
2 unusual facts about Thermonuclear weapon

Castle Koon

The Koon shot of Operation Castle was a test of a University of California Radiation Laboratory designed thermonuclear device.

Mission to Venice

Somewhere in the Adriatic, a missing H-Bomb triggers a game of global blackmail that Killmaster alone must win.

UK Polaris programme

"Polaris" itself was an operational system of four Resolution-class submarines, each armed with 16 UGM-27 Polaris A-3 ballistic missiles, with each missile able to deliver three ET.317 thermonuclear warheads around a single target.

see also


B41 nuclear bomb, a thermonuclear weapon deployed by the United States in the early 1960s


Since the Reggie secondary manufactured in the UK from British-owned materials was a copy of the US W-59, by implication, the W-59 thermonuclear weapon deployed in some Minuteman I ICBMs also used the fission-fusion-fission process.

Violet Club

In 1953, shortly after the Americans tested a thermonuclear weapon in 1952, followed by the Soviets with Joe 4, and before the UK government took a decision in July 1954 to develop a thermonuclear weapon, the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment at Aldermaston was asked about the possibilities for a very large pure fission bomb with a yield of one megaton.