinulosa occurs was the voyage of Dutch mariner Willem de Vlamingh, who explored Rottnest Island and the Swan River in December 1696 and January 1697 respectively.

The Log of the Ark

Like many later fictionalisations of the Noah story, from Gary Larson to Julian Barnes, it introduces mythical beasts such as the unicorn into the Ark's passenger list, a device with obvious dramatic potential: we assume that such creatures are unlikely to survive the voyage.

The View from Castle Rock

Robert and William had moved to the Highlands before the move, while the others followed in the voyage.

The Voyage Out

In 1981, Louise DeSalvo published an alternate version of The Voyage Out featuring its original title, Melymbrosia.


Carl Hertz sailed from England on 28 March 1896 aboard the Royal Mail Steamer RMS Norman and during the voyage exhibited Paul's Theatrograph to the passengers.

Thomas Marmaduke

On speaking with the English admiral, Benjamin Joseph, on his intentions of sailing around Point Lookout (Sørkapp) for further exploration, he was told "that he had hindered the voyage more by his absence than his discoveries would profit" and was ordered to return to the Foreland.

USS Maine

She participated in the voyage of the Great White Fleet, and was decommissioned in 1920 to be sold for scrap in 1923.

Wilfred Josephs

His work for film includes My Side of the Mountain, Cider with Rosie, Swallows and Amazons and All Creatures Great and Small and The Voyage of Charles Darwin.

William Sayle

On the voyage to the Bahamas, a Captain Butler, one of the settlers from England, rebelled against the Articles and caused such trouble in the new settlement that William Sayle left the original settlement in north Eleuthera for the nearby island of St. George's Cay, now known as Spanish Wells.

Winfield Scott Schley

On 22 June, near Cape Sabine in Grinnell Land, Schley rescued Greely and six (of his twenty-four) companions, after passing through 1400 miles of ice during the voyage.

Xavier de Maistre

Voyage Autour de ma Chambre is mentioned in D. H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers: "...She wanted to learn, thinking that if she could read, as Paul said he could read, 'Colomba', or the 'Voyage autour de ma Chambre', the world would have a different face for her and a deepened respect." (Part 2, Chapter 7)